Saturday, November 27, 2010


Fri 26th nov.. Went Swimming with @ and beloved Brother @.. actually i was plannign to go there Tanning, as i'd already prepare EVERYTHING just for tanning.. SUNTAN oil that for sure and i did even bring my CLASSY book there to read while tanning one.. BUT know what.. when we just reached they not more than 1 hour or maybe around 30 mins. than it started raining.. i was like OH GOD, SERIOUSLY GOD.. WTH, why like that sia.. and is like EVERY TIME when i bring my bro to go swimming along, it will ALWAYS rain, this is already the second time le na.. HATE IT when we go swimming, than it started raining.. like WTH na can..SERIOUSLY, ARGHHH..
went at around 2.30pm to 3PM ++, thanks again to @ who *kinda* LATE again.. like always na.. Ahiyo, boy ah, when can you change not to be late one time ah, BOY BOY ne, how can be late one, and let girls wait.. AHIYO Yo.. OK, LOL, since when i become sound like so AUNTY le huh, DIE liao na, LAO LE.. DAMN SHIT.. HATE TO BE OLD, although we are *only* 18 yrs old, but i already felt that we are VERY OLD liao nor.. WHY huh, so this kind of XIANG FAI is a GOOD thing or BAD thing.. Hmmm..
So the rain is like keep coming and going na.. Suddenly stop raining than SUDDENLY Started to rain damn heavily.. WTH nor.. *HATE IT*
anyway swam until around 6.30pm than head to shower than sent Bro home first, than i went out again to meet @ for dinner .. * as i asked him to wait for me a JP first na* BUT perviously he told me that was meeting XH and PL for dinner tgt de, but suddenly they told him that they got thing on so change of plan, so only both od us went for dinner, NOT DATE ah, PEOPLE DON'T MISUNDERSTOOD.. * (maybe people also didn't think about the thing DATE, SHI WO XIANG TAI DOU LE ba, I guess, HMM, LOL) Anyway, we have NEWYORK NEWYORK for dinner.. YEAH, it's like MONTH i didn't had NEWYORK NEWYORk le na.. So kinda miss it, but just that i will never ever order pasta again, will seriously eat until damn sick and tired of the taste of Pasta de na.. PASTA not really my TYPE na... So i Order CHICKEN, it's REALLY REALLY NICE can, and NOT that EX also nor..

TA.DA, that's my Chicken, the top CHEESE taste so much like PIZZA can,

And i did Tweeted it Wrongly.. it Chicken not fishy.. So yep, my mistake.. :D
So ZC order some fishy, taste not that bad, but also just not my type na.. and his fishy portion is not really that big too, so personally i think is not really worth it.. MINE is AWESOME.. :D
but know what, i can't really finish the whole thing, did cut some of it and throw it to ZC and asked him help me to finish.. HE SHOULD EAT MORE MARH, RIGHT, see I SO GOOD TO HIM.. *THANK YOU THANK YOU* OK, like abit *BU YAO LIAN NA*

Than we have this LOVELY CHOCOLATE BANANA dessert.. *forgotten it's name*

Seriously it DAMN nice de na.. LOVE IT * MY TYPE* :D
So after dinner BILL time.. and know what we are like so FUCKING stupid na.. Our main cost price is the same marh, than the dressers we sharing marh, than we still say that 算自己的钱.. than after counting, i was like AAAA our price is the same marh, so just need one person count can already marh.. than is like so -_-''' can, DAMN STUPID can, LMAO..
After DINNER i straight away went to toilet na.. SO ME can, ONCE AFTER FOOD NEED TO SHIT out already.. but ytd special na, didn't shit.. (*Anyway while blogging this, NOW i feel like SHITTING na, ok i know it's FREAKING RANDOM*) so after SHH SHH.. went to walk awhile and i BROUGHT this SALMON SUSHI for SUPPER.. YEAH *HAPPY*

