Monday, April 12, 2010


UGHHh, i cant sleep and DAMN hungry now, thanks to ah fu.. as she mention " i'm hungry".. and after this post i'm sleeping already, if not later i can't wake up.. meeting ah fu, she company me for my ITE THIRD interview na.. hais, it already the third interview liao, if this time round it;s unsuccessful again.. than i got to KEEP working already, HAIS.. i WANT TO study na.. most of my babes are starting their ITE journey later le nor.. sianx.. hope later interview is successful ba.. BEST WISHES for me.. xD

PS : and NOW, my brain is all filled with NOT only food, but those two HOT guys.. UGHHh, OMG, i'm going to be MAD so, i guess.. LOVES to  阮經天 鳳小岳.. lots of LOVES.. LOL,
NIGHT world and sweet dream blogg xD

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