Friday, January 14, 2011

it all about phone

Ba trying to blog through phone, wondering how it work's.. And since I got this new phone I've been keep using it NON STOP na.. Omg last time I always stuck on computer, now all stuck on using phone already.. Hmmm alright that it for this post, just wanna see how it work's only.. Hahax..
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5

HELP me LIKE my video.. XOXO

Hey, Know what i FINALLY got the courage to record a video of myself singing Taylor Swift and ENTER the "Be Like Taylor Swift" Contest !!! I participate in the CONTEST you know.. OMG can, FINALLY got that courage and BRAVE enough to post to the contest na..
Reason, SIMPLE.. All i Want is to MEET Taylor Swift that it.. I seriously want to meet her in person can.. All the ticket is already sold out, when i go to sistic and check na.. DAMN FAST SOLD OUT ONE CAN !!!!!
Alright, enough of saying already.. ALL I WANT IS TO MEET TAYLOR SWIFT IN PERSON, SO PLEASE HELP ME OUT, BY just clicking this link
and Click on the LIKE button, Remember CLICK on the LIKE BUTTON, and that's it.. By just clicking the LIKE button, you've already HELP me VERY BIG already.. so THANKS to all who click the LIKE button than, i REALLY, seriously appreciate it ALOT, and seriously it does MEAN A LOT to me too.. so PLEASE CLIKC On the LINK And Click on the LIKE BUTTON..

And Btw i know i sang till abit err hmm, so i try not to be nervous and did my best already, First time recording myself and got the courage to post it online and on "Be Like Taylor Swift" Contest.. i'm Brave enough right, i know i'll get laugh by people or what so ever, but i dont wanna care, all i want is to meet TAYLOR SWIFT, that's all.. So PLEASE be kind and HELP me by clicking the LIKE button on this LINK

POSTED it on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr one..
(HELLO , i just need you all to LIKE a video for me

Click this Link
And LIKE the video, that's easy right..
*PS : you don't have to watch the video too, if watched PLEASE DON'T LAUGH, i know it's abit -_-'' .. SO PLEASE HELP ME LIKE THE VIDEO k ..
HOPE i can be one of the winner to meet TAYLOR SWIFT in person on the 9thFeb ..
Please HELP me SPREAD AROUND to your friends too alright..
(because i really DO want to meet her in person)
BIG THANKS to you guys .. XOXO :D)

CLICK on this LINK
And Click the LIKE button below the video ok.. It's that EASY !!!!!

CLICK on this LINK And Click the LIKE button below the video ok.. It's that EASY !!!!!

CLICK on this LINK And Click the LIKE button below the video ok.. It's that EASY !!!!!

CLICK on this LINK And Click the LIKE button below the video ok.. It's that EASY !!!!!

CLICK on this LINK And Click the LIKE button below the video ok.. It's that EASY !!!!!

CLICK on this LINK And Click the LIKE button below the video ok.. It's that EASY !!!!!

"So this is me swallowing my pride, Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night , And I'd go back to December all the time" - Back To December = Taylor Swift


Finally BURLESQUE is showing in SINGAPORE

I've like waited for MONTHS, since it had release in US last year around November.. and NOW it's FINALLY showing in EVERY Theater in SINGAPORE.. WOOO, so you should know, I'm one of the CHRISTINA AGUILERA Fans, so without saying, at first time, immediately go watch the movie TODAY, when it's the FIRST day of it's release..

Even my sis say the MOVIE is damn AWESOME can.. WOO
5 Star out of 5 Stars.. FULL MARK for this movie Burlesque !!!!!!!!!!..
Seriously It's a MOVIE that all you MUST WATCH..
CONFIRM they will IMPRESS you A LOT one.. YES A LOT !!!!

But I'm A Good Girl

Love this Part

Damn, fucking HOT guy
Cam Cigandet as Jack

All the ladies acting in BURLESQUE is damn fucking SEXY can..

Kristen Bell as Nikki

Julianne Hough as Georgia

Christina Aguilera as Ali..

some other day, i also want to be like her, Up there at the stage to SHOW off some SEXY MOVES and SINGGGGG.. :D

"It’s a passion, and emotion, it’s a fashion, Burlesque" - Express = Christina Aguilera

Sunday, January 09, 2011


Birthday Nina Dobrev Is trending :D
The Vampire Diaries as Katherine and Elena :D <3>

