Friday, August 20, 2010

FML, day 5 without internet access

Day 5 without internet access, HAIS.. still really can't get use to it.. but luckily, sis have that Wi-Fi thinngy, so i can use my phone to connect to Wi-Fi and tweet , facebook, THAT ALL.. BUT BUT BUT, my phone screen is like so freaking small can,  but better than dun have any na.. and thanks sis for letting me use her lappy to view FB, twitter, myspace and ETC na.. but not using my own com, i still really cant get use to it.. cus EVERYDAY, once i woke up, i'll wash up, than immediately switch on computer already, but now, NO INTERNET access na.. hais.. seriously FML can.. hais.. perhaps this sun, IF my dad manage to lend money from others, than got that extra cash, he can pay for that phone bill, and hopefully the internet connection will be back, once after we pay that bill ba.. HOPE so.. hais.. so now, i'll just tweet via mobile web, than use sis lappy to view and play FB.. that all.. so no more SPAMMING in facebook already, but I WILL SPAM with my tweet than.. TWEET ALL NIGHT long, when i'm awake..either tweet through "mobile web" or tweet through SMS than.. hais.. i WANT TO USE MY OWN COMPUTER DE INTERNET na, HAIS.. hate those days without using my own computer man.. and seriously i've been crying this four days na.. today the fifth day "friday" hope i will stop crying AGAIN ba.. hope so than.. i'm a well known WATER TAP yeah, so once i start crying "the water tap is open, my tap will not stop that easily already" AND i cried VERY EASILY one too.. hahax.. 18yrs old already, but STILL KEEP CRYING NON stop na.. too weak already man.. DAMN IT, just FML can.. ARGHHHHH..HAIS....
but without internet life, i still sleep in the morning when people go to school or work, and woke up at around 6 or 7pm plus too.. so my life is still the same yeah.. but just without internet life only.. just that.. hais.. there's a reason behind this ok, the reson that i dun wan to sleep early and wake up that early like normal human being.. hais... that's why i'm named ALIEN... dude.. :)   i can dun sleep for like JUST one day na.. hehex.. one day not sleeping is already, WTF liao, so yeah.. :)   ARGHHH can't stop thinking about the internet access na, i wan it back ASAP, hope daddy get to borrow money from his boss and pay that freaking bill SOON man.. hais, seriously 5 day without OWN internet access is like fucking KILLING me already na.. i dun wan to wake up that early na, once i woke up, NOTHING to DO AGAIN.. hais.. DAMN it na... so now more worse than those pervious day, i sleep at 6am, than woke up at 8 or 9pm ba.. cus i DUN WAN to wake up that early na.. NOTHING TO DO NOR.. rotting and day dreaming all day and night.. watch tv,  but seriously also not much show to watch nor, plus i also dun have any SCV or what na, just watch channel 5 and other channel nia.. hais.. whata boring life i have without internet.. HAIS... PLEASE daddy, hope he can borrow money asap than pay the bill than the internet will be back ASAP man.. hais.. HOPE SO.. FML na... arghhhhh...
ok, enough complaining of WITHOUT internet access liao.. ooo ya, btw now using mak lappy to blog too.. :)
plus anyway i guess this whole post is just about those of my day without INTERNET ACCESS ba.. lol..
HOPE I'll be back for blogging using my own com SOON..


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