Since it's like kinda LATE already marh, so MOST of the shop is CLOSE, but before heading back home, did went to popular to find dunno what *clubbing* CD than ZC is looking for na.. * i was like WAH , he's already practice how to dance with those clubbing song le ah* HMM, maybe NOT.. Who KNOW's, even if he is a great dance we also wont know, unless wait till OVER dec 11, than can ask him to go clubbing liao, than that time, must definitely check out his dance move than.. LOL.. while he is looking for his *CLUBBING CD* than i go hunt for some LATEST album.. And i DID saw Justin Bieber latest album * MY World acoustic album*..
Most of the song are the same just ACOUSTIC only, but got one new song called *PRAY*.. anyway i found that that sing pray is quite touching and NOT that BAD na, *Not really a bieber FANS, didn't really had a VERY STRONG BIEBER FEVER* so YEP.. But just NOH8.. (copyright from L.G.B.T)
hmm NOT BAD nor.. I USE TO LOVE HIM ALOT ALOT ALOT, but now just NOT THAT LOT already, since he had SO MUCH FANS.. me, on else fans also NOT MUCH BIG DIFFERENT to him nor, RIGHT..
here's the song *PRAY* as he preforming LIVE at the AMA 2010.. And i did get so ARGHHH, when he got that Artists of the year 2010 in AMA na.. is like EVEN GAGA and KATY also LOSE to him na.. LIKE SERIOUSLY PEOPLE.. KNEW IT NOR, SO MUCH PEOPLE got BIEBER FEVER, he OFCOUSE WIN na.. ( RMB, just saying NOH8)
But when he is performing the song PRAY LIVE, got one part he is like OUT OF TUNE / VOICE na.. and i show it to my bro, he was LAUGHING like MAD na.. LOL
CHECK IT OUT YEAH.. (*PRAY*, Justin Bieber performing LIVE at AMA 2010)

AND in Popular i also saw Taylor Swift *SPEAK NOW* album, i was like OMG OMG OMG when i saw her album na..
than i check the price.. $21++ than i was like Awww DAMN me WHY NO MONEY sia.. HAIS, SIANX.. BUT JUST LOVE TAYLOR SWIFT MORE AND MORE can.. and since that i saw her in straight hair i was like totally OBSESSED over her already na..
here some SPAM of her straight hair.. I TOTALLY MELT when i saw her straight hair na. Was watching the AMA 2010 LIVE through NET marh, than is like OMG na, i even SPAM my Twitter and Tumblr with ALL TAYLOR SWIFT STRAIGHT HAIR LOOK na.. hahax, previously i was staring NON stop na.. JUST SO STUNNING can.. MELTED whenEver when i saw her picx..
Personally i DO LOVE and PREFER her STRAIGHT hair look na.. BUT SERIOUSLY she look STUNNING in EVERY LOOK and STYLE.. LOVE HER lots.. ALWAYS 13. TAYLOR SWIFT.. *showing HEART with my hands*..
XOXO Taylor Swift..
And know what her SPEAK NOW world tour date all had been show and her first show will be in SINGAPORE Feb 9,, BUT i CAN'T go, one point is i don't have the much MONEY.. =( *SUPER SAD* another reason is ALL HER TICKET is SOLD OUT DAMN FAST can.. Arghhh.. even if got money also cant go na.. ALL TICKET SOLD OUT nor,, ARGHHH.. *SUPER SAD and ANGRY* =(
Anyway she did perform her song *Back to December* during AMA 2010.. and it's FREAKING AWESOME.. *had already download fro youtube and store inside my phone liao, so it's like EVERYDAY before i sleep, i will watch her perform before sleeping, YES I DID MEAN EVERYDAY, EVEN NOW also, later before i head to bed, i WILL and MUST watch her performance AGAIN too.. as i said EVERYDAY, and YES i MEAN it.. SUPER OBSESSED and ADDICTED to her songs already na.. epically current de *Back To December*..
And here the Video i DID Watch it EVERYDAY before i sleep..
*this Pic she look so DAMN like Chantel jones from Cycle 9 ANTM na*..

