Sunday, April 11, 2010

HOT man alive

Ytd we have our last OUTING, before all of my fellow babes, "hunk" and friends school reopen tmr on 12april MONDAY..  UGHHh i want to go SCH, i WANT TO STUDY na..
BACK, we went out tgt and have dinner at marina,we had steamboat at the dunno which Japanese stall na, can't RMB, and the SOUP BASE is like OMG, 甜到 i can't really describe it, PLUS the green tea is like those kuo kuo de, which i DON'T really like that type one.. so ONE soup is TIAN than drinks is KUO KUO one, so just nice la right.. LOL..
and THAT NICHOLAS WONG, keep blaming me for that UDON,  cus he say that UDON  i put inside the soup, had cause the SOUP turn into dunno wad na.. ahiya, zhong zhi he ytd alot of complain na..  so after that we went back to JP to watch MONGA 艋舺..
and know what, 艋舺 aka monga that movie is so WOOOHOOo, dun really know how to describe.. as wad yt said gangsta de show nor, BUT i JUST LOVE IT NA, PLUS PLUS PLUS 阮經天 is so SO SO cute, HOT and handsome na.. OMG, i think i'm going to fall in love and get crazy over him already, PLUS one more guy name 鳳小岳 / Rhydian Vaughan  in that movie is oso freaking cute, handsome and HOT na.. OMG, *faint* already.. just love them, two SIMPLE HOT guys, WOOO.. 阮經天 in that show is called 和尚 and 鳳小岳 is called 李志龙
HERE  one of the link, which you can check their character in the movie one, more info of them na.. ..
and i also heard that in the movie xiao tian act as 和尚 what, than ppl say that in that movie he's like gay na, cus of a scene that 和尚 help 李志龙 to rub his back marh, plus also 和尚said "我做的一切都是為了你" to 李志龙.. than people said that he also act as "gay" in that movie nor.. i DUNNO Na, CONFUSE.. BUT AWWWW they are way too handsome liao, UGHhh, deeply in love with both of them na   ♥   阮經天 鳳小岳 

和尚/阮經天 李志龙/鳳小岳 
I LOVE THEM in suit too..  
AND here are some quote from the movie MONGA / 艋舺 : 




意義是三小 我只知道義氣 


我混的不是黑道 我混的是友情是意氣 



simply just love those word they say

ONE more link abt monga

and you can also find link abt monga 艋舺 from my blog that LINKS area..

one more i found this PIC quite interesting, OMG, my 阮經天 and 趙又廷 na...
 they are in a TV show na,
phew xD 

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