Tuesday, November 16, 2010


GOSH, seriously we really went to hospital last night as my cute little brother, can't take it anymore, his whole face is like freaking WHITE (he's DAMN pale and SUPER SICK on that day) than around 7 plus, me and mum went down to ask our clinic doctor to write letter for the hospital, so that we can just straight away head to the emergency place at NUH.. soon around 7 going 8pm.. we still wanna see how my bro de situation, but not as what we wanted, he got more worse, so we IMMEDIATELY brought him and cab down to NUH emergency.. while we are inside the cab, he is frezzing and his lips crack and whole body is like freezing like ICE.. Lips, face and everywhere damn freaking pale/white.. so while registrating, one of the nurse told us that, they can allow him to enter to a room and let him rest awhile first, but only one person is allow to tag along with, so OFCOUSE, mum went in tgt with him.. while i sit outside like so LONER , waiting for them to call me in, plus waiting for doctor too.. so with my phone, i seriously can't stop myself from using my phone to go into internet na, PLUS i don't have any Free data plan na, and i DID know without any data plan, using phone to go into internet is freaking EX one.. but i JUST can't STOP myself.. but after suffering for like less or around 5 mins.. i QUICKLY press the red button and go out of the net.. than the only thing i can do is to TWEET and Tweet through phone only.. but for like around 20 to 30 min, that nurse came to me and said that i can also go inside that room with find my bro and mum already.. that moment i was like "YES, FINALLY, if not i seriously will be rotting like don't know what already"..
when that moment i saw bro, he seem to be much more better already, mum told me that those doctor had given him some medicine and ask him to rest awhile more..
so while letting him rest, i help him to massage his head and hand.. :) than let him alone ressting while we sit beside watching him nor.. LOL
i got freaking bored so i snap snap a few pic.. LIKE this

And tweeted : *Feel like pressing those button But NA*
Seem pretty cool right.. LOL.. HOSPITAL marh..
And this

And tweeted:*Seriously, this hospital bed look like some kind of *game* right*
seriously look like some arrow game aka*press green button to go up......*Press red button to move down and ETC ETC ETC......*
LOL but NAH, just kidding.. this is at the bottom of the bed to adjust the bed one na..
BUT HONESTLY for me, i think it look's like some kind of arrow game nor, ok go to stop my nonsense *game* thinngy already ..

Got bored and the last tweet photo will be

And Tweeted : *Get Well soon brother*

after he rest for awhile already, he was told to drink some kind of orange color water, at first i was wondering that why he didn't wanna to finish it fast, so that we can leave the hospital already, since it look nice *orange color water* than while there is no nurse or doctor around i quickly drink a little.. OMG seriosuly it had not much taste at all nor, like some..... just not nice that's all, no wonder bro didn't want to finish it na.. but HE MUST.. as that was some so call energy drink or some kind of thinngy to help him restore his sugar, salt and water in his body na, as he had vomit too much and didn't ate for like almost three day, so he had dehydrated na..
so around 11 plus we pay and went off.. GOSH, the bill is like actually 200.50 cent one, but dunno what government pay or what, than end up is we got to pay only 100.50 only.. so not so bad overall na.. better than paying 200 dollar plus right..
Cab home, and PHEW luckily we made it in time, not before 12am so no midnight charge.. and had TA BAO supper home too.. had seafood *lala* and *yu pian mi fen*.. what a FULL supper yeah.. LOVE it..
AND seriously i was thinking that is there any problem with me, it's like ALMOST EVERYNIGHT, especially around 12 to1 am.. i will be SUPER FREAKING HUNGRY one na.. SERIOUSLY WHY huh.. than like can say ALMOST EVERYNIGHT i will have SUPPER.. GOSH, seriously it's not good for my health and fattening too.. DAMN DAMN DAMN, got to control already.. *but the prblem is, I CAN'T, every night i just NEED FOOD or eat Some THING, that's ALL** EVERY Mid-Night is a MUST to have supper and FOOD IS ALL OVER MY BRAIN every night and EVEN day too..
*Than just now at tumblr saw and reblog this post.. IT'S A NOTE TO MYSELF*

or at least just eat a LITTLE will do.. no harm right
AND DAMN, i dun wanna grew any fatter already nor.. keep gaining weight, and now there is FATS on my stomach already na, previously my stomach can use to and play like a guitar one, but now is just one big BALL, or i can say not that big ball.. average ball na.. ALL FATS na.. ARGHHH, got to go on diet already.. got to train up to have abs or at least to have my *guitar stomach* back..

ANYWAY ANYWAY ANYWAY today my bro is like recovering already, than now he is like FREAKING BAD and back to normal already na.. HATE THAT can.. i rather he use to be that quiet and guai kids na, than now, he recover MUCH MORE, he is FUCKING BAD and naughty can.. PLEASE AH< TAN JIA JUN. pls be a good boy and listen to EVERYONE can, don't make EVERY ONE OF US worry for you, care for you, than now back to that NAUGHTY kid again..
But can't blame na, that's just him, but i KNOW HE can BE BETTER one.. hope i still had that TRUST in him to be a better boy someDay.. JIE JIE STILL LOVE YOU LOTS.. HEARTS (XOXO)

"Ooh na na, what's my name"- What's My Name = Rihanna Ft.Drake

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