IT's Just SUPER GREAT with that MASH UP too..
Taylor Swift is just so SUPER talented can..
she even wrote this song by herself na, can.. OMG right..
and she did wrote EVEN MORE song too, all from her latest album *SPEAK NOW*
HOW i WISH i can MEET one day nor, EVEN just 5 min or lesser also can.. JUST meet her in real life will do, that's ALL.. * my x'mas WISH than* just so simple..
MEET TAYLOR SWIFT IN REAL LIFE.. *than i will be the happiest girl in the world already*

Alright, Seriously i should sleep already, it's like 5.47am le na, PLUS later going to universal studio with aunt, cousin, grandma they all, should be like be awake at 6.30 or 7am PLUS nor.. BUT NOW i'm still not asleep yet.. so I SHOULD say GOOD BYE already.. so Night to people who are reading this yeah.. hmmm, NIGHTs or MORNING ba.. :D LOVE my Readers too..
And i'll ALWAYS UPDATE and be ON TUBMLR so, do check it out yeah.. :D *already TUBMLR ADDICT liao, like i used to be FACEBOOK Addict but now it's ALL ABOUT TUMBLR, and wont forget Twitter too follow me at @blingjael yeah.. :D or check out my BELOVED TUMBLR ..

"So this is me swallowing my pride, Standing in front of you saying I'm sorry for that night, And I'd go back to December all the time" - Back To December = Taylor Swift

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tumblr-addict TROLLIN'

Anyway found this quite useFull for those who wanna go for a diet and SLIM down..
and REBLOG it from TUMBLR (can check it out in tumblr version

100 Weight Loss Secrets

1. Cut back on your carbohydrate intake

2. Do your workout as soon as you get out of bed on an empty stomach

3. Have your largest meal at the beginning of the day

4. Have 6 small meals a day instead of three big ones

5. Eat your meals every three hours to keep your metabolism going

6. Increase fiber intake. It’s rumored that for every gram of fiber you consume you burn 7 calories!

7. Workout for at least 30 minutes a day.

8. Have two glasses of water before you eat

9. Don’t eat crabs after 7pm

10. If you must snack, have fruit or vegetables instead of junk food

11. Drink protein shakes low in carbs for a good post workout energizer

12. Ensure you take multivitamins! You feel hungrier when malnourished

13. Start buying the low calorie options at the supermarket. Instead of full fat cheese opt for light.

14. Drink a black coffee before working out. It speeds your heart rate and has 0 calories!

15. Cut out the notorious ‘fat photo’ to stick on the fridge. When you open it up you will have a reminder of what you don’t want to look like.

16. Take before and after photos of yourself. When you compare them and see progress you will be ten times more motivated!

17. Drink green tea! It will speed up your metabolism

18. Decide on a goal weight and mark down on a calender. Look at it everyday to remind yourself how much time you have

19. Don’t binge! Instead have a ‘cheat meal’. One day a week allow yourself to eat whatever you want. No matter how fatty or how sugary! The idea is to have as many calories in this meal as possible. It will shock your metabolism into speeding up and actually aid your weight loss! You may only do this if you have been good on your diet through the week.

20. Do your exercise while watching tv. The time will fly!

21. Associate exercise with positive feelings. It will be hard to do at first. Instead of thinking ‘oh no I have to go to the gym’ try ‘yay I get to go to the gym and do something positive for myself’

22. Only weigh yourself once a week to avoid discouragement. If you are weighing yourself everyday you might get depressed and lose hope. This could lead to a binge! Which we all know is very very bad for your diet.

23. Don’t think of your healthy eating habits as a diet. Diets are something you do to lose weight. If you come off the ‘diet’ you will put it all back on. Think of it as a new lifestyle. Something which you will be able to keep up forever.

