Wednesday, December 15, 2010



Tuesday, December 14, 2010


On the December 13, 1989 my hero, my role model, my inspiration was born Taylor Alison Swift I love you Forever and Always <3> And She Makes me Crazier, She made me Fearless, She persuaded me to Speak Now, She's Taylor Alison Swift and She's 21. Happy Birthday Taylor! ♥
Dear Taylor Swift, I hope you have a Fearless birthday and I will Speak Now in saying happy birthday to you<3>
Hearts @ FOREVER..

And to all Swifties in twitter, keep trending

And now twitter have both Birthday Taylor AND Alison Swift on the TT.. :D

So now most of the Swifties *Taylor Swift army* (FANS) in Twitter
Wanna trend AND
so Help it TREND it on twitter.. :D
She deserve it so much..

LOVE her to MAX

Any i'm always SAD that i can't go for her Concert on the 9th of February 2011, i WANNA GO SO BADLY can.

TAYLOR SWIFT LIVE IN SINGAPORE 2011, 9 Feb 2011 , Wed, 7.30PM

But all tickets SOLD OUT.. but it great that, there are also LOTS of Swifties in Singapore too.. SO proud of it.. INDEED ALL OF US LOVE TAYLOR SWIFT ALOT.. :D.. BUT i'm one of the Swifites too, but I CAN'T Purchase any of her concert tickets anymore.. URGHHHH.. Anyone selling it, PLEASE inform me alright.. :D :D, i wann meet her so badly can.. hais.. LOVE YOU TAYLOR ALISON SWIFT.. :D HEARTS 13

"I'd go back to December, turn around and change my own mind" - Back To December = Taylor Swift

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Ytd 11th dec we (Sx, Zc and ME) went for the JYP Audition.. basiclly it's from the Alpha Entertainment.. actually i'm also not very sure about all those na.. Just went there for some fun also right.. :D So basically, i'm here to COMPLAIN.. so it start like this, hmmm let me start from LONG STORY ba.. we went there at around 7.35am plus i guess, if i'm not wrong, than waited wan waited till around 10.30am plus, but while waiting, we chat alot and joke around and lots of nonsenses also na.. hahax, than i was thinking that like, are we the noisy there, cus most of the other contestant are like listening to their music and practicing.. while three of us are talking "non' stop.. cus i was just WAY TOO BORED already can.. As i'm participating for modeling while Sx and Zc are gonna SING.. actually aku also wanna sing, but bad news is i'm freaking SICK, NO VOICE ( My voice totally CHANGE) (sound like JustinBieber when he is at that period of breaking his voice, but that for sure than his voice is much more WAY MORE better than my voice alright) and i'm even having high FEVER, but i still went for the audition.. As i did went to see the doc the previous day which is also on 10th dec na.. My temperature was like 38.1 like that na.. but SEE i still went for the audition.. they sure feel very proud can.. a FREAKING SICK person still crawl our out bed and "forcing" herself to go for the audition..they should felt touch too can..
Like each time round 10 person will enter the audition room, than when it's our turn, we went in and was asked to be seated down.. while waiting for the previous 10 person to finish their singing and dancing na.. so which also mean that we can see the 10 person who went in before us perform na.. *alright i know it sound abit confusing but that it na, VERY HARD TO EXPLAIN, cus this is not that main point* and know what, when we are seated, the first time i do i look at all the judges marh, than when one of the female judges just came into the room also, she looked at me with that WTF look na, than i was like *WHAT* *thinking inside my self than WTH did i do, than why she gave me that kind of WTF look* *too pretty liao isit* (hahax, so not shy de ne) LOL.. just URGHH wtf na.* than slowly those 10 person take turn to perform their act.. singing, dancing and MC *news reporter* too.. And some did sing till NOT THAT BAD *but just not that GREAT also na* some just Errrr ok, for dancing, i notice one of the guy, he seem to forget some of his dance moves than he's like so STUCK na, than he like so call keep repeating the same move na, *guess i can dance better than err hmm na* Maybe SERIOUSLY NERVOUS ba.. AND I DID release that, those JUDGES are not looking at the contestant at all time na, some are looking down at the paper, some are playing with the pen, and even using their Iphone too, while the contestant are performing /Singing na.. LIKE SERIOUSLY, so DISRESPECTFUL can.. Like contestant are performing, the judges SHOULD look at the contestant and rate them de marh, but those judges are like so HACKING nor.. doing their own stuff, using their phone and ETC disrespectful ways while contestant are performing their act/sing to them.. LIKE SO WTF that all.. i'm like so PISSED over this can.. UGRHHH.. than when our batch de 10 person are told to moved and stand in one line and take turn to perform, sx was the first one, so she sing not bad.. alright than it's my turn, than i was told them *here for modeling* ( as most of the contestant are there to sing / dance or act de na, but mostly SINGING) so when i said modeling, than i start my *catwalk* than pose pose pose, and seriously i dunno where to walk to na, cus the distance is like FUCKING short only can.. than i was like walk straight, than turn left, turn right, and walk back again, like SERIOUSLY damn confusing, dunno where to walk to, but i just did *catwalk* and Pose pose pose all the way na.. till they say THANK YOU , that it.. One of the Judges will say thank you, than contestant got to stop the perform and walk back to the place where they were standing nor.. But seriously all they say is just THANK YOU that all, and more worse is not even looking at the contestant na.. like so SERIOUSLY FUCKING DISRESPECT can.. SERIOUSLY i'm freaking mad over this , bare with me la right.. and i do know that this post was seriously VERY CONFUSING also na.. More info MSN, tweet or FB me personally to ask yeah.. :D hehex
Alright done complaining.. But anyway the result is still not out yet, but guess our-self already know that we will not be chosen already na, so just hack care about it that all, as we are also not shortlisted so no more hope le nor.. Me and ZC are PISSED with them and we already hack care of whether we are been chosen not, cus we already DONT WANN CARE, as got such DISRESPECT judges so we care so much for what... really, my impression for them is like getting more WORSE can.. HATE THEM TO MAX na... no wonder i dislike Korean so much.. no offense to those crazy insane KPOP fans alright..
So after the sucking audition, we FINALLY went to have our lunch, i CAPS FINALLY cus i was just way too hungry already can, i did keep complaining to zc and sx than I'M HUNGRY I'M HUNGRY , just keep repeating to them than i'm freaking hungry na.. hahax.. so we went to jack's place to have lunch, i order that steak, and i asked for medium rare, but know what, they serve me like those *totally rare* de steak nor.. like so NOT MEDIUM rare can.. but at that moment, i was just way too hungry and tired, so lazy to complain to them also na.. and i did finish the whole *so called raw steak* TOO HUNGRY already can..

