Saturday, June 05, 2010


ytd 04th June, went out with my GF for lunch at Seoul garden.. And we are so hungry that we just KEEP eating non stop and ENDED fast, but at least me and yt still ate quite alot na. but tako and may seem like never eat ALOT na, and get full quite easily na..
 ( anyway inside the soup, all those BALLS, i finished all of them, it's like so OMG)

AND they "bully" me, they throw all those meat to me na.. make me DAMN full nor..
than i tweeted this, to complain na, than tako also tweeted that, they so good, cooked meat for me to eat, than i still complain and said / tweet that they bully me..

Anyway i also didn't finish all those na.. cus keep eating the same MEAT + BEEF will get sick and tired of the same taste what, so tako get me some fruit and i took some iceCream too..
Yum YUM..

BUT after finished all those fruit and iceCream, i feel HUNGRY AGAIN na, but too bad and late, as the person had cleared all those thinngy already..

than no more food to eat i complain again na.. LOL,  (that what i'm born to do, COMPLAIN) LOL
anyway we took quite alot of food na, but manage to finish MOST of them na.. we eat and stop for Awhile and took some pic, than continue eating again.. :)


And (we are stil the same, NEVER change) after meal, straight away went for the toilet.. :)

after that took train to clementi for SINGING.. *YEAH* (love singing, LALALA)
 anyway while we are waiting for train, tako notice that all of our shoe are GOLD in color na.. *COOL* ( sister-can read each other mind and know what we are going to wear liao, LOL, ok NVM, no logic..)

While in train, they chat, while i become some paparazzi.. Took some random pic.. too bored le na, than also cannot link what they are saying about na..

FOR LALALALA, at first we are planning to go Kbox one, but end up we went to Party World.. and THANKS Mak for treating ALL of us.. and the bill is like so WTF na, hope mak wont cry na.. LOL..
(anyway i perfer Kbox than party world na) ytd is my first and last time to go party world already, first their service is NOT GOOD, second, they have NOT MUCH SONGS na, DAMN not updated one na, Kbox is much more better than that na.. party world also dun have aLot of singer nor, my beloved selena Gomez, Demi, Ke$ha and MUCH more they also dun have na, and also MUCH of the song, NO MV na.. ARGHH.. *NOT NICE* but anyway their room is like much more nicer than kBox na, and there also got a foot massage thinngy na, SO WOOO nor.. LOL.. BUT i PERFER KBox MORE.. more new updated songs and more artists.. :)
anyway i think this shoot is like so cool na, LOL.. 

anyway around 5pm++, batman CAME, *YEAH* at first when she is outside the room, i though was some stanger outside our room na, but end up is my beloved batman.. :)

MORE SHOOT (Pic) at FACEBOOK, too much to upload already..

after LALALA, we went for lanning, YEAH, LFD2.. And May is the first time playing what, tham sure will feel giddy one, anyway saw her blog, that she said, this is the FIRST and the LAST time she is playing LFD2 already.. may dislike this kind of thinngy.. but sometime i also found it making me headache + giddy na.. but MOST of the time, IT WAS FUN.. *LOVE IT*..

Played ONE hours de LFD2 is NOT fun.. timming too short, but also dun want to play for too long na, i need to go back and have dinner onr, plus also cannot let may MORE giddy and etc what..
after lanning, it's toilet time again.. LOL.. *notice that we love to go to toilet ALOT* went to the DAMN big toilet tgt *SHIT, i forgotten what is it call already* LOL.. and it's like YEARS we nv went into the same toilet tgt le na.. OMG, i miss those days nor..

  I LOVE and miss my GIRLS..
BFF + GF forever..
(hope they wont forget about me na)
 BUT ytd outing, my partner hua hua is not here.. *SAD*.. hope there is MORE outing next time.. OUTING with ALL my GF.. :)

Anyway when i was on the way back home on BUS, i stink na, the BEEF smell is like so WTF na.. OMG.. my clothes and even my hair smell BEEF nor.. lol..

"Imma tell you ONE time"- ONE TIME = Justin Bieber..
I MISS my girls.. :) PEACE.. :)

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