Sunday, August 29, 2010

Brunette Birthday Weekend

Wooo, forgotten to blog about that 28th August is Cassadee Pope Birthday, the lead vocals from Hey Monday.. Wooo, actually blog today is also not too late, as you know, we are one day earlier than america's.. so for them, our 29th august is their 28th August.. SO not too late, and Wishing Cassadee Pope a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.. she's turning 21 yrs old this year.. WOOO, a VERY legal age.. so i guess, she will vbe partying HARD today yeah.. it's her birthday YEAH.. WOOO.. * how i wish i can turn 21 soon, and STOP at that age and not growing much more older than 21 yrs old already.. :) 
ANYWAY just wanted to wish Cassadee Pope HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY. :) guess she will be enjoying her day.. :) XOXO.. and i also tweeted to her birthday wishes too.. hope she'll replied.. :)

 She's talented too, she play gutair.. OMG yeah.. * love babes who played gutair*
and know that she sing LIVE is DAMN awesome can.. LOVE her..
DO CHECK out Cassadee Pope TWITTER too..
Woo anyway i just realise that i finally made it to 2114 tweet.. hahax.. WOOo, LOL..
And also did tweeted this for THEM.. :) "a special day for @HeyItsNicoleA , @heycassadee AND @msleamichele.. WISHING them a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.....get the PARTY STARTED.. XOXO"
" #HappyBirthdayNicole , #HappyBirthdayCassadee , #HappyBirthdayLea.. XOXO .. A special day for them , make it TT."
YA, than on 29th August it's Nicole Anderson AND Lea Michele Birthday.. WOOO.. 
Nicole Anderson is the one who acted "Macy Misa" in JONAS.LA.. OMG, i just LOVE her character can.. so cute and MORE.. love her tanned skin tone too.. :) WOOO, sexy babe.. :) Lea Michele is the one who acted Rachel Berry in GLEE.. hmmm, don't really like her chracter in glee.. but her voice is awesome yeah.. :) *how i wish i can sing just like her*.. HMM about them, their birthday.. shall blog about this tmr or later at night.. now it's like too early already.. ( *as i said, over here, we are one day earlier than them* )..
so it;s like this week it's Brunette BIRTHDAY weekend .. :) PARTY HARD Brunette.. :) CHEERS. XOXO..

shall head to bed now.. it's feaking EARLY MORNING AGAIN.. better catch some sleep or perhaps nap yeah.. light's OFF..

"Blow the candles out , Looks like a solo tonight , But I think I'll be alright" - Candles = Hey Monday

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