AND ya BTW 11th Dec is our beloved ZC @actorcong 18th BIRTHDAY.. like Woo FINALLY he's 18 la right.. haahx.. so here wishing the *future* Actor cong a VERY lovely 18 birthday.. but NAH NAH, changing, wishing him a WILD and crazy 18th birthday.. guy marh, than reach 18yrs old, can officially go clubbing liao, so WILD and crazy 18 for him.. AND ytd i forgot to give him birthday hugs, nvm nvm, NEXT TIME yeah.. Muwahahha but got to make sure that he dosen't run away than can, if not i very paiseh de na.. hahahx..

LOL but just again.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to him na.. like waited for so long, than FINALLY dec than he FINALLY 18 yrs old liao.. hahahx. LAO LE NOR.. *sad case sad case* :D..
alright, done for today blog.. bye human.. :D

"U oh beautiful U so beautiful U my beautiful, Nothing better than you"-Beautiful = BEAST

Wednesday, December 08, 2010


I'm back for some Clubbing pic.. :D Excited to see them.. LOL (Ok, nothing much to be excited about la right, LOL) (* excuse me as i'm kinda hyper now, as i've FUCKING LOST my voice BUT i'm dancing along to all the music 987FM is playing now.. :D Btw I'd also dedicated a song to myself too *sorry for being so self-fish* dedicate any of the Taylor Swift song to MYSELF to pity myself for losing my lovely *sexy* voice.. LOL, so BU yao lian sia, Bahahax.. So Shan and Ross chosen BACK TO DECEMBER for me, and HELL YEAH, currently i'm deeply in love with that song na, BUT the problem is i CAN'T sing along with it.. but NVM, i can still dance along with it.. btw when the song BACK TO DECEMBER is playing, my bro and sis is singing along with it too, than sis don't really know the lyrics so when she's trying to sing along with it, it's damn LOL de na..Than my Bro is like LOL-ING like MAD also nor, while i'm in my own world dancing like MAD too.. *) Alright, back to *clubbing topic* and YEAH 3rd Dec is FINALLY the first time ever i go clubbing with my beloved GF, as usually went clubbing with blah blah and blah blah, but this time round is like FINALLY FINALLY we FINALLY got that chance to go clubbing tgt.. :D And it's their virgin clubbing night too.. :D so yep.. actually we are planning to go PH = powerhouse one, but my dear Emily didn't bring her IC along with her, so PLAN to PH cancel, so we decided to go yeefei they all at lunar.. And that also my first time going to lunar, as i don't REALLY LIKE CHINESE CLUB.. but nvm.... And know what, when we arrive there, than i saw that the table where they are, are directly BESIDE the SPEAKER can.. DIRECTLY BESIDE THE SPEAKER na.. WTF can.. the person who build and decorate the pub like no brain de is it, put a table beside the SPEAKER and accept people to stnad right beside the speaker is it.. WTF can.. Alright, just saying NOH8 alright.. :D
Alright, enough of complaining, so here's some SPAM of the picture.. :D

I do love the lighting effect alot..:D

Alright, i'm like totally hyper at that moment na, and only Kang look at the camera nia,
yt and Emliy = IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE.. Bahahax..