24. Write down a list of reasons that you need to lose weight

25. Tell a friend your goal weight and the date which you will reach it. If somebody else knows about your goal you will have more pressure to achieve it.

26. Start reading the nutrition labels on food before you buy it

27. Don’t do the grocery shopping when you are hungry. Chances are you will buy junk food! And way too much of it at that.

28. If you are going to have a coffee, ask for light milk and have a sugar substitute instead of the real thing.

29. If you are going to be eating at a restaurant, order a lean meat with a side salad.

30. Cut out juices and soft drinks. They are just empty calories.

31. If you feel like you are going to cave in and eat something bad. Have a low fat chocolate icecream from wendys or something equivalent. Two low fat ice creams during the week is better than a junk food binge.

32. Workout with a friend, Time will go much faster.

33. Don’t workout with a friend who is less fit than you. Make sure you surround yourself with people who will inspire and motivate you!

34. Park the car in the furtherest spot away that you can so you walk more

35. Take the stairs instead of the lift

36. If somebody gives you a compliment on your weight loss don’t say things like ‘no i haven’t I’m still huge’. Give yourself some credit. Accept the compliment graciously and you will be on top of the world!

37. Set realistic goals. If you set unrealistic goals chances are you will be less motivated and give up.

38. Don’t skip breakfast EVER! This is the most important meal of the day. Your body wont start burning fat until you eat.

39. If somebody in your family or one of your friends tells you that you don’t need to lose weight, chances are they are trying to make you feel better. We all know the person who is brutally honest. Ask for their opinion.

40. Buy a pair of expensive jeans that you will be able to fit into when you have lost the weight. That way you will be much more determined because you don’t want that money to go to waste!

41. If you are a woman, don’t go on a diet with a man. Men have the ability to lose weight faster than women as they have naturally faster metabolisms and women have an extra layer of fat. If you see them losing weight faster than you, you may lose motivation.

42. If you have a thin friend who eats whatever they like, that does not mean you can do the same.

43. Calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate) This is the amount of calories your body will burn without you having to do anything.

44. Cut your portion sizes in half.

45. Write down the reasons you need to lose weight and hang them on your wall. Read them out loud every day!

46. Don’t push yourself too hard! You don’t want your body to crash.

47. Drink lots and lots of water!

48. You can lose weight without being hungry. If you feel hungry but it isn’t time for your next meal, have one or two small bites of something to keep you satisfied until meal time.

49. If you cave in and eat something bad, don’t be too hard on yourself! Everybody makes mistakes.

50. If you are a fan of fizzy drinks opt for the diet ones. Diet coke has only 1 calorie compared to regular coke which has 150!

51. Eat oats for breakfast. Low GI foods keep you fuller for longer!

52. Stay away from overly processed foods. They are usually very high in fat and

53. Find out what a healthy weight for your height should be

54. Don’t sugarcoat things. From now on you are not ‘cuddly’, ‘big boned’ or ’slightly chubby’. You are “f*cking fat” and you can’t stand it anymore! It’s time to change. Please don’t be offended. I know it may seem over the top and harsh. But if it isn’t painful you won’t change it. Being fat is something you will no longer stand for in your life. It has caused you too much pain and you deserve to feel good about yourself!

55. Listen to your body. If you are craving an apple or something healthy then go ahead. Ignore cravings for junk food.

56. If you crave sugar, have fruit. It contains natural sugars

57. Avoid miracle Diet Pills. Most of them are cons. More about this later!

58. Opt for low calorie dressings on your salads instead of regular

59. Reward yourself when you reach a goal. E.g buy yourself a new outfit (never reward yourself with food)

60. Take your dog for a walk everyday if you have one

61. Only eat lean cuts of meat

62. Make 75% of the food on your plate green vegetables at least once a day

63. Do not skip meals. You need to keep your metabolism going!

64. Avoid packaged or over processed foods and have fresh wholesome foods instead. They usually contain less fat and have fewer preservatives!

