Sunday, December 30, 2012

It's ending..

BAM, it's the second last day of 2012 already, have everyone plan for their new year countdown celebration yet ? Well not me.. Ohh well actually things was plan nicely on the so call last week of dec around 23rd one,

Well just look at this and you'll understand..

And yep i was actually planning to travel to bkk with the love of my life with some of his friends one,but well fucking shit happen, family and etc, so yep i brought the tic and yea i didn't travel there alone and i treat it as a waste ticket, spent 350 on the ticket and wasted it.. well better then i travel there alone right.. long story anyway.. but thanks to this, i've learn alot of the side of the family, totally not worth it..and say me till like a piece of shit, well 2013 i'm working and stuff, they dun change and put on the mask on their face again, fucking fake people, hate it so much..
So yep, i'll be spending my 2012 in sg with family and friends ;) family most importantly, they're the one who are never fake , never leave you and etc.. unlike others family, friends or even love one.. well shall forget about all those fake or sad or worse stuff already..
it's the 30th already, one more day to 31st dec and BOOM just in a blink of eyes 1st jan 2013 is here..
2013 new year new start..
Hopefully my friends will soon decide where are we going and etc.. and seriously we all do hate last min plans or last min cancel right !!!!! 

OHHH OHHH OHHH, speaking about Dec, how's your Christmas ?
Mine went pretty well at first but at night it all turn into nightmare, shall not speak about the nightmare of it le ba, hais..

Christmas night finally a family night out, just love it when all my family are tgt.. :)enf of words and let the photo do the talking ;) 

Queue for marche..

Dad and Mum <3 br="br" nbsp="nbsp">

Food's here ;)

Sibling <3 br="br" nbsp="nbsp">

Everything well perfectly well, until the time when we travel back home and i texted my love and stuff happen and so the single me appear again and yep i cried in the train and in the MacDonald of clementi, well can see abit of my red eyes after crying hmm.. hais, alot misses for the someone, but well, life have up and down, shall stop thinking about it already ba..

MORE in FB..
and ofcourse my instagram and my dairy twitter :)

Loving da sexy back ? hehhhe :) XO

Friday, December 21, 2012


This post is just about and misses to the one i love, i guess he still know who he is or etc, but well, the time when we both are separated , he got pretty much attention from all his friends and the most impt this is, more girls friends too, and YES , i i'm FUCKING jealous about the fact that he have more girls friends and stuff, but who can i blame, on this mother earth there's only guy and girl, can't expect him to be talking to all guys and no girls right.. but i still can't change the fact that i fucking miss him alot and fucking jealous about the fact that those girls have to see him and spent time tgt with him.. Those girls had even the chance of him asking for dates with them, i don't care it's a movie date, dinner date or what so ever, i just hate that fact of it :( And i pretty much hurts alot more then i could ever imagine .. i used to keep blaming those girls about how fucking whore they are as they snatch him away from me, but thinking back, why the hell i blame those girls for as it's not their fault.. As it's him who ask those girls out for dates and etc, so the one to blame is the guy itself and not those girls.. Right?
As they say if a guy truly love you, no matter how many girls seduce him or etc, the guy will still stay true to you and not do stuff which dirty them and stuff.. *example like, going out to pay money for social escort for sexual related stuff and so on* 
If a guy truly love you, they will be by your side no matter what happen or who objected it..
If a guy truly love you, he will not leave you.. or make excuse or lie to you..
That's something i've learn after the separate and so on..this time round, i've learn to stay strong, and be smart..
Trust no words just trust action..
Xoxo J

Thursday, December 06, 2012


Was up early, or rather say i didn't even sleep today, know why.. Two reason, First was staying up waiting for job phone call, another reason was for VSFashionShow !!!!! In Asia, it will be stream online on wed morning 11am.. So yep, i'm awake the entire tue night till wed night..

This is one hell sexy show ever.. Never fail..
and it never fail to make me turn instant lesbian while watching them for that moment, come on lesbehonest right :)
the finale was a blast too.. awesome much.. love it..

Monday, November 26, 2012


Fight for what you want, not like when someone ask u stop this and stuff then u stop going after what you want and the love the most already..
Never Give Up for something u know and want it the most..BELIEVE.. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

10.11.12 a date i will always remember..

Well such a beautiful date right, 10.11.12, but not so beautiful for me.. Everything ends today. 10 it's the date again..happy first time happy on the 10th and most hateful stuff happen on the 10th too, well just nice that it on the *time* 4.10pm too, everything end's with an 10 in it.. Well the choice is made, what can i do, move on right, but what's am i doing, i'm like some 3yrs old kid who believe in santa who keep believing and hoping that things will change and happy stuff will happen, i know it's the dumbest choice, but i don't know why one part of the brain ask me to move on, another part of it ask me to wait as it's worth it and just keep believing and hoping and it will happen.. i'm confuse by myself too, either this or that.. but i know i've made a choice i will always stick to it.. a promise is a promise, a vow is a vow whereby i'll always stick to it :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Just don't understand why nowadays people treat love and EVEN MARRIAGE like a game, happy happy just say break up, that's it.. Well all i got to do now is stay strong and move on, this is life.. JIAYOU i can do it :)

" I believe in solving the problem and talk things out rather than break up or just keeping silent and ignorance . Because breaking up, silent and ignore doesn't solve the problem, apparently the problem is there it doesn't mean now you don't see the problem means in the future it won't happen again. It will! And it will always be there "   

Wednesday, August 08, 2012



Enough say.. I LOVE YOU.. 
Best is yet to be.. 
life time together with you happily ever after will happen just between us.. Forever and Always, Infinity.. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

BELIEVE our love is STRONG

BELIEVE our love is STRONG, Happy monthniversay... i love you.. 

If a guy tells you he is different, he is just like all the others. If he really is different, he'll show you, not tell you. 

Trust gets you killed, love gets you hurt and being real gets you hated


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Funny how sometimes you’re missing somebody, but when that somebody shows up.. You do nothing.

Monday, July 23, 2012

A date just for you..

12th August 7.30 pm channel U, i got date just for you, catch it every sunday 7.30pm.. XOXO

你在囧什么3 å’Œä½ æœ‰çº¦

Ryan lost

Ryan lost two talented people... two smoking sexy hot people .... Nellie Veitenheimer and Cameron Mitchell


Forever and always team Nellie !!! ♥ i literately tears out when she's not on the called back list :( 
she's smoking hot can, my type, ME GUSTA !!!!

Just look at the way she smile and laugh, awwwww


My reaction when Nellie got eliminated

When she
i was like
and lots of emotional....

WHY WHY WHY Season one and season two glee project always does this  !!!!... RYAN LOST !!!!!

Keep holding on, cause you know you make it through .... <3