Sunday, June 06, 2010


YEAH, later i'll be heading to the beach, for some tanning.. and also to have some shoot for them to see na.. always figure figure figure.. so bikini shoot will be the best for them, or maybe next time perhaps will be naked.. LOL.. NAH, i dun think so, wannn be naked is VERY hard.. will be caught.. LOL.. HOPE later the sun will be DAMN strong + SUNNY.. than i can be TAN.. YEAH.. i hate my skin tone now, SO yellow.. i wan tan skin tone na.. (anyway it's like every girls LOVE to be white, but for no reason, i just dun like na. just love those tanned skin tone girls, so i wanna be like them, LOVE TANNED)

 anyway this is like so cool na, ALL bikini girl together, too bad singapore wont have such kind of thing or event one na..

 LOVE TANNING, just like them
(anyway nice butt huh) LOL

ok, should be sleeping now already, if not later can't wake up, PLUS hope later WON'T RAIN.. sun sun come OUT and SHINE as BRIGHT as you can.. I LOVE YOU SUN.. *suntanning* = LOVES..
and hope that sentosa wont be so crowded na, cus it's sunday what.. but if it's crowded, at least will have some space for me to lay down and tann na.. :) TANNING HERE I COME..
and hope i wont get sunBurn, cus monday, (which also mean tmr) i'll start work already.. :) so hope later everything smoothly.. :)

Plus this look kind HOT eh.. LOL.. 

Anyway how i wish i can have own any one of these kind of tanning bed..

And i wan that tanned skin tone, just like her..
(but i think for me, it's like DAMN impossible one, HOW SAD)
(PLUS i want the figure just like her too, I WANT ABS and NOT FATS.. )

need more tanning man..  got to have some sweet dream already.. night reader.. :) PEACE.. ;]

"I can't be tamed, I can't be saved , I see my reflections bout my intentions" - I Can't Be Tamed = Miley Cyrus..

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