65. Have more sex. It releases a chemical that makes you less hungry and burns calories.

66. Cut alcohol from your diet. If you must drink at least choose a low calorie option such as bacardi and diet coke

67. Keep a food diary. It will help you keep track of your calorie intake and make modifications on your eating habits

68. Take a shower when a food craving strikes to take your mind off it and relax your body

69. Throw all the junk food out from your cupboards. If it’s not there you cant eat it!

70. Brush your teeth after eating. It will stop you wanting to eat more and make the food taste bad if you do decide to eat!

71. Eat your salad before you eat your main meal. You’ll consume less calories because you won’t be as hungry!

72. When going on a date, go out for a romantic moonlight beach walk rather than dinner and a movie.

73. Ride your bike or walk to work if you live in close proximity

74. When eating at a restaurant, don’t arrive hungry. Eat fruit or something low calorie before you arrive.

75. Have low fat margarine instead of butter

76. Don’t eat in the kitchen or standing by the fridge or pantry. Put your food on a plate and sit down at the table. That way you can control how much you are actually eating.

77. If you crave chocolate or sweet things late at night have a low calorie hot chocolate. You can buy lite hot chocolate mix from any supermarket at approximately 42 calories.

78. Write a shopping list before you go the supermarket and only buy the things on the list. No sneaking extra goodies into the trolley!

79. Incorporate weights into your training program. The more muscle you have the more calories your body will burn.

80. Eat more spicy foods to speed up your metabolism

81. Eat your vegetables raw. Your body has to work harder to break them down which makes you burn more calories.

82. Eat less salty food. Salty foods make your body retain water and makes you feel fatter. If you feel fatter you will lose motivation. You will also look fatter!

83. Do interval training as cardio. Your heart rate will stay higher after you finish working out. This way you burn more calories even when you aren’t working out. When you do regular training your heart rate goes back to normal straight after you train.

84. Do cardio training after you do weights. You burn calories 200% faster after weight training because your glycogen stores have decreased.

85. Replace trans fats in your diet with polyunsaturated or monounsaturated fatty acids. This lowers cholesterol levels and actually helps your body burn calories! Do this by eating less high fat processed foods and more fresh fruit and vegetables.

86. Buy yourself some new gym clothes. You can’t wear them anywhere else than at the gym so you’ll want to go there to show them off! Black is always slimming, so you’ll feel better about yourself!

87. Get a tan. When you have a tan you look thinner. This will motivate you to lose weight!

88. Eat negative calorie foods such as celery and carrots. Your body burns more calories digesting the food than the calories that they contain.

89. Avoid fried foods at all costs!

90. Bake, broil or roast foods instead of frying them.

91. Use herbs to flavor foods instead of sauces. Sauces are actually quite high in calories. When you are dieting every calorie counts!

92. If you receive chocolates or wine as a gift. Save them for your cheat meal!

93. Sleep at least 8 hours a night. Having less than this WILL increase your appetite.

94. Spend more time in the sun. It increases your metabolism and helps suppress appetite.

95. Eat red meat. The creatine contained in it helps you burn more fat. If you are a vegan/vegetarian take creatine as a supplement.

96. Only take weight loss advice from a thin person. If an overweight person is giving you advice, do not listen.

97. Do a colon cleanse. You can lose up to 10lbs in dried fecal matter. Yucky!

98. If you’re going out for the day, take a low calorie snack with you to have for lunch and a protein shake. You’ll save money and consume fewer calories.

99. Track your progress. If you stop losing weight you need to know so you can do something about it!

100. Track your body fat percentage. You need to ensure that the weight you are losing isn’t all muscle.

Take your time to read it yeah..
Actually some advice are REALLY VERY GOOD, SO DO FOLLOW..

and for those who had tumblr, FOLLOW ME yeah..

