Monday, August 30, 2010

Tweet longer than 140

just tweeted this, and shall share it over here too.. :)

so damn TRUE "Sadday, Moanday, Tearsday, Wasteday, Thirstday, Fightday", and Shatterday.. the sadness is just surrounding me EVERYDAY.. who know's and NO ONE care..
anyway it's pretty interesting yeah..
Sunday = Sadday (sad day, sad LIFE)
Monday = Moanday ( hmmm , not really moaning that much.. LOL)
Tuesday = Tearsday ( tears are rolling my my cheek, the past few days, and NO one know )
Wednesday = Wasteday ( YEP, my days are wasted as no job, no LIFE, no money, no guy.. LMAO)
Thursday = Thirstday ( erm, not really thirsty also, but tears rolling down alot, so NEED alot of water too)
Friday = Fightday ( YEP, had some fight with family too, HAIS )
Saturday = Shatterday (AGREE that my heart had being shattered by them)..
Shall find a job soon, in order to FORGET LOTS of things, got to keep myself BUSY, REAL BUSY..

anyway but seriously that "monday" *Moanday* is not really that link to the sadness i had.. but "moanday sound interesting yeah.. so girls, go on and moan OUT loud on monday than.. LOL..
and that "thursday" *Thristday* also not really link to my SADNESS.. Hmmmm BUT but BUT, we shall try this, *erm not for sunday *sadday*, don't wanna be sad on every SUNDAY.. so ON monday, just MOAN out loud, than ON tuesday *hmm tearsday huh, hmmm HAPPY tears than*, ON wednesday *hmm Wasteday huh , shall not waste your day, NOT for wednesday too* ON thursday, Thirstday, hmm shall DRINK ALOT alot of water on thursay than.. ON friday *fightday* erm, hmmm, fight for somethign worth it, AHH ha, FIGHT for your GOAL than..  lastly ON saturday, shatterday , hmmm NO shatter hearts PLEASE.. * so not for saturday than*.. :) the "cycle of life yeah.. LOL... *but seriously NOT REALLY right..* AND one more thing, my bear bear just now tweeted "room too crowded", than her tweet make's me feel like going clubbing you know.. cus CLUBBING room is ALWAYS TOO CROWDED right.. arghhh than now, make me feel so desperate for going clubbing.. wanna move my body and dance all around like so crazy wild weird girl yeah.. HAHAx.. hmmm but clubbing NEED MONEY , * Me =NO job = NO MONEY = NO party / Clubbing*  ARGHHH.. so now, might just as well dance around at HOME than.. HAIS.. I WANNA PARTY na.. hmmm, SHALL LOOK FOR JOB * a real stable job SOON* (had texted and email those peeps online those serching for job one, hope they reply soon)   NEED JOB, NEED INCOMES than can PARTY TILL your *or i shall say MY* DROP..  gonna have a JOB HUNTING TRIP SOON..

"I don't want to walk this earth , If I gotta do it solo (solo)" - Solo = Iyaz

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Brunette Birthday Weekend

Wooo, forgotten to blog about that 28th August is Cassadee Pope Birthday, the lead vocals from Hey Monday.. Wooo, actually blog today is also not too late, as you know, we are one day earlier than america's.. so for them, our 29th august is their 28th August.. SO not too late, and Wishing Cassadee Pope a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.. she's turning 21 yrs old this year.. WOOO, a VERY legal age.. so i guess, she will vbe partying HARD today yeah.. it's her birthday YEAH.. WOOO.. * how i wish i can turn 21 soon, and STOP at that age and not growing much more older than 21 yrs old already.. :) 
ANYWAY just wanted to wish Cassadee Pope HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY. :) guess she will be enjoying her day.. :) XOXO.. and i also tweeted to her birthday wishes too.. hope she'll replied.. :)

 She's talented too, she play gutair.. OMG yeah.. * love babes who played gutair*
and know that she sing LIVE is DAMN awesome can.. LOVE her..
DO CHECK out Cassadee Pope TWITTER too..
Woo anyway i just realise that i finally made it to 2114 tweet.. hahax.. WOOo, LOL..
And also did tweeted this for THEM.. :) "a special day for @HeyItsNicoleA , @heycassadee AND @msleamichele.. WISHING them a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY.....get the PARTY STARTED.. XOXO"
" #HappyBirthdayNicole , #HappyBirthdayCassadee , #HappyBirthdayLea.. XOXO .. A special day for them , make it TT."
YA, than on 29th August it's Nicole Anderson AND Lea Michele Birthday.. WOOO.. 
Nicole Anderson is the one who acted "Macy Misa" in JONAS.LA.. OMG, i just LOVE her character can.. so cute and MORE.. love her tanned skin tone too.. :) WOOO, sexy babe.. :) Lea Michele is the one who acted Rachel Berry in GLEE.. hmmm, don't really like her chracter in glee.. but her voice is awesome yeah.. :) *how i wish i can sing just like her*.. HMM about them, their birthday.. shall blog about this tmr or later at night.. now it's like too early already.. ( *as i said, over here, we are one day earlier than them* )..
so it;s like this week it's Brunette BIRTHDAY weekend .. :) PARTY HARD Brunette.. :) CHEERS. XOXO..

shall head to bed now.. it's feaking EARLY MORNING AGAIN.. better catch some sleep or perhaps nap yeah.. light's OFF..

