Tuesday, July 20, 2010

not smoothly as the alien wanted

16 July (fri) that the first day of the chalet, so morning woke up and pack bag and know what my bag is DAMN freaking BIG na, than when i was waiting for BUS everyone keep looking at me, than when i was in train EVERYONE looked at me too, all of them treat me as MONSTER or what like that na.. LOL.. so board train to yishun to meet mak and tgt went to bishan to meet his brother mum as she help us to check in the chalet one marh, ON call the taxi while we are on the taxi stand waiting for bus, LOL right, mak idea na, cus the mummy is in RUSH of time marh, that why.. but just weird na, called for taxi while we are already in the taxi stand waiting for taxi na.. so reach downtown around 3 or 4pm PLUS than rest for aWhile and take some picture too..

than after  some cam whore-ing and resting, we went to cheer and brought those DRINKS and waited for ZC, he came on fri cus he say his school near downtown, his sch is simei ite na, NEAR na.. hahax, so he came and find us than after that we leave zc at the chalet alone, as we need to head back to mak house to take those food and everything which is not taken na, those food and ETC... so went to white sand to have dinner first than took bus to yi shun and once i reach his hse immediately rush to toilet and vomit na.. LOL
than rest aWhile at his house than heard that we can sit lorry back, i was so happy na, finally got a chance to sit at the lorry back sit liao, but end up, can't cus infront must have two passenger if not lorry behind cannot sit passenger na.. so no choice na, got to sit in-front, but also not that bad na, can get a chance to see such a BIG front view sit..
soon reach chalet and carried LOTS of thing till my hand gonna break soon na, than that ZC open the door, and saw me carry so much thing, than he stone for aWhile than help me out na, i was like WTF na.. LOL..

so when we reach chalet is like quite late liao marh, cus we are heading to CLUB YEAH, so once i put everything down, than i choose my dress and quickly head to bath liao.. :) soon after we took cab to the club butter factory.. :) WOOO HOOO, let's get the party started man,  DJ spinning, let's get DIRTY, WOOOHoooo, high high high, party ALL night..
long island tea is SO nice, vodka taste is DAMN strong, that the drinks which make me kinda drunk and DAMN HIGH too..

than when was kinda high we head to the dance floor and WOOhooo, dance dance dance like siao, than saw a kinda fat girl dancing to the pole na, than i was like WTF, not slim not that pretty than dance move also like WTh still go up there and dance, confrim is too high or drunk le na, than a moment later another slim girl went up and like kinda PK with her na, interesting na, PLUS there was a guy grinding a girl from the back and that girl was enjoying it na, so omg, plus that girl also not the pretty and kinda fat too ne, than the guy still wann, so like no taste na, maybe he just wan ppl to grind his dick or he just wan to use his dick and grind ppl nia na, that why ba, i guess, AHHH who care's like that than is call CLUB marh.. :)
just alot of ppl touch my small little cute butt nia, LOL.. sad ne, butt so small *cry*.. lol

SOON before i get too HIGH and too drunk, we head back to chalet yeah.. :) hahx, LOL, weak ne..

can tell that i'm kinda drunk ne, LOL.. 

so once i reach chalet room, immediately remove make up and didn't really bath than just collapse on bed already.. than mid night feel damn cold na, cus it's like raining marh, plus i feel kinda naked too na, cus i wear tube dress and it's like freaking SHORT too, that why feel naked, dun think of others thing (people who have dirsty minded *like mine* LOL) 

than next morning, (sat) 17th july woke up at 12pm ++ thanks to ah yen na, she came that early because she wanna go swimming marh.. than she wake me up by pouring some water on me na, than i was like ahhhhhh, than woek up liao, LOLl. she pro ne, learn from my brother one.. LOL.. than we went to buy sx swimming customer first than head to the public pool to swim aWhile than head to wild wild wet and PLAY, WOOHOO, love it.. it's free na, cus i got ticket as i book the chalet than they give one marh, we each person only pay $ 1.50 na, cus i only use two ticket as one ticket only for two person marh, than zc got a card which one person only need to pay $7.50 nia, so 5 of us each pay $1.50 than can go in and SWIM and PLAY liao *HAPPY*, and i seriously LOVE the SLIDE the one damn high one, two person can sit only na, so damn fun na, and the one which is a BIG float than everyone sit on that one.. :)
than after swimming , playing with water and ETC we head back to chalet and than quite a NUMBER od them reach already, than i was wet and HUG some of them yeah, 
 hehex..anyway i only rmb i HUG, bear bear, tako, ah fen nia, LOL.. hmm others forgotten..  than after bathing than a monet later more and more people came than SOON i become emotional and dunno wtf happen to me than i cry, than stop AWHILE than started crying AGAIN..
so around 7 or 8pm plus i than realize that MAK was the only one who are cooking na, than the others was like sitting down there chatting happily and not helping mak na, just sit there chat and wait for food to be cooked and serve to them na, didn't even ask or help out mak awhile na, WTF nor.. than i was getting more pissed and emtional EMO and etc so i stay inside the room for aWhile than saw batman was like getting more sick le na, so me and tako went out and brought her medicine, than had pic taken with her too, the only pic with her..
  than before batman leave they took photo too.. :)

after she leave for aWhile i started get more stress up and pissed for no reason AGAIN.. i seriosuly dunno why na, than i hide inside the toilet and wash the toilet as it's fucking TOO DIRTY and GROSS already..  than tako and bear bear came in  and talk with me for Awhile than i asked tako to help me collect money from those ppl na, than bear bear help me up in cleaning the toilet na, feel so bad na..