AND another meaning POST, but not about slimming down already.. it seriously some really meaning post nor.. SAD..

  • Girl: Slow down, I'm scared.
  • Boy: No this is fun.
  • Girl: No its not. Please, its too scary.
  • Boy: Then tell me you love me.
  • Girl: Fine, I love you. Now slow down!
  • Boy: Now give me a hug.
  • Girl: *gives boy hug*
  • Boy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? It's bugging me.
  • Girl: Alright, now slow down.
  • Boy: I love you, babe.
  • Girl: I love you too. Just slow down, PLEASE!
(In the paper the next day)

"A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of a brake failure. 2 people were on it, but only 1 had survived. The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had her say she loved him and felt her hug 1 last time, then he had her wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he would die."

Freaking SAD right.. if this is a true story, that guy is really very brave and lovely nor, he LOVE his GF that much.. Awwwww.. now Days hard to get and have this kind of boy already.. TOO BAD NA, ARGHhhh..

ok, shall go tumblr and REBLOG REBLOG REBLOG already.. and YES aseriously i do admit that i'm a tumblr freak and tumblr addict already.. TOO BAD, and i;m proud to say that.. LOVE and XOXO TUMBLR..
tumblr people, do FOLLOW ME yeah..

"Now I'm feelin so fly like a G6 , Like a G6, Like a G6"- Like A G6 = Far East Movement


GOSH, seriously we really went to hospital last night as my cute little brother, can't take it anymore, his whole face is like freaking WHITE (he's DAMN pale and SUPER SICK on that day) than around 7 plus, me and mum went down to ask our clinic doctor to write letter for the hospital, so that we can just straight away head to the emergency place at NUH.. soon around 7 going 8pm.. we still wanna see how my bro de situation, but not as what we wanted, he got more worse, so we IMMEDIATELY brought him and cab down to NUH emergency.. while we are inside the cab, he is frezzing and his lips crack and whole body is like freezing like ICE.. Lips, face and everywhere damn freaking pale/white.. so while registrating, one of the nurse told us that, they can allow him to enter to a room and let him rest awhile first, but only one person is allow to tag along with, so OFCOUSE, mum went in tgt with him.. while i sit outside like so LONER , waiting for them to call me in, plus waiting for doctor too.. so with my phone, i seriously can't stop myself from using my phone to go into internet na, PLUS i don't have any Free data plan na, and i DID know without any data plan, using phone to go into internet is freaking EX one.. but i JUST can't STOP myself.. but after suffering for like less or around 5 mins.. i QUICKLY press the red button and go out of the net.. than the only thing i can do is to TWEET and Tweet through phone only.. but for like around 20 to 30 min, that nurse came to me and said that i can also go inside that room with find my bro and mum already.. that moment i was like "YES, FINALLY, if not i seriously will be rotting like don't know what already"..
when that moment i saw bro, he seem to be much more better already, mum told me that those doctor had given him some medicine and ask him to rest awhile more..
so while letting him rest, i help him to massage his head and hand.. :) than let him alone ressting while we sit beside watching him nor.. LOL
i got freaking bored so i snap snap a few pic.. LIKE this

And tweeted : *Feel like pressing those button But NA*
Seem pretty cool right.. LOL.. HOSPITAL marh..
And this

And tweeted:*Seriously, this hospital bed look like some kind of *game* right*
seriously look like some arrow game aka*press green button to go up......*Press red button to move down and ETC ETC ETC......*
LOL but NAH, just kidding.. this is at the bottom of the bed to adjust the bed one na..
BUT HONESTLY for me, i think it look's like some kind of arrow game nor, ok go to stop my nonsense *game* thinngy already ..

