Sunday, March 03, 2013


It's been long since i last updated my blog, year it's been two month right, Well here i'm.. Had been busy with works and etc, work was FUN, stress and everything you can / can't imagine..  been working since 21st jan till now hmmm one month plus already, overall everything not bad not bad, just way damn tired ~~~~ Well, there's work and love life, hmmm yep i'm back with my "used to be fiance" "Got proposed before" but well we did broke up too, so now i'm somehow confused that me and him are still the same "Fiance" or just "bf" well, i'm still treating him as fiance as usual, but hmmmm who know and what's now, shall let time pass and etc and see how ba..
lot's of things happening too, suitor, love, money, stress and every other stuff, BAM, now my life had full of stuff for me to handle, so i won't have time for games , whatever games there is, love game, money game what so ever..
Oh yaaa , it's the third march and YESSSS i'm awaiting for my pay day already 7th of every month, can't wait OMG 4 more days, IN NEED OF MONEY ~~~~~~ bill and everything, now then i really understand what's adult life, so many bills and big responsible to handle too, YEA turning 21 this year july well, the years of being into the real adult world already..OLD OLD OLD, no no should call it mature not old, hehehe..
Saving up for my dream job too, but first to have the cert and everything then can, so well work years for my current job first then save up then go further study and then proceed with my dream job.. Make a guess then :)
I NEED MY RED HAIR BACK, but first of all, need repair my this bush hair first, seriously my hair condition is like fucking ~~~~~~ words really just can't describe it.. BUSH that's all i can say, dry like dunno what ~~~~Go for treatment every month when's it's better , then taaadaaaa red hair here i'm coming back to you again, hehehhe.,.

Speaking of love, ok i love my fiance enf say :)   ( And tada with my bush hair :/) Ohh dunno isit right to call fiance as last time or name just call bf only , well hmmm CONFUSED and etc)

Here we go with all those recent update of photo then :)

it's a AMBIGRAM, written Tim♥Jael & Jael♥Tim and when it's turn the other ways, it's Beloved :)

On the 26th Feb, it's our one year anniversary, i'm working so can't celebrate with him, but well here's what i do and that's all i can do.. Just by using a plate and with chocolate syrup.. then tada ~~~ :)

My First handmade latte by myself..
and here goes the another latte (Just for him) hehehe

Nice view right.. heeehhe, Guess where ?

Gift from fiance.. So loved so touched

I want my red hair back, nvm treatment to cure this bush first then say :)

With sister +Ziwei Sandy Tan 

With sis and mum

Alright that all, will update soon if i'm free :) tata .. XOXO

Just be true to who you are - Who you are = Jessie J

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