Friday, August 13, 2010

Vampires = Trending Topics TT

OOO ya, i just watch Vampires Suck that movie, on net as SINGAPORE is freaking SLOW, as it's not out in theater yet, plus i'm to eager to watch it, so why not FASTEST way, watch it online, although it's not in that BIG SCREEN yet and it's not HD, but i'va watched it.. and OMG seriously it's DAMN FUNNY can.. but it's short na, like around 75 min ++ nia.. but over all still ok and DAMN funny, that's IT, interested, than go and watch it than, in singapore, it's out in that BIG SCREEN on 1st September, i know it's like still LONG to go, that why i watch it online first, maybe gonna catch it in theater again on 1st of september.. hahax.. FUNNY.. :)
In the movie, they are not call Cullen, but called Sullen.. LOL
the sullen family..

And people ALWAYS mistaken them as The Black Eyed Peas.. hahx.. :)
than the blonde Vampires was like, OH man, do they ahve blonde in Black Eyed Peas.. ARghhh.. hahax..
that "hairy" Jacob..
Edward Sullen bring becca back home.. HAHAx.. *they changed their name too..*Love this TOO.. WATCH and you'll KNOW..
the last part is like a girl hitting edward, and SAY TEAM JACOB BITCH.. OMG funny can.. :)

OoO ya, they did mention , jonas brother and some sexual thing too, hahax.. "don't kill edwars, we didn't have sex et, than a vampires was like putting to his mouth and asked "this also haven't", can see that he mean blow job can, HAHAx.. and did mention vampires dairies too.. because now VAMPIRES are Trending.. LOL..
speak of Vampires Dairies, the clast also did attend TCA and omg, the guys are HOT and the lady is like HOT too.. OMG.. they are Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, and ofcouse Nina Dobrev, OMG all smoking and sexy yeah.. hahx, Ian somerhalder looks more hotter, i prefer HIM MORE na, hahx,. OMG, can i have them three.. LOL,, SOON got to watch Vampires Diaries already, how hot can they be.. :)
Left = Paul Wesley,      Center = Nina Dobrev,     Right = Ian Somerhalder
LOVELY right.. my goodness.. WOO..
enough of VAMPIRES already.. if not later when i got to sleep, i dream of vampires man, Hmmm that's not a bad idea too.. gotta dream of those twilight cast, my Jacob -Taylor Lautner, Bella = Kristen Stewart.. :) and might also dream of those vampires diaries cast too.. :)
gtg Readers.. :)   Vampires coming your way.. ,   MUWAHAHAHAHAHAX..

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