Wednesday, May 09, 2012


Today was another emotional day for me, for don't even know what reason again.. well part of it was keep thinking and think of beebee <3 and don't even know why he was so pissed ytd, there are just so much question and thought gg through my mind.. hais.. I'm a very emotional person if you don't know about it.. Well i know tears are precious enf, but just not mine, i can cry and cry and cry by just thinking abt stuff and thinking about you, yes you, well i guess he's just way too busy even on weekends, which weekdays can't blame..
My blog will just be too much nonsense for bee or what le ba, but well this is just me with too much emotional inside me and care and love WAY TOO MUCH than i should have be, just WAY TOO MUCH till it hurts like fuck, well i need to stop now, if not my tears wont stop flowing. i know it's like 6.09am in the morning which i haven sleep yet (as usual) as there are just way too much gg through my mind nowadays and way too much question to know and ask, but well people told me to forget those question i wanted to know, but well that's just not me, BE TRUE TO WHO I'M, and i'm that kind of person who have question and i wanted to know one, but well question i just don't even know how to ask or etc. hais this part of me sucks and i hate it alot.. FML.. :( HAIS brain Y CAN'T YOU JUST STOP THINKING FOR ONE DAY , hais, i don't even know what i'm doing and thinking some of them.. And honestly most of the time i can say i'm just thinking about you and all those question i had which i don't even know how to start and just always wondering how people thought of me and most importantly what you think and feel about me honestly and SERIOUSLY !!!! Hais.. got to stop, if not tears will just keep flow and flow and drop it all.. Tired and can't sleep like all the time, thanks to all those thoughts i had.. :(

"It's not right But it's okay I'm gonna make it anyway" -  It's Not Right But It's Okay = Glee

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