Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Btw you guys who know me, should know that i'm fucking in LOVE with Caucasian right.. If you don't know, come here, let me tell you than.. I'm FUCKING in love with Caucasian, us Asian call them ang mo la.. I love them so damn much.. Caucasian / AngMo are a HUGE TURN ON to me alright.. hehe.. i know some people will say that asian love them because they have huge dick or what so ever and Some angmo love asian because the are tight and blah blah blah.. WHAT EVER LA.. that's not the point of me loving them and having a crush on caucasian SO MUCH.. I Just love the way the behave, those i've met is like so damn friendly ok, unlike asian SERIOUSLY !!!!! And Most of the Caucasian are so DAMN fucking hot can.. SEXY LIKE HELL.. SEXY LIKE ANGLE can !!!.. SEX BOOMS like those VS model... hahaha.. Love caucasian babe also, i don't mind turning into lesbian just for them.. haha, but too bad non of those babes are interested in me, and hunks too.. SAD la right.. As long as they are caucasian, they all attract me already... !! That's it !!!// Major TURN ON can.. haha.. Alright, no more turn on turn on, make me sound like some desperate horny slut like that.. lol.. but indeed i'm desperate for some caucasian friends !!! haha.. But the MAJOR problem is also my LANGUAGE!!! As you should know, by reading this post, MOST of the words are SINGLISH right.. MY ENGLISH SUCK TO THE MAX can.. DAMN, that why !!! UGrhhh.. ASIAN marh.. LOL..
Oh Btw rmb the last week when me and my babes went to club (Zirca) , alright firstly i need to say that, that night was like a zombie land, it's like SO DEAD can.. not like the usual Zirca we been too.. just so damn bored that day.. but also got peeps inside the dance floor dancing la, than the caucasian inside all have company one, so (N).. BUT know what.. the inside is DEAD right , so we went outside to take a breath and etc, than we saw this damn cute caucasian..
This caucasian, DAMN FREAKING CUTE can !!!
we ask him to help us take a pic, than after that i run back to him and take back the camera and so i just ask him to have a photo with me.. HAHA.. that moment i was like DAMN HIGH can.. haha..

Than after that i keep O.M.G all the way, till we went into the zirca again.. So we grab some mixer than go dance floor again, to try our luck to see is there any caucasian for us to hook not, but disappoint us, NON again, and those asian try to dance closer to us and grind us, than us babes was like SIANX, let's get out of the dance floor man, turn off la.. HAHA.. OH Ya, that day de Zirca no stage for us to dance , that why we at the dance floor than ppl try grinding us.. others day we are at stage man, so no chance for peeeps to grind us and MORE SPACE TO DANCE yeahhhh, haha.. that day was ahappening night too.. and the thing i'm still thinking is, why us girls had so many problem huh, why can we just try those problem aside and HACK care, but the main point is, we care too much and we love each other so much already, so we just cant hack care like thos bastard like that, RIGHT RIGHT RIGHT.... Oh, so around 3.30 or 4am, before the club end, i was like sianx to the max liao, so i go dance with my friend than.. till club close as usuall, than we out to the carpark area and than know what, i saw this Tall cute caucasian..
He is cute, and i love his height, DAMN, that day i should have wear HEELS la right.. Haha..
we chat awhile, and i know that entire conversation i was like keep smiling !!! HAHA.. I love it when a guy kisses my forehead.. :) HEHE,, hyper la that day, meet two caucasian.. haha.. :)
alright enough of this, if not later, when i go to bed, i will dream about two of them.. hmmm this might not be a bad idea, dream of them YEA!!!! haha.. :)
that's it for now.. :) CAUCASIAN I LOVE YOU ALLLLLLL :) X♥X♥.

"Boy you know you get me high, Wont you take me on a ride, Tell me where you want to go oooooooo" -Top Of The World = The Cataracs Ft. Dev

Monday, May 02, 2011

Months or Weeks ?

Yo readers.. What's up what's up.. Btw i've realize i've been working for like weeks, i guess. since the 11th April.. YEP,, weeks.. Actually work till end april than the "contract" end, but they extend till end of may (Y) or (N).. the (Y) point is , I can EARN MORE MONEY, but the (N) point is, TOO BORING for me le la, Work at office SIANX only.. So not me can.. Quiet like fuck, than i was like so awakened with the others la.. weird weird weird !! Just WEIRD, so NOT ME AT ALLLLL.. nvm wei le $$$$, CHIONG all the way ba !!!!.. Got too much dept for me to pay already, so no choice !!!!! Than wondering april de pay when will come in sia !!.. Already, plan hao which dept to pay first, tha return family and babes money, than dept, than see got some extra not, I NEED TO CHANGE A SPECTACLES already, It's been YEARS !!!!, than buy contact lens than see can do anything to my this BUSH hair nor.. reborn or treatment, see how ba.. NOW can't plan so much, wait for pay come in than can.. SIANX ah.. I NEED MORE MONEY !!!!, And i'm so fucking jealous for those who are 21 yrs old and above, the govt give them all $600 la.. than we all, NOTHING !!! JEALOUS MUCH !!!!.. forget it la.. family got that extra $600 also didn't give me some lor, A LITTLE also can marh, but NON.. what ever la.. help me pay my dept also dont what.. UGRHHH, FORGET IT.. that up-coming pay confirm just within one week GONE already.. CONFIRM one.. Pay dept, change my don;t know how many years old de spec and ETC.. so SOON those $ will be GONE, longest one week ba.. SIANX, I need another JOB also la.. any intro ppl.. got any club or pub de job not, since i love there so much.. should go there and work better..
So people any intro of those job or what so ever job, pls intro alright.. :) XOXO

"Everyday i'm shufflin' " Party Rock Anthem = LMFAO
(I'm IN LOVE with this song, and I WANT TO LEARN HOW TO SHUFFLE la !!!)