Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Secrets of Happy Couples

They Don't Keep Secrets

Why hide important things from the person you love? Happy couples know that keeping secrets will only hurt their partner, and their relationship, in the end.

They're Silly

The more comfortable you are with one another, the more willing you'll be to open up and show your silly side. Happy couples know that it's important to keep the silliness alive, even after years of dating or marriage. Bonding through laughter will help you get through the not-so-fun times too.

They Do Chores Together

Think about it- if one person spends Saturday morning vacuuming and washing the car, while the other person lounges in front of the TV, you're not exactly creating an equal partnership. Completing chores together will help both of you feel accomplished, and you'll get things done twice as fast.

They're Affectionate

Happy couples show their love through their actions. Holding hands, hugs, kisses- they're all equally important! Most importantly is proving and showing them how you love them.

They're Appreciative

Over time, you'll begin to get comfortable in your relationship, and that's a good thing. Sweatpants and TV might replace formal nights out. This is perfectly normal, but you have to remember not to take each other for granted. Happy couples do their best to remember why they fell in love in the first place, and remain appreciative of each other.

They Communicate

Communication is the key to a happy relationship. Getting your feelings out in the open will allow you to feel closer to your partner, and won't leave you feeling resentful.

They Say 'I Love You' Often

Those three little words can mean so much. Happy couples tell each other how they feel as often as they can.

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