Got bored and the last tweet photo will be

And Tweeted : *Get Well soon brother*

after he rest for awhile already, he was told to drink some kind of orange color water, at first i was wondering that why he didn't wanna to finish it fast, so that we can leave the hospital already, since it look nice *orange color water* than while there is no nurse or doctor around i quickly drink a little.. OMG seriosuly it had not much taste at all nor, like some..... just not nice that's all, no wonder bro didn't want to finish it na.. but HE MUST.. as that was some so call energy drink or some kind of thinngy to help him restore his sugar, salt and water in his body na, as he had vomit too much and didn't ate for like almost three day, so he had dehydrated na..
so around 11 plus we pay and went off.. GOSH, the bill is like actually 200.50 cent one, but dunno what government pay or what, than end up is we got to pay only 100.50 only.. so not so bad overall na.. better than paying 200 dollar plus right..
Cab home, and PHEW luckily we made it in time, not before 12am so no midnight charge.. and had TA BAO supper home too.. had seafood *lala* and *yu pian mi fen*.. what a FULL supper yeah.. LOVE it..
AND seriously i was thinking that is there any problem with me, it's like ALMOST EVERYNIGHT, especially around 12 to1 am.. i will be SUPER FREAKING HUNGRY one na.. SERIOUSLY WHY huh.. than like can say ALMOST EVERYNIGHT i will have SUPPER.. GOSH, seriously it's not good for my health and fattening too.. DAMN DAMN DAMN, got to control already.. *but the prblem is, I CAN'T, every night i just NEED FOOD or eat Some THING, that's ALL** EVERY Mid-Night is a MUST to have supper and FOOD IS ALL OVER MY BRAIN every night and EVEN day too..
*Than just now at tumblr saw and reblog this post.. IT'S A NOTE TO MYSELF*

or at least just eat a LITTLE will do.. no harm right
AND DAMN, i dun wanna grew any fatter already nor.. keep gaining weight, and now there is FATS on my stomach already na, previously my stomach can use to and play like a guitar one, but now is just one big BALL, or i can say not that big ball.. average ball na.. ALL FATS na.. ARGHHH, got to go on diet already.. got to train up to have abs or at least to have my *guitar stomach* back..

ANYWAY ANYWAY ANYWAY today my bro is like recovering already, than now he is like FREAKING BAD and back to normal already na.. HATE THAT can.. i rather he use to be that quiet and guai kids na, than now, he recover MUCH MORE, he is FUCKING BAD and naughty can.. PLEASE AH< TAN JIA JUN. pls be a good boy and listen to EVERYONE can, don't make EVERY ONE OF US worry for you, care for you, than now back to that NAUGHTY kid again..
But can't blame na, that's just him, but i KNOW HE can BE BETTER one.. hope i still had that TRUST in him to be a better boy someDay.. JIE JIE STILL LOVE YOU LOTS.. HEARTS (XOXO)

"Ooh na na, what's my name"- What's My Name = Rihanna Ft.Drake

Monday, November 15, 2010


Anyway i guess i will not be on blogger that frequently already.. now it's the TUMBLR session ..
so i can say that ALMOST EVERYDAY i will be on TUMBLR updating and reblogging post..
Do check on me / check me out in TUMBLR alright..

Check it out yeah.. TUMBLR is all over the place
and tell you someTing, TUMBLR is some how taking over OMEGLE already
if you are on Omegle chatting with any of the stranger, and if they ask WHAT IS AIR.. don't answer or give them the answer of what is air.... because it's TUMBLR..

Stranger: WHAT IS AIR You: AIR IS LIFE Stranger: WHAT IS LIFE YOU: LIFE IS TUMBLR, And TUMBLR IS GOD.. Stranger : Hell YEAH, TUMBLR, Indeed, tumblr is GOD..

WOOO, TUMBLR all over..
Omegle peeps see Tumblr people TROLLIN' , they are hating it.. WOOO

"Hey check it out , Check it out (x9) , Yeah yeah I'm feeling it now"- Check It Out = Nicki Minaj Ft. Will I Am..

