Tuesday, April 20, 2010

one MORE (i forgotten)

AND AND AND i forgot to post that, on 1704 me, ah yen and hua hua, three of us went to chinatown to hunt for come cheap and NICE goods, and make-up, and CHINATOWN de goods, is like much more cheaper that usual price nor.. so i brought so make up and yt got some shoes, so after that we went to town area as hua hua want to take some picx for her sch "project" picx like this na..
(i dunno wat's they called it as)
yep, like those pic na.. ok.. so after going china town and town places.. hua hua went home.. =( cus me and ah yen meeting, batman, ah kenn and ah nick to have dinner, PLUS know what they discuss the venue to eat dinner at seoul garden is like dam long de na, eapecially those guys, my batman cant go too far as can;t reac home too late marh, than those guys like not understanding de nor.. ahhhh, it's like ALL GUYS ARE LIKE SO FUCKED UP NA.. UGHhh.. wadEVER.. -_-'''    than is like finally thy decided the place, so we will be eating at woodlands na..  before leaving town, company hua hua to buy her art thing like sketch book and ETC, like so ART like that nor.. than is like hua hua look for her thing for quite long na, so me and ah yen went out of the shop and 'walk around" and saw a DAM freaking EX de art piece na, is like so WOOOOO one, it freaking cost $9000 na.. OMG nor.. for rich dude only..
Two of this ART piece cost $9000 na, but for me personalty i prefer the red one BETTER na. xD
but i don't think that in my whole life, i would ever but this na, cus i don't have MY own hse yet, plus maybe even not gonna married too, lOL, ahiya hard to say now na..who know's the future..
so after that we took MRT to woodland to meet them..
 AND this, ah yen ipod and my FINGER xD
and before that when we are on train, we though that we will be LATE, but end up, we reach FIRST.. so we went to seoul garden to look for seats first,  but they have no tale for 5pax, and we waited and waited and waited for like around 30min than have seats for us nor, SO pissed off that moment na..
and all of us say that, we eat till happy than left na.. so we took QUITE ALOT OF food, and nick, kenn is like MEAT EATER de na.. a plate JUST FULL of MEAT nor.. but they end up, can't finish, not only they all na, i also feel dam freaking FULL nor.. OMG na.. than end up we didn;t finish all the MEAT and we are the LAST to LEFT their shop too.. LOL.. took some pic too, but all at batman camera.. xD, AWWWW batman faster go upload those picx XD.. 

OK now seriously i got to go have have my dinner plus lunch liao..
One more thing, had watch the movie date night, quite interesting na..
And i love what they had siad too.. 
- when he says zip your vagina, it means your mouth
- He turned the gun sideways! That's a kill shot! 

and watched KICK ASS.. the movie is like lame la, no wonder it's like two stars only, but some of the part is funny, stupid, kinda NOT really that RA plus is like DAM ouch , omg bloody na.. no wonder it's M18.. (UGHhh, i wish July is here soon, three good thing, firstly i can go ITE some-more is the new CCk ITE to appeal for SCHOOL and, second is july here so my birthday is here too, hhax, than PRESENT.. LOL, third after 15JULY I'm officially 18yerr OLD, WOOOOO, i want to be officially 18 na.. UGHHh)
Kick ass is touching too.. and WILD.. xD
their quote is also LOL too..
- Dave Lizewski: With no power comes no responsibility

-Huge Goon: Fuck this shit, I'm getting the bazooka!  

- Damon Macready: [from trailer] So... Have you thought a little more about what you might want for your birthday?
Mindy Macready: Can I get a puppy?
Damon Macready: You wanna get a dog?
Mindy Macready: Yeah, a cuddly fluffy one, and a Bratz movie-star make over Sasha!
Mindy Macready: I'm just fucking with you Daddy... I'd love a bench made model 42 butterfly knife!
Damon Macready: [relieved] Oh, child... You always knock me for a loop
-Katie Deauxma: Dave,why are you dressed like Kick-ass!
Dave Lizewski: I am Kick-ass! I'm also not gay.
Katie Deauxma: Fuck! 

-Chris D'Amico: Red Mist is standing on top of a dumpster "Kick-ass"
Dave Lizewski: Red Mist
Chris D'Amico: Red Mist jumps off the dumpster "Oh shit, that kind of hurt"
 and in KICK ASS, i LOVE hit-girl.. xD, she is so WOoooo, cute and POWER man..
OOOK, i'm leaving.. xD, LOVE HIT girl.. <3 (L)

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