Monday, April 30, 2012



(via imgTumble)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Well well well it's been long since i blog in Chinese right, well here i'm :)
最近收到电邮关于囧三班, 我还想被录取了, 好开心啊。
请注意 *布丁* 这个名字喔。过些日子 负责人他们才会在电邮给我 通知我们哪一天和哪一场的录影。。 
全部东西确定了, 我会在update更新这里, 通知你们那些有在读我的博客的人。。感激不尽。。 爱死你们了 :)
Alright i type in Chinese is abit weird, but oh well.. :) Take note of 你在囧什么3 then :) will update on you guys soon.. XOXO ;)

"What doesn't kill you make you stronger"

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Loved you once, love you still. Always have and ; always will.

I wouldn't be able to explain how much I love you even if they sky was my paper and the ocean was my ink.

When I am with you, the only place I want to be is closer…

Thursday, April 12, 2012


BOOBAHBOOM, Guess whose back, i know it had been awhile since i last blog, had been busy with some stuff... #YEAHBUDDY, Well i will be blogging frequently soon, i hope, so don't miss me so much, well basically i'm working at jurong point astro boy, so feel free to drop by for a visit or come in and some goods from me.. :) :) Busy with work, and lack of sleep, MOSTLY.. hahha and well also time for my family and my future husband :) :) *BLUSH* alright hmmm it's pretty late now, so i'll be back tml, i promise. OH well i'm stopping all those night life too, for better future and for my lovely future, no more playing and etc, no more.. :) WEEEEE YEAHBUDDY, YEAHBUDDY.. I love you so damn much and some time too much till it hurts.. XOXO Laogong..