Monday, August 09, 2010


YEAH, just reach home.. time passes FAST huh.. oOo ya, just now we went to Holland village to have some drinks and small snacks too.. OMG, the best night/SUPPER ever man.. hahax..and as usual i drank hoegaarden , i guess i'm addicted to howgaarden already na, hahax, it's DAMN freaking nice and sweet can, not like those others alcohol can..

Just LOVE it.. :)  and mak dunno order what strong liquor na.. but it taste NICE too yeah.. hahx..
oOo ya and LOVE those snacks/SUPPER too.. so i tweeted it and said the BEST SUPPER ever.. hahax.. :)

OK that all for SUPPER story and now my LIFE battery is like turning RED already.. yep so blog again some other time.. and NOW NIGHTS readers.. :)

"'Cause you're hot and you're cold , You're yes then you're no" - Hot N Cold = Katy Perry

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