Friday, January 14, 2011

HELP me LIKE my video.. XOXO

Hey, Know what i FINALLY got the courage to record a video of myself singing Taylor Swift and ENTER the "Be Like Taylor Swift" Contest !!! I participate in the CONTEST you know.. OMG can, FINALLY got that courage and BRAVE enough to post to the contest na..
Reason, SIMPLE.. All i Want is to MEET Taylor Swift that it.. I seriously want to meet her in person can.. All the ticket is already sold out, when i go to sistic and check na.. DAMN FAST SOLD OUT ONE CAN !!!!!
Alright, enough of saying already.. ALL I WANT IS TO MEET TAYLOR SWIFT IN PERSON, SO PLEASE HELP ME OUT, BY just clicking this link
and Click on the LIKE button, Remember CLICK on the LIKE BUTTON, and that's it.. By just clicking the LIKE button, you've already HELP me VERY BIG already.. so THANKS to all who click the LIKE button than, i REALLY, seriously appreciate it ALOT, and seriously it does MEAN A LOT to me too.. so PLEASE CLIKC On the LINK And Click on the LIKE BUTTON..

And Btw i know i sang till abit err hmm, so i try not to be nervous and did my best already, First time recording myself and got the courage to post it online and on "Be Like Taylor Swift" Contest.. i'm Brave enough right, i know i'll get laugh by people or what so ever, but i dont wanna care, all i want is to meet TAYLOR SWIFT, that's all.. So PLEASE be kind and HELP me by clicking the LIKE button on this LINK

POSTED it on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr one..
(HELLO , i just need you all to LIKE a video for me

Click this Link
And LIKE the video, that's easy right..
*PS : you don't have to watch the video too, if watched PLEASE DON'T LAUGH, i know it's abit -_-'' .. SO PLEASE HELP ME LIKE THE VIDEO k ..
HOPE i can be one of the winner to meet TAYLOR SWIFT in person on the 9thFeb ..
Please HELP me SPREAD AROUND to your friends too alright..
(because i really DO want to meet her in person)
BIG THANKS to you guys .. XOXO :D)

CLICK on this LINK
And Click the LIKE button below the video ok.. It's that EASY !!!!!

CLICK on this LINK And Click the LIKE button below the video ok.. It's that EASY !!!!!

CLICK on this LINK And Click the LIKE button below the video ok.. It's that EASY !!!!!

CLICK on this LINK And Click the LIKE button below the video ok.. It's that EASY !!!!!

CLICK on this LINK And Click the LIKE button below the video ok.. It's that EASY !!!!!

CLICK on this LINK And Click the LIKE button below the video ok.. It's that EASY !!!!!

"So this is me swallowing my pride, Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night , And I'd go back to December all the time" - Back To December = Taylor Swift

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