was cancel the list of ppl who had PAID..*can see my tears too*

anyway i have no idea who they are bullying na, hahax, but that COOL huh
*and i'm emo-ing eating alone behind yeah* LOL

After that i become more depressed and i duno i go where na, went out with bear bear and tako na, 
 YA i went cheer to buy red wine and hoe garden, the red wine small small one than can say kinda EX na, one samll bottle cost $6 to $7+++ na.. but LOVE the taste of it man, than i was buying bear bear suddenly say we must return back to the chalet IMMEDIATELY as "something" happen, than i was like WHAT, did someone got into a fight or play too much than hit the teeth and drop or broke the mirror and ETC.. than once i return the room, it was totally dark na, than ALOT of people sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, i was so shocked na.. DAMN Surprise na.. hahax, but that moment i was really happy and really laugh na.. hehex.. :)
anyway "random" zc is jio-ing xh, soon they will be couple ba.. :) wishes for them
*anyway i dun think xh will accept na hahhax, zc so GAY, that why, hahax, LOL, sorry for being ----- but admit that EVERYONE is saying him DAMN gay na include my sis and others friends yeah. hahax TOO BAD, xh if accept him, sorry for saying him gay yeah, but it's TRUE anyway, hahax, LOL, ROFL..

than when everyone is about to leave the chalet, we had a GROUP photo, than you can see HOW MANY PEOPLE are at the CHALET already, SOME are not even inside too..

had a pic with my "sis" too, same birthday yeah, 15th JULY yeah.. :)

after a while i was emo-ing AGAIN, wtf right, keep crying and crying and crying in the entire chalet na... hais, and i also dunno why i DID NOT really enjoy the chalet very much na, feel like i just waste all those money nia na, PLUS brought ALOT of food and i didn't really got the chance to eat every single of those food na, HAIS, that chalet really make me feel so DAMN hungry na, i never got a chance to eat otah, prawn, chicken wing clam and MORE others food na.. hais.. WASTE MONEY na, spend moeny to make my friend "happy" and FULL na.. hais.. me = NOT HAPPY, dun feel great and MORE na, HAIS.. BAD BAD 18th birthday celebration, but  really enjoy clubbing on 16th or can say 17th MORNING, AM marh, lol and ENJOY wild wild wet moment and enjoy spending time and TALK with my BELOVED sis and some others cute lovley friends and GUYS, and not forgotten spending a little time with sis and mak that cute big weirdo and cute mei mie JIAYI too.. ( so touched na she came alone and went back alone too na) LOTS of love and HUG to her man..) that all.. :)  but seriously i duno why i cried the whole entire of that chalet na, my crying tap just wont STOP na, LOL, than cry until i look like a GOLDFISH na.. exactly the same na.. LOL,  anway huncheng lost his iphone at downtown de seven-eleven there while he is buying the ice cream na, than i like i suspect that the staff there take one na, plus he called the police to come for help than is like they also never do anything much na plus they are kinda rude too na.. *can complain* LOL.. 
anyway i was kinda not really that drunk na, drink two small bottle of red wine na, LOVE it alot man, i guess i'm adicated to red wine already.. hehex, just LOVE it alot.. love the taste, the smell and everything of the red wine na.. :) how i wish can party all night and sleep all day and throw out all those problem away too na, hais, so stress and depressed that day na, hais.. i wann DRINK more too na.. but gonna BROKE na..sianx..
anyway most of the people leave at around 7am plus than FINALLY that time around 8am +++ i got a chance to sleep, but at first i was sleeping at the floor na, than once got up from the floor, my body HURTS alot na, kelian na, chalet owner sleep on the floor, no chance to sleep, not comfortable, cry till eyes like gold fish and PISSED of with alot of thing na.. hais..  anyway before that i shall call zc to wake up and let me sleep on the bed with tako hor * as both of us didn't get a chance to rest well and sleep na* arghh shall call zc let us the bed na, hmmm he so NOT gentlemen, so gay na.. wtf.. not good.. but end up beloved sis let me her bed to sleep na, so touched but ke lain de mak weirdo didn't rest well at all na, hais.. that chalet SUCK alot na.. i don;t like na.. hais..
anyway when most of the people left the room is like much more neater and cleaner too na, mostly must thanks to cute big weirdo mak na, he did clear alot of fucking dirty stuff from the room and tidy the room too na, i think he know too dirty liao, plus i also cannot stand it na, hahax, so good of weirdo na, hehex,, *touched*
much more better cleaning than before na, before was like you were in junk or rubbish like that na..

was thinking about what to bring home yeah, as i seriously bring LOTS and LOTS of thing back home yeah, hahax.. :) tako and ah may should know, hhahax..

OK, fine with my complaining and ETC liao, hehehx, this post is LONG yeah.. hahax.. ok, anyway when  once i reach on sunday around 4pm++ i sleep till monday 3pm ++ na, PRO right.. LOL.. i can be sleeping and eating GOOD liao na, i sleep and EAT ALOT man, but still not that fat too, WOO hooo *HAPPY* but seriously i'm getting more and mroe fat each day liao na.. sianx, hais..  NOW 18th liao, got alot of thing to STRESS about le na, OMG.. ok, anyway i think i use about 1 or 2hours to blog about this POST or maybe more than that maybe 3 to 4 or 5hours ba.. LOL..   hahax, got to go bath and HUNT for FOOD now AGAIn, hehex.. 
maybe gonna blog again, after i bath and eaten , before i sleep ba.. BRb readers.. :) 
* i feel fat*

“And now I take myself to be my lawfully wedded bitch.””Vanity” = Christina Aguilera

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