Monday, September 13, 2010


NowDays, i'm SO SO SO SO SO OVER those SPARROW stuff can.. In my Tumblr, i've keep on posting those Sparrow Tattoo and Necklace and all those thing had that sparrow design on it.. i'm just so over sparrow stuff.. ALTHOUGH SERIOUSLY I HATE BIRDS, BUT i'm just IN LOVE WITH SPARROW STUFF..
Gonna work hard and Save money and SOON if i had the Extra income /cash, i'll SOON go make a sparrow tattoo.. provided if i really got that money than can na.. and i've already decided what kind of sparrow design i want.. here are some picx that i've posted in my tumblr..

i guess i'm just so OVER and ADDICTED to SPARROW STUFF, that all..

Anyway i do have a sparrow Necklace and earRings..

Sparrow Necklace

Sparrow Ear Rings..

And Some other days i'll have a Sparrow Tattoo on ME.. YEAH.. JUST WANT IT SO BADLY..

PART OF MY WISH (* A SPARROW TATTOO ON MY BACK UPPER RIGHT SHOULDER..*)  the place where i want that tattoo to be might CHANGE, but i want a SPARROW TATTOO will NEVER CHANGE.... i HOPE i'll get my sparrow tattoo SOON SOON SOON.. 

Anyway i've been using mak lappy for a week, as now my computer PC had spoil, previously is the internet connection than now it's the WHOLE PC.. so MUST WORD to have money and REPAIR my FUCKING OLD PC and MONEY FOR GETTING MY DREAM SPARROW TATTOO..

Ooo ya, and i've brought three "DIAMOND" ear rings for the other side of my ear too.. one of the side is just one sparrow ear rings and this side is THREE DIAMOND, see i'm "RICH" three diamond..

Hahax.. ok enough bragging of that already.. LOL shall head to bed NOW.. if not later i can't wake up and be on time to go to work as it's the FIRST DAY and it's also the first day of suffering without ENGLISH MUSIC... ARGHHHH, Bu yao xiang that much liao.. NIGHT reader, wish me luck and hope that i can bare with it... ARGHHH DAMN SHIT na.. ARGHHH...
Nights, and LASTLY I WANT A SPARROW TATTOO, another kind of Sparrow NECKLACE, SPARROW DRESS / SHIRT, SPARROW HEELS and LOTS MORE SPARROW stuff, but just not that real SPARROW can already, i do HATE BIRDS.... fine, night reader.. :)

"I don’t care what the people may say , What the people may say about me" - Pack Up = Eliza Doolittle

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