Monday, October 04, 2010

ALIEN Return for complainS

Booo hooo, guess whose Back, ME the alien had return to have some blogging time.. HEHEX.. * ok seriously now i'm like talking to mySelf while typing all these sort of things out na.. LOL..
Firstly those Previous day when i'm "TOO BUSY" to blog already, *or i shall say TOO LAZY*, LOTS and LOTS of things had happen can, and Those day really SUCK alot.. TOO MUCH to complain about already..
Anyway now i'm currently Working at one of the Korean Restaurant named "SARANG" which is located at Orchard Central.. And know what, it's at Level 7th Story too.. DAMN high can.. than the first few day of work is like SO FUCKING bored can, like not that much customer, than i was telling YT that, our shop is at level 7, got people so free go up to level 7 and Just had a meal meh.. But after one week or less than that, MORE AND MORE customer coming in already, so at that time, i guess i'm SO wrong, still got SUCH PEOPLE , so free , took escalator till level 7 just to had a meal.. And i've calculate that i working at the new sarang for just one week plus only , than i'm already DISLIKING the job VERY MUCH already.. still rmb that onw of the day i OVER slept than i didn't went for work, Worse part is, i didn't even inform them too.. HAHAX, how bad i'm.. ARGHHH, that just me, always giving that HACK CARE Attitude.. BUT SERIOUSLY NOTE TO SELF : I MUST CHANGE THAT ATTITUDE soon Right.. YEAH.. MUST...

And also rmb that on one of the friday, it's one of our boss de birthday marh, than while he and his friends are PARTYING Outsied Happily, than we are like Running here and there like siao, Serving and Getting complain from Customer na.. SERIOUSLY NOT ALL CUSTOMER is ALWAYS Right de nor, pls.. ARGHHH, but we as service staff, we MUST BARE WITH our ANGER and continue giving them out BIG SMILE and apologize to them EVEN WE ARE NOT IN THE WRONG Position na.. Back to the Party topic, As i was one of the boss de birthday party marh, than his friends is like staying there till 11pm plus still dun wanna left na, than is like we only work till 11pm marh, but the Customer or i shall say his friends had not left yet, so Cant WE.. so we must stay there continue serving food and drinks, or perhaps JUST drink *Alcohol* only.. SERIOUSLY they DRINK alot na, than heard that one of the person is so called Drunk than vomit on the floor na.. like EWwww, wth right.. *Drunk people is like that..* YEP, so when we are half way done serving those drinks, than is like nothing much to do already what, as not much order already, so we had SOME drink too.. Had two Hoegaarden, than FEW shot of PURE VODKA, than half a bottle of soju, continue drinking the PURE vodka again, * when i was drinking the pure vodka, it seem like i was half way HIGH already, so keep drinking like treating it as a normal Drinks na.. than still got one lychee martini than continue drinking vodka again, than yt suggest that pure vodka taste not that nice, so we mix the BEER *hoegaarden* tgt along with the vodka, so it like tgt drinking the vodka and the beer na.. Than after awhile YT went into inDoor place which is not really tat noisy and Sang Woo was resting inside too, so we had some chat, than i went out and Get MORE Vodka to drink again, than when i went back in again, YT doze off already, guess at that moment we were kinda DRUNK already na. so when i saw her DOze off, i went out again to chat with the Others and continue pouring and drinking vodka, than is like the WHOLE Entire time i'm just standing outside looking at those customer getting High, drunk and lOTS more and pouring and Drinking vodka that all, after some time, i'm like fucking tired already, so i went indoor to had some rest, but who know i doze off too, than after that i only RMB some things nia na. i went to kitchen disturb and Vomit than give YT plastic bag for her to vomit too, when i saw her throwing up, i throw up too, like sharing plastic bag to throw up na, OK i know it sound GROSS.. than after than the only thing i rmb is i've been carried by mak to the basement and took a cab home, reached home and  doze off till the next morning.. anyway the next day we had Work too na, than still rmb that day we are meeting my partner as it her first day of work marh, but know what, i overSlept and didn't answer my partner phone call and didn't attend work too.. BUT one thing i got shocked is that, partner know how to go there and she start work early than follow up by YT also went to work at around 4pm+.. i was like YT went for work, SERIOUSLY, thought she was drunk too, how did she manage to wake up that early and went for work sia.. probably i'm the one who had SLEEP TOO much already..   (ok that the end of our Drunk work story) LOL..   YT swear that NO MORE vodka next time, only beer will do..  But for me, hmmm will as usual drink vodka but will drink it VERY SLOW only, will not treat it as like Water already, if not MUST mix some sprite in vodka...

NEXT hmmmm DAMN forgotten what i want to blog already.. Ooo Ya, the mid autumn festival.. went out with family to so call celebrate, LONG story for that, shall post photo instead of words than..

the place where we went
* for people who don't understand*
TOO BAD, hahah.. LOL
seriously i love this pic with Bro na.. :)

Ooo ya one more thing i got to share, i FINALLY GOT my Swallow necklace..
a gift from mak.. YEAH, thank to him yeah
but it's not actually the original AJ *from ANTM* swallow necklace i want , but Samantha Potter *from ANTM too* had wore this necklace before, so having this SAME necklace as her will do already.. LOVE it..
And perviously i keep saying that's a Sparrow but actually it's called a Swallow na..
so i'm in love with SWALLOW..
and when im freaking bored, did some SWALLOW drawing in my book
* and it's call SWALLOW not SPARROW already*

AND here's all the SWALLOW necklace i've..
LOVE them ALL..
AND this should be called, FLY Swallow..

OK, seriously NOWdays i'm so in LOVE with SWALLOW can. than is seriously i got that money i'll be getting a Swallow tattoo at my back or perhaps above my small boobs.. :) but for sure, before i'm dead, i'm getting A SWALLOW TATTOO... FOR SURE, before i'm dead, i must get ONE... Hehex..
so addicted to Swallow..

Ooo ya one more thing, dad just change his Phone ytd, changed into samsung galaxy 3

OMG can, after he get his phone, i just want a TOUCH SCREEN phone o BADLY again na, than i was thinking that shall i change a touch screen phone after getting my pay, which is soon i HOPE.. than was thinking back that i can change my plan or i shall say upgrade my plan during Next year January already.. but NOW i just want a touch screen phone so badly na.. and had already decide what phone i want to get next year already..  Either Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 or just any other Touch Screen phone..
As Long as it got those new function and those android thinngy can already, gonna sign up for Data plan next year in that new plan too.. 

OK, done for this post of the days, shall get ready and prepare for work already, MAYBE now it's too early, going out at 2.40pm, meeting yt at 3pm than start work at 4pm, as we need ONE hour or more / less than that to travel to orchard central.. so MUST ger ready earlier and left hse earlier, that one of the reason i hate to work such a far place.. OK done, complaining, Will be back soon, i hope, if i'm not that lazy..
guess MORE to complain next time.. Bye peeps, bye readers.. :)

Bitch signing OFF.. BOooooo..
Just  saw a post on tumblr which says (I'm a Whore for Chanel .)
OK, gonna tweet and tumblr that.. :) and change to I'm A Whore for Chanel Swallow

Got the necklace, next target is the Swallow EarRings.. :)

seriously gtg, blog next time.. :)
RMB I'm A Whore for Chanel Swallow

"All the pain I thought I knew, All the thoughts lead back to you" - Take Me Away = Avril Lavigne

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