Heal it

GOSH, my cute little bro is getting real SICK.. DAMN DAMN DAMN, ytd midnight he woke up at around 1 or 2am plus, can't remember.. he woke up than started vomiting NON stop.. NON stop you know.. than i was like, GOSH what should i do, than i let him eat some Chinese medicine and his old vomit medicine too.. but all those doesn't help at all can.. thought i can handle him myself, but see him crying till super jia lat than i got no choice than got to wake mummy up to take care of him, at that moment, i felt super useless nor.. hais, DAMN, what a sister i'm na.. seriously like super useless nor, than today morning, mum took bro to see doc than at around 7pm plus he still keep on vomitting, than mum took him down again and had his second injection na.. GOSH, SECOND needle *injection* can.. seriously, dunno what exactly happen to him na, those food he ate, we also did eat nor, but why only him, not us.. Hope he will get better soon .. HUGS to bro.. see him in this kind of situation, my hearts heart too nor.. but there's nothing much i can do, just hope and pray that he will be better that all.. HEARTS brother..

"I feel like our world's been infected, And somehow you left me neglected"-You Lost Me = Christina Aguilera

Friday, November 12, 2010

This is what i call GORGEOUS

KNOW what Know what The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2010 had Finally began.. and it ended too.. and KNOW WHAT our Lovely Kitty Cat KATY PERRY was one of the Guest star.. O.M.G i'm totally in love with her since that day.. HEHEHEX... The Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2010 look damn freaking awesome can.. although i haven watch it, but when i'm on tumblr, I'd REBLOG lots of the picture, Hmm actually not that lot also, but mostly on Katy Perry and My favorite model Alessandra Ambrosio.. i know there are also alot of people who love Adriana Lima, she's one of my Favorite too.. Hmm or i should say i LOVE ALL OF THE ANGLES..
Seriously just look at them, WHY ALL SO SKINNY AND have that kind of PERFECT BODY one.. ALL OF THEM you know.. O.M.G
Have that Perfect Curves, flat abs and got that freaking right size boobs and butt..
that's why they are called and born to be an ANGLE

And Adriana finally gets the fantasy bra!
worth 2 million fucking dollars.

My FAVORITE ANGLE'S Alessandra Ambrosio

And Now TWO of my FAVORITE Victoria's Secret Angles
Adriana Lima AND Alessandra Ambrosio

AnyWay i Freaking LOVE this set of BOXER.. RED* so damn nice can*

And now it's MS KATY..
she's our Teenage dream and my FireWork..

All of them why so PERFECT / SEXY / GORGEOUS..
It's EVERY WOMAN DREAM to be like one of them.. Just one part look like them will do..

"Cause baby you're a firework, Come on show 'em what your worth , Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!", As you shoot across the sky-y-y" - Firework = Katy Perry

Thursday, November 11, 2010

11/11 it's the day for Leo

Sorry blogger for letting you RUST for so many days.. but now i've return.. But can't Blame me, was using the New editor of the blogging post, but it seem to take hours or maybe even days to load and now allowing me to write any thing on it na, ok i know i sound abit complicated, but now i'm using the old editor of poasting blog to blogger na.. OK, once again i sound complicated and hard to explain na, but i'm BACK..
Fine, this post is not totally about mySelf, it's dedicated to Leonardo DiCaprio.. On the 11/11/1974 Leonardo Dicaprio was born.. And that's the day, a perfect man was on the earth.. i know i'm OBSESSED with alot of people, but he is one of the people i;m obsessed with too.. Leonardo DiCaprio is just SO CUTE / HOT / Sexy /and EVERYTHING.. look so gentleMen in my heart AS ALWAYS..
He's Just Super Cute when he was a Little boy right..
how lovely can he still be..

What a Lovely Cute Little boy, i Wanna HUG you..

LOVELY Leonardo DiCaprio

YEP that all for out LOVELY Leonardo DiCaprio..


"Love can touch us one time, and last for a lifetime, And never let go till we're gone"- Titanic=My Heart Will Go On