Than WhenEver that club started to play or people SINGING CHINESE SONG LIVE, we are like.. WTF, ARGHHH.. Don't really like nor LOVE to heard Chinese song in a club.. like so -_-''' , WTF can.. seriously..
LOVE my GF lots.. :D
two more missing but i'm SURE that ALL of US *GF* will go club TGT one day.. ALL *GF* TGT. :D
Anyway basically that day, clubbing at lunar was a blast na, not because of the music or ETC, just that basically all our us are just self-hyper that all, and honestly i dun like the song they are singing or playing na, just A FEW English party song that all.. but we did enjoy our-self that day alot.. :D Love clubbing with them alot.. :D
But that for sure that, i'll NEVER EVER go back to lunar to club AGAIN.. NEVER.. Butter Factory are still the best in my brain.. As for Powerhouse, hmm, don't really havea very good impression for it, but well, who knows maybe if i went to PH next time, i'll be loving it, WHO KNOWS right..
BUT I'm DEFINITELY a person who LOVE to CLUB, as ALWAYS.. :D PARTY ANIMALS yeah.. :D
Anyway did camwhore awhile and i do LOVE my Collar Bone can.. :D

So Yep, guess there's will be more clubbing pic next time.. :D Party there's no tml, and how i wish that i can PARTY ALL NIGHT and SLEEP WHOLE DAY na.. Seriously..

"Feeling so Fly, like a G6" - Like A G6 = Far East Movement

Tuesday, December 07, 2010


Just Posted a NOTE in Facebook.. About all my connection which is now NOT LINKED to Facebook already.. NO more my FLOOD in Facebook, but will always be a FLOOD in TWITTER and Tumblr.. :D

HERE'S THE NOTE :*Which is in the color of *PURPLE*

Ask you all can See, My twitter is FINALLY not connected to FaceBook, as i DO find MYSELF DAMN ANNOYING with those FLOOD from Twitter which had Linked to FaceBook na right.. :D SO i've just UNLINKED both of them, so Don't worry, NO MORE TWITTER Flood from me, to your FB new feeds already.. :D
but not just Twitter, My Tumblr, Blogger and ETC are ALL also not linked to FB already.. so NO MORE FLOOD from me anymore, but just that will have PICTURE of MINE flooding your new feeds only, CAMWHORE what, can't blame yea.. HATERS GONNA HATE yeh..But You guys can still "STALK" me.. hehex.. i STILL do TWEET ALOT, but just that not flooding facebook but ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS FLOODING My beloved Follower on Twitter.. :D hehex.. Do check me out at ..
And i guess i've turn into a TUMBLR ADDICT already.. :D So i'll ALWAYS ALWAYS Update/REBLOG pic in my tumblr, when i found some really interested Pics, i will Also use tumblr and send it to twitter too.. So tumblr will *always* FLOOD my twitter too, GOOD THING and PIC are mean to be SHARE ALL AROUND the WORLD right.. hahax.. :D
Alright, if you have a tumblr too, PLEASE do FOLLOW me yeah, you'll REGRET if you didn't follow me on TUMBLR.. HAHA.. FOLLOW FOLLOW ALRIGHT.. (If NOT Y NO FOLLOW ME HUH)..I do TROLL in Omegle.. And guess you'll SPOT me, by asking *WHAT IS AIR*, hmm Guess that ALL TUMBLR-ER will ASK that, so TEEHEE, NOT SO EASY TO SPOT ME YEAH.. AS now TUMBLR HAD TAKEN OVER OMEGLE, hahax.. WOOO, so they see me trollin' they are hating it.. BAH, HATERS GONNA HATE..TUMBLR is LIFE man..And our *Daddy* is the hottest creator too..
Anyway had ALSO unlinked blogger to FB, so wanna know more about me, READ IT But i'm NOT ALWAYS UPDATING IT, so YOU are GONNA MISS ME.. LOL.. * OMG since when i've become so THICK SKIN, LOL* Lastly FEEL DAMN FREE to ask me ANYTHING, and YEAH, i do mean EVERYTHING.. EVERYTHING you wanna know and ASK, so feel DAMN FREE TO ASK ME ANYTHING YEAH.. :D <------ Ask at formsping or you can either choose to ask me at my tumblr too, just click on the ASK ME *button* ask i'll ALWAYS be on tumblr *unless when it's DOWN* so ask me on tumblr, you'll get your answer VERY FAST, but not that easy to find your *answer* from me, ask my tumblr UPDATE VERY FAST, but there's a EASIER way to find, just click on the SEARCH box and type in PERSONAL, that all, than just search for your Question to me that's all.. :D It's that easy right.. :D another easier way is just ask me in formspring but slower reply, that all.. :D

SO YEP.. anyway this few days SUPER EMO and NO MOOD to do EVERY other THINGS nor.. HAIS.. Anyway on 3rd December i finally went clubbing with my BELOVED GF..* cus always went clubbing with my other friend but not my GF, but it's like FINALLY GF and I went clubbing tgt..Anyway shall blog about this tml or SOON ba. NOW super NO MOOD can.. PAISEH PAISEH.. i'll be back really SOON, perhaps TML.. :D, but don't worry, i will not let my readers wait for too long yeah. stay tuned.. :D

ANYWAY i LOVE this Glee cast *Santana* Finally have a SOLO.. WOOO
LOVE Naya Rivera, so SEXY yeah.. i could have turn *les* just for her

Why don't you come on over Valerie"-Valerie = Glee Cast *Santana* Aka Naya Rivera