Monday, January 03, 2011

It's the Gossip

Back here to complain that my first ITE appeal is fucking UNSUCCESSFUL.. FUCK right.. when i first saw the result, i was totally stunned can, at first i thought my chance of getting into the Service skill (retail) in CCK ITE will be very high, but end up the result is UNSUCCESSFUL.. when i saw the result appearing unsuccessful, i was totally URGHHH na, I even cried you know, seriously it was a really BIG DISAPPOINTMENT nor.. hais, so i re-appeal AGAIN, and i'm required to check whether if I'm shortlisted for interview on their website on the 5/1/11.. HOPEFULLY i get to go for the interview AGAIN, don't care if it at CCK or BISHAN, i just wanna the interview and GET selected and GO to A SCHOOL that all i want, is it so hard for them to please me.. EVERYONE is taking about HOW THEY HATE when school re-open.. yes i mean EVERYONE ONE, In twitter, facebook and even my favorite place tumblr too.. EVERYONE is going back to school to study, but just not me.. WHY is this ALWAYS happening to me, i've already wasted ONE FUCKING FULL YEAR doing nothing, *but of-course got work awhile, not completing nothing* but what i want is to go to a school.. I WANT TO STUDY SO BADLY can.. hais.. Hopefully the result on 5/1/11 will be what i wanted and the FINAL result will be on the 11/1/11.. PRAYING damn hard nowadays.. PLEASE let me into the course and a school, PLEASE i beg them..
Alright shall not talk about it anymore.. TWO more days till 5/1, PRAYING for the best, that all i can do.. hais..
anyway nowadays, i watching Gossip Girl.. OMG, it's just so damn awesome can.. I know i'm abit slow, or i can say DAMN freaking slow, cus Gossip Girl already had season 4, but now i'm still at the Beginning Season 1 only.. hahax, i use to think that the show is boring, but I'm DAMN WRONG, the show Gossip Girl is just so NICE.. I'm addicted to it already.. I've LOTS of show waiting for me na, currently waiting for those show to be shown (The Vampires Daries, Glee, Nikita).. And now one more show to be added to the list which is GOSSIP GIRL.. LOVE it to MAX... Anyway hellcats too, but i don't really find it that INTERESTING as the other show i had mention na.. :D So currently I'M ADDICTED to the show GOSSIP GIRL, love the start when it say XOXO GOSSIP GIRL.. :D the role are also damn PRETTY and HANDSOME de na.. OMG, some part you will get really turn on just by watching them can.. hahahx..
here some of those SEXY role picture.. :D
XOXO - Leighton Meester, Taylor Momsen, Jessica Szohr, Penn Badgley, Chace Crawford, Ed Westwick :D

Shall i go watch one more Episode now, but later working at 4.30pm *replacing PF* *At the shop where my bear bear work na* Damn scared that i will not wake up later na, BUT HOPEFULLY i WILL ba.. SET ALARM *but sometime i set alarm also DAMN NO USE de na* hahhax.. gonna ask my bro to wake me up also.. Hopefully i will be awake latest by 2pm ba.. if not 2.30pm.. Alright, shall go tweet, FB and tumblr awhile than OFF to bed already.. Erm maybe one last show of GOSSIP GIRL also hahax.. alright, bye people.. :D

I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me, Papa-Paparazzi" - Paparazzi = Lady GaGa

Sunday, January 02, 2011

First 2011 Post

BAH, the bitch had return for some complain.. Any reader miss me.. NAH, guess NO ONE..
Anyway this my first 2011 post.. WOOO, It's 2011 already bitches.. Everything shall have a new starts.. had been clearing my memory, so now everything is a TOTALLY NEW START for me.. but use to be a bitch but now still, that the only thing that will never change that all.. BUT there are LOTS more of me, that have change.. Guess you guys will NEVER EVER know.. Bahahahx.. :D
Went Countdown ytd and was not really a blast.. cus we WENT HOME TOO EARLY already, and nothing much to do after countdown.. Well KENN LEE was seriously a VERY BAD planner na.. OPPS saying bad thing about him, hopefully he wont click onto my link and see my blog post ba.. HE ONLY STALK those HOT BABE and those babes he is interested with na, not me this bitch.. Alright, so when shouting 5 4 3 2 1 was fun, and they did but the SPRAY thinngy so when everyone is shouting HAPPY NEW YEAR, HAPPY 2011 or what ever.. than SPARYYYYYYYYYYYYY.. hahahx.. went to his house for steamboat before counting down na.. at boon lay area, i know very -_-''', as NO ONE wann spent money and go to either SENTOSA or marina bay to countdown.. I'm so sure that 31st December 2011, i'm so going to sentosa or Marina Bay for countdown man.. Had a deal with Zc also liao, we are so not going to stay at west area to welcome 2012 man.. Anyway still long ahead to go to 2012 countdown na.. now it's just the beginning of 2011 ONLY man.. nothing to complain and blog about liao, so here's so picture..
HAPPY NEW YEAR readers, IT'S 2011 WOOO.. NEW START new beginning yeah.. :D
*Anyway i love saying HAPPY NEW YEAR BITCHES or IT'S 2011 BITCHES, i don't know why, just love including the word bitches behind na* Hmmm pretty weird huh, LOL..
Alright no more nonsense from me, picture time.. :D

Group Photo, anyway we had 4 group photo, kenn ask that person to SPAM, so she does..
here we go
1st, the super NORMAL one.. :D

2nd, when kenn told the person to spam and the guys starting to SPRAY already.. :D

3rd, spray till HALF way !!! than *SNAP*

4th (LAST), final SNAP after spraying.. :D
I'm right, some of the group photo are damn EPIC de can.. hahahx.. LOL :D

So after that we walk and walk and walk and ETC na.. than they say wanna hang out at playground marh, so we WALK to the playgroud but there's KIDS so, they stop half way and dunno say what already na.. so i get bored, so now it's my turn to SNAP SNAP SNAP.. :D

More at my FB, album name *You're a FIREWORK 2011* ( named after Katy Perry song FIREWORK, *cus baby you're FIREWORK.....* :D ) Quite alot of kinda unglam de pic so :D
And Nic got his FIRST 2011 GIFT from Sam, while NIC is chasing Sam, he injured his foot, DAMN jialat till he cant walk properly.. that day was seriously WOO na.. and ALOT of BANGALA too.. DONT LIKE !!!..
HAPPY 2011 people.. *bitches and bastard*.. :D

"Cause baby you're a firework, Come on show 'em what your worth, Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!", As you shoot across the sky-y-y" - Firework = Katy Perry