Friday, October 21, 2011

not much words but PICTURE :) XO

Well, it have been sometime since i last post the latest picture of my life and etc already, well you
should know i had get rid of that bush hair MONTHS ago, with that str
aight hair and bangs, but now after months, the bush is coming back into my life again, then the bangs is NOT the straight anymore.. :( well here are some of those pic of that straight bangs and latest photo too.. Enjoy :) And this more about clubbing photo.. :) Weeeee Party !!! lol :) actually this blog should be named clubbiing photo from old to new right.., hmmm whatever then.. lol.. :) Weeeeee Boom boom shake shake now drop.. :)

The first bangs with this caucasian.. :)

That's the night when B.O.B went to zirca.. Weeee :)

WELL here's some NON clubbing pic when bangs, weee, not bush hair, but slowly it turn out to be already.. how sad can i still be.. :( But well 

Next up, shall post some of my own camwhore picture.. hehehe ;)
Bangs to side.. Weeeeee

TaDa the first bangs camwhore picture i toll.. Damn straight de bangs right.. hehehhe ;)

Oh i somehow love this.. hehehe straight bangs straight shot.. :)

I'm obsessed with mustaches.. :)
 Keep calm and grow a mustaches.
I do love my collar bone.. :)

OH, just saying that i LOVE my jawline.. 

Alright that's all, more view it at Facebook.. Weeee..  Oh ya, I need MORE TANNING SESSION SOON, my tan line is going away already.. DAMNNNNN.... 
oh ya one more thing, THIS IS a must post, well my 19th birthday i spent it crying my eyes out, but thanks too my LONG TIME LOVING girls they surprise me when they special make a vist to my house and celebrate with me.. and HONESTLY, YES i spent my birthday CRYING MY EYES out !!!! cried till no tml seriously !!!!.. but thanks to my girls and guys they really cheer me up, that's what friends is important.. Love them forever and always.. :) xoxo if they didnt surprise me with that birthday surprise visit, i sure will still be continue crying my eyes out till goldfish like that lor.. I LOVE THEM, enough say.. for some they can't make it to that visit, i LOVE THEM to, as long as they have the heart that;s it.. xoxo
Well over all, family still the best and awesome-ness level is full bar.. !!!! 

celebrate with family, well can somehow see my red nose or tears ba..

Celebrate with beloved friends.. This can also see my tears somehow..
Well, i LOVE my friends, who are there for me.. enough say.. XOXO

"But someday I'll be living in a big old city, And all you're ever gonna be is mean, yeah" = Mean - Taylor Swift

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