Sunday, January 02, 2011

First 2011 Post

BAH, the bitch had return for some complain.. Any reader miss me.. NAH, guess NO ONE..
Anyway this my first 2011 post.. WOOO, It's 2011 already bitches.. Everything shall have a new starts.. had been clearing my memory, so now everything is a TOTALLY NEW START for me.. but use to be a bitch but now still, that the only thing that will never change that all.. BUT there are LOTS more of me, that have change.. Guess you guys will NEVER EVER know.. Bahahahx.. :D
Went Countdown ytd and was not really a blast.. cus we WENT HOME TOO EARLY already, and nothing much to do after countdown.. Well KENN LEE was seriously a VERY BAD planner na.. OPPS saying bad thing about him, hopefully he wont click onto my link and see my blog post ba.. HE ONLY STALK those HOT BABE and those babes he is interested with na, not me this bitch.. Alright, so when shouting 5 4 3 2 1 was fun, and they did but the SPRAY thinngy so when everyone is shouting HAPPY NEW YEAR, HAPPY 2011 or what ever.. than SPARYYYYYYYYYYYYY.. hahahx.. went to his house for steamboat before counting down na.. at boon lay area, i know very -_-''', as NO ONE wann spent money and go to either SENTOSA or marina bay to countdown.. I'm so sure that 31st December 2011, i'm so going to sentosa or Marina Bay for countdown man.. Had a deal with Zc also liao, we are so not going to stay at west area to welcome 2012 man.. Anyway still long ahead to go to 2012 countdown na.. now it's just the beginning of 2011 ONLY man.. nothing to complain and blog about liao, so here's so picture..
HAPPY NEW YEAR readers, IT'S 2011 WOOO.. NEW START new beginning yeah.. :D
*Anyway i love saying HAPPY NEW YEAR BITCHES or IT'S 2011 BITCHES, i don't know why, just love including the word bitches behind na* Hmmm pretty weird huh, LOL..
Alright no more nonsense from me, picture time.. :D

Group Photo, anyway we had 4 group photo, kenn ask that person to SPAM, so she does..
here we go
1st, the super NORMAL one.. :D

2nd, when kenn told the person to spam and the guys starting to SPRAY already.. :D

3rd, spray till HALF way !!! than *SNAP*

4th (LAST), final SNAP after spraying.. :D
I'm right, some of the group photo are damn EPIC de can.. hahahx.. LOL :D

So after that we walk and walk and walk and ETC na.. than they say wanna hang out at playground marh, so we WALK to the playgroud but there's KIDS so, they stop half way and dunno say what already na.. so i get bored, so now it's my turn to SNAP SNAP SNAP.. :D

More at my FB, album name *You're a FIREWORK 2011* ( named after Katy Perry song FIREWORK, *cus baby you're FIREWORK.....* :D ) Quite alot of kinda unglam de pic so :D
And Nic got his FIRST 2011 GIFT from Sam, while NIC is chasing Sam, he injured his foot, DAMN jialat till he cant walk properly.. that day was seriously WOO na.. and ALOT of BANGALA too.. DONT LIKE !!!..
HAPPY 2011 people.. *bitches and bastard*.. :D

"Cause baby you're a firework, Come on show 'em what your worth, Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!", As you shoot across the sky-y-y" - Firework = Katy Perry

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