Monday, April 12, 2010

successful in everything

had my THIRD interview just now, and is like DAMN difficult to find the kitchen demo room one na, i'vw been searching for the place for like 30min++ nor, and stupid is, i had been walk pass the place for abt 3 or more than that na.. WTF nor.. and office person also dunno how to give direction one na, dunno wad, walk to block 3 and blah blah blah de na, UGHHh.. and seriously clementi ite is damn fucking hot de na, abt  the interview i don't think i can get into the course oso nor, for no reason na.. plus during the time when waiting for my turn for interview, i feel like walking away from there na.. but i thought of it again, is like study is MUCH MORE better than everything and anything nor.. hias, UGHHh, now schooLESS and jobLESS too.. don't feel like schooling and hunting or job na, just want to rot and slack at home, or even better that die at home, like tat no STRESS man.. great idea right.. btw there are two interview me na, one of the ladies is like DAMN fucking man de na, serioulsy like so ONE WORD "MAN" na.. seriously WTF nor.. after my interview, i keep complain to ah fu tat the person like MAN MAN MAN MAN one na.. but not bad na, straight away the interview, a students came out of the kitchen and ask how was it going na, than also wish me all the best too.. HOPE SO..and it also great to get into the course na, got alot of our JVSian in there nor, where ever i walk till where, there is always some one to say HI to one.. but sad thing is, in the course i'm ALONE.. UGHHHH.. hate that feeling.. 
so after that me and ah fu when to eat sushi.. YEA, but i didn't get a chance to eat my favourite salmon, as it's not the usual price na.. but i had their kid's meal.. NOT THAT bad na.. but wold nv ever try the kid's meal PLUS PLUS PLUS today i can't SHIT anything out, as usually after meal i would always SHIT one na,... but today wired nor.. gosh..

after that went to batok to CUT my beloved DEAD hair.. but actually the length not that bad na.. for me still acceptable, but just NOT really get use to it na.. but as wad ah FU say, NO regret.. lol.. plus now i was thinking that shall i go reborn my hair.. ughh, but TOO straight i also don't like na, OK I KNOW I VERY MA FAN na.. but for everything must be perfect de what.. and i felt so shan ba and ETC na.. UGHhhh.. shall i go reborn or just do the front part can already, or just like it NATURAL curl..
what so ever na.. OK, bed time liao.. SLEEPING, nitex beloved blogg xD

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