Monday, August 23, 2010

DANCE all we can.. For ME ROT all i can..

on the 20th Aug (fri), i didn't sleep * i know i'm PRO* and like around 6am plus, i woke brother up, as i wanted to bring him out for breakfast and MOVIE.. :)  so after watching channel 5 "The Ellen Degeneres Show".. i went to prepare while brother preparing too, and mak using his lappy at my house while waiting for us., and BLAH BLAH BLAH.. Btw know what, we took bus to JP, as wanted to eat Mac breakfast marh, than when we reach, me and bro was like sp happy, LIKE finally we've reached, cus we are like starving already na, than KNOW WHAT, JP mac is CLOSE, like renovating or something else na.. WTF can.. so is like kinda wasted the trip there na, but anyway is alright, cus we also need to take train to yishun there to have breakfast, cus near mak house na.. after breakfast, on the way to mak house, i brought seventeen magazine, and know what it's their 8th birthday.. :) YEAH, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE..And their free gift is *Whisper pad*, yeah, PAD.. cool yeah.. than we was like saying, what if a  guy brought the seventeen magazine, than we guess that guy reaction will be like WTF.. but anyway i guess there will be no guys buying seventeen magazine ba.. if not that guy will either be gay or he's just OVER loving "girls fashion" or ETC ba.. guys usually would buy those car magazine or FHM..**anyway i didn't got to have a chance to read the FHM magazine before ne, kinda curious also na.. hmmm, next time i shall buy one FMH magazine and read too... wonder if there is any HOT SEXY babe not.. * but as you guys know, i don't really love/like asian people na* **yeah, dislike myself to be an asian, but NO CHOICE, i can't change the fact of myself being an ASIAN**HAIS**.. back to AFTER buying seventeen, we walk to mak house, and reached.. brother is like "WAH, Mak kuo kuo your house ah, why outside no flower one" ? than i was like -_-'''  .. than after that mak bath and he went to have some sleep, as he didn't sleep too, after his work he come over my house till the time he reach home na, so he must be TIRED to hell ba.. LOL.. i'm not that bad na, didn't move that much, all day just sit and ROT at home, cus no internet to use marh.. OK, yep, so he went to bed while Didi used his lappy and me watching TV Show, alot of channel to watch can, LOVE it, they got subscribe that thinngy marh.. *ARGHHHH, how i wish i have that much channel to watch too, than no Internet i also dun mind na, hais, but TOO BAD, only can watch mediacrop channel nia, damn boring can.. not that much show na, so i usually stick on channel 5 na right.. watch those Caucasian.. :) *wink wink*.. hehex.. while did use com till "sian" already, than i ask mak how to on the gutair hero thinngy marh, to let Didi play na.. and we did played tgt.. DIDI WIN me alot of time can.. ARGHHH.. hahax.. than while didi is plaing alone, i use mak lappy and camwhore, hmm not really camewhore na, just switch on the crystal eye and click click on it.. :)
HAHX.. we are the ROCKER.. :)

so around 1++pm, mak woke up and he need to meet his friend to collect a dress that he had brought for me na.. *OMG, love it can.. hmm i guess any dress i will LOVE it one, cus i'm like addicted of wearing dress.. YEAH, LOVE DRESS to MAX......... so after collecting, he still came back to cook lunch for us yeah..
YEP, so this what he've cook.. lamb, chicken drum stick and potato..
damn delicious can.. hehex..

than i was like hald dead at that time can.. NOT sleeping for that entire day.. that why yeah, can't blame me, for being HALF DEAD, while eating lunch, as my look is like MESSES UP na..

But Didi is like SO damn HAPPY and enjoying himself yeah..

