Friday, September 17, 2010

Nick Jonas Turns 18 "BIG BIRTHDAY"

Woooo, 16th September, our beloved Nick Jonas from The Jonas Brother, turns 18th.. and it's like FINALLY.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK JONAS ..Guess today he'll be celebrating with his Brothers HAPPILY and CRAZILY.. hahax.. he sure will be having LOTS of FUN.. WOOO.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK JONAS
 And now shall SPAM some pics of our birthday guys, NICK JONAS..
LOVE HIM LOTS and love him the most among the Jonas Brother. hahax, but i stilll do love the Jonas Brother lots.. but NICK JONAS more... :)

 He had grew up so much.
NOW is a HOT damn sexy young man already..
XOXO to Nick Jonas

HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY Nick Jonas..

Nick Jonas and his brothers and
it's The Jonas Brother..
Love you Nick

Lastly and once again.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK JONAS..

Hahax. enough spamming of Nick Jonas picture already.. jsut love him lots.. He's just so cute can.. :) XOXO

*if i'm not that tired, i'll spam MORE pic, but now i'm freaking tired already, HATE WORK.. and heard that later got 150 pax coming, SURE die die liao.. HOPE later everything went smoothly can already.. nothing went wrong, PLEASE.. hope i can cope and i can do it YEAH.. BELIEVE in MYSELF yeah.. ok, shall sleep now, got to wake up at 8am, ARGHH, HATE It, but for the sake of MONEY, I MUST go and  continue and WORK that job, i HATE it so much.. MONEY MONEY I NEED YOU SO BADLY...
OK, nights world and HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK JONAS..

"I want someone to love me , For who I am , I want someone to need me , Is that so bad "  - Who I Am = Nick Jonas And The Administration

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