Friday, September 03, 2010


WOoo, just saw KATY PERRY LIVE at @BBCR1
As she LIVE on that BBC Radio 1 and know what, there's one moment where, they say that the opposite room is quite noisy, so katy just stood up and open the door *which linked to the opposite room* in that radio station, and she shouted "SHUT THE HELL UP", while watching i was like WHAT, OMG.. that's so damn cool can.. than tweeted that to katyscatx that "yeah KATY is so adorable, i got shocked when she does that.. SHUT THE HELL UP......" and  @katyscatx retply to me @blingjael ha thats what shes like seriously, shes the best!..YEAH that what she's like SERIOUSLY, so i guess Katy life would be like so AMZING, FUN , CRAZY and lots of interesting thing happening to her na.. LOVE HER TO max, she's just so funny can.. :) so after the LIVE on BBC Radio 1,  we are told to ReFresh the page to see the behing the sence , like we got to "control" katy, as to tweet or Fb them, as what we will love katy to do over there" so we are told to press F5 after 5 min, *damn i forgotten what she have say, just that she also, if you WANNA LEFT, than just press F.U.... than i was like WOOOO.. interesting yeah.. hahax.. but know what it took me for like dunno how many minutes to keep refreshing that page, as my com got some problem.. and it's like FINALLY done, katy is like doing some sort of different thing that her fans ask her to, like bursting the ballon, dance and lots more.. OMG, she is just so adorable and funny can.. and one more she was ask to like imitate Russel brand, damn LOL can.. and LOTS more.. 
 And that just on the YOU CONTROL KATY.. on twitter = #UCTRLKATY 
Anyway just google some info about katy perry, AND i found some pic, one of this is a pic which focus on her face.. LOOK, her eyes is just so damn gorgeous can..

 What a gorgeous green eyes she got.. LOVE IT..

And some TCA pic which i didn't upload in those pervious post..
She look damn cute cute in those different outfit can.. :)

OK, next is some picture of Katy Perry and her future husband Russell Brand..
SWEET TOGETHER.. HAPPILY EVER AFTER.. :) As long as out Kitty queen KATY is happy, we all the KATY CATS will be happy too.. :) XOXO..

anyway saw a parody video of  Katy Perry "Peacock".. it;s like so DAMN FUNNY, LOL can.. KatyPerry also tweeted it.. "Now, how am I suppose to compete with this video? It's JAW DROPPIN"
that all for today.. :) XOXO to KATY PERRY out Kitty Queen.. :)
"I wanna see your peacock, cock, cock" - Peacock = Katy perry

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