Yep, anyway i didn't finish the food na, as i was really gonna collapse already, LACK of sleep man.. so i told mak to left my food at the kitchen while i got to rest at the sofa for awhile..
so meanwhile, i guess when i was resting, mak made this dessert for my bro..
sweet yeah.. :)
 *but too bad i didn't got that chance to eat too..*

yeah, so while i was sleeping didi was playing mak lappy or gutiar hero na, *seriously i have no idea, cus i was sleeping, if i know, i will be god already, LOL* but i woke up, didi was using lappy and at his blogger putting some really cute stuff na.. anyway do visit his blog yeah.. :)     Do visit JIA JUN BLOG.. and check out a slot, of "moving" animals.   yeah, so like around 6pm, we went out to woodlands to watch STEP UP 3.. in 2D na.. * as i think  real human dancing in 3D is like scary na.. lOL..  *Oo ya anyway that day we both were like DAMN tired marh, so like seldom talk na, but my bro is like KEEP talking and TALKING can.. OMG.. kids ba..
than is like we kinda last minutes than go buy the movie ticket marh, than is like we enter the cinema than walk to the third front row and seat down, than is like DAMN near the screen can.. but also not that bad na. kinda got that 3D feeling ne.. LOL.. but bad thing is my neck hurts...
OMG OMG OMG, Step Up 3 is damn AWESOME can.. just love it.. while watching i feel like dancing along with them na, than i was like thinking what if i can't control myself and stood up and climb over those chair and move to the front and start dancing na.. but anyway this wont happen ba, because i'm SHY, hahax.. :)  LOVE Step Up 3 ALOT.. wait till my com internet is back, i will go and look for step up 1 and step up 2 and watch man, as i didn't watch before.. :) LOVE STEP UP 3.. it's freaking damn AWESOME..
 anyway i think the person at the center is kinda cute yeah.. :)

BOTH of them are CUTE and HOT too.. :)
do CHECK them OUT.. these two cute hottest.. :)

 their FINAL battle JAM.. :)

they look lovely TGT.. :)

another HOTTIE tgt.. 
Hottie.. :)
*wink wink*

their individual.. three HOTTIE HOTTIE HOTTIE 
first up Rick Malambri 

Check out his body.. OMG OMG..  Rick Malambri.. :)
love his stunning looks can.. :)

 he's so CUTE and HOT right..
what strong bone structure, sexy face he have.. :) 

 Check out his body too.. OMG Omg, what a hottie.. 
love his stunning blue eyes and bone structure.. 

so STEP UP 3 is AWESOME yeah.. plus with these three hottie yeah.. :) WOOOO.. *pervert pervert pervert*.. ask me watch movie, i go watch hot sexy hottie.. LOL.. but seriously step up 3 is damn good na.. love all those dance move.. after watching i feel like dancing can.. i got to earn and save money to learn dancing yeah.. dance can also help to slim down and built mroe muscule too.. LOVE it.. i wan abs abs abs.. LOL,, :) STEP UP 3 = AWESOME.. 

"People dance because dance can change things. One move, can bring people together. One move, can make you believe like there's something more. One move, can set a whole generation free."

     "Some people learn to dance... Others are born to. "

DO check this wed out.. got those small sneak preview of those awesome dance move and scene.. :)

*anyway i love the robot dance move yeah..
Chadd Smith is dancing as the robot yeah.. WOOO.. :)
other dance is awesome too.. do check out that link.. :)

Anyway after the movie went home *OFCOUSE* than that time didi is like damn excited and keep telling me about the movie meanwhile he is also DAMN tired too na.. from damn early morning till 9pm plus na.. kids ne.. than when we took the bus, he's like so damn tired na.. than i was like nothing to do marh, so i wake didi up while he wanted to sleep na.. wake him up and SNAP SNAP SNAP +click CLICK.. :)  * that me, who like Snapping, no matter how tired i'm.. LOL *

OK that all for that day.. :) 
you guys who haven watch step up # go watch it ASAP yeah.. :) LOVE IT.. :)
*anyway if you guys cant view the PICTURE, do click on them to VIEW it yeah.. :) *
PS:* i guess there's ALOT of PICTURE yeah.. :) but hope you guys do enjoy looking at it..* LOL 

"The club can't even handle me right now , Watchin you watchin me I go all out" - Club Can't Handle Me = Flo-Rida

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