"Blow the candles out , Looks like a solo tonight , But I think I'll be alright" - Candles = Hey Monday

GOSSIPS, not falling too HARD

Heard that Joe Jonas is dating Ashley Greene, is that true or is that just rumors.. many peeps said that it's TRUE, but at the same time also, people say that it's just rumors.. celebrity R/S is just so interesting yeah.. :) but SERIOUSLY ASHLEY GREENE wanna be with joe jonas.. WTH can.. seriously no offense , just that ashley can find someone better anf much more MAN and cooler right.. cus not long Joe just broke up with demi than like not more than 6 months, now it's spreading, he's dating ashley.. WTH can.. just found some reserch than        "He also seems to have a thing for young starlets, having dated Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato and Camilla Belle. Ashley better not fall too hard for Joe, though. His M.O. is dumping women over the phone. ... all his dumping girls, is ALL through PHONE.. WTH please..  and one more news     "Greene is the latest teen pin-up the singer has been linked to - he has previously dated Taylor Swift and Demi Lovato. He was also once linked to actress Camilla Belle in between his time with Swift and Lovato.. 
And just found one info that show    " Twilight’s Ashley Greene is rumored to be dating Joe Jonas but it’s completely untrue!  Joe and Ashley hung out a few times but they’re just friends,” a well-placed source exclusively tells Ashley has been dating [actor] Brock Kelly.” (They were even spotted kissing last month.) 
 Adds a second source, “Joe has been trying to date Ashley for awhile now, but it looks like it’s never going to work out for him.”... So now WHAT. are they tgt or seriously it's just rumors, but what can we say about those pic we saw them kissing??

AND Ashley greene cheers for joe joans softball game.. check that out..

I know it's their life or what so ever, but i just dun really like na.. that my own opinion only.. so joe fans out there, no offense alright..   PEACE .. 
but seriously can i know the CONFIRM or CORRECT answer that seriously are they two dating ?? or overall it's just rumors ??

And Btw i think Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz, shall date, they look cute tgt.. :)

OR Ashley Greene and Jackson Rathbone be tgt too.. :) they look cute and perfect TGT too.. 
LOVELY right.. :) lol :P
with either one of them , but just not "him"...

Ashley Greene deserves a much much much MORE better MAN ok.. :) she's gorgeous / SEXY and HOT too.. :)
ok, enough of those "gossips".. over all is their R/S.. we also can't care do do any thing much to change that..  as long as Ashley Greene happy and love who she prefer and love can already.. BUT seriously just got to warn Ashley Greene, not to FALL to HARD for joe jonas.. we don't want another  BAD phone call from HIM ..

"Ooh, this is an S.O.S. , Don't wanna second guess , This is the bottom line" - S.O.S = Jonas Brother

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Obsessed over KATY PERRY #purrrrr

 KNOW What KATY PERRY album had release at US but no here yet... ARGHHHH.. now days i'm SO obsessed over KATY PERRY can.. OMG, just love her more and more each day.. Over here or can say at 30th August her album will FINALLY be release world wide.. which also mean over here in singapore too.. OMG, just can't wait till 30th August can.. admire all those US people, they can already purchase katy album but we still need to wait..  but it's OK, just two more days left.. WOOOOO

*just tweeted : TWO MORE days till 30th August #TeenageDream CAN'T WAIT..*

 OMG, just LOVE KATY PERRY SO MUCH #Purrrrrrrr..
anyway nowdays, had watch alot of her MV and those behind the scene and ETC, shall share some here..

Katy Perry - Visit to Japan (Interview)

*how cute can she be*

she also said 
"it's like wearing a big condom" as they ask her about her dress..
and seriously her dress is so tight fitting can.. she's SEXY yeah.. :P

Katy Perry - California Gurls (Sukkiri!! 2010.08.18) 

Know what, seriously i think the camera is like so WTH can.. pervert camera man can..
we all know katy have such a wonderful body but that camera man is like KEEP focus and ZOOM-ing at her boobs / butt and MORE na.. wth nor.. Japanese camera man is just so WTH..

another video of katy is

The Making of Katy Perry's 'Teenage Dream' Album Packaging  

I want her album "Teenage Deam"
SomeOne buy for me can can can  ? :)


Exclusive: The Making of Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" Video 

MAKING of "Teenage Dream" Video 


I wanna be Katy Perry FRIENDS too..

Katy Perry September Cover Cam 


I wanna America's Seventeen Magazine too..
their sepetember cover is KATY PERRY  *but our's is NOT*
I WANT... 

LOVE KATY PERRY LOTS..  in her tumblr also know as Kitty Purry..
see how cute can she still be..

ok, seriously just want to shoe and blog that how much i love her YEAH.. and enough flooding of her video and ETC.. HEARTS KATY LOTS..

Do check out her website too..

She's just that California gurls that i LOVE
California gurls
We're unforgettable

Daisy Dukes
Bikinis on top
Sun-kissed skin
So hot
We'll melt your Popsicle

Oooooh oh oooooh 

And she make me feel like i'm living a teenagre dream.. :) XOXO

You make me
Feel like I'm living a
Teenage dream

The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away and
Don't ever look back,
Don't ever look back.

"If it's not like the movies, Thats how it should be, yeah." - Not Like The Movies = Katy Perry


Had not blog for several DAYS, so here i'm BACK.. anyway had been slacking for more that one week, and now seriously i'm looking for a so call stable job na.. but KNOW WHAT, My Hp now can't SMS  and can't CALL PEOPLE already.. how nice right.. WTF, FML can.. perviously is my com internet can't use, than now, my handphone can't USE too.. CAN'T SMS or reply text and can't call people, than what's the use of my phone now.. WTF na.. is god fooling me.. anyway, had lend mak lappy for like almost a week already, as my own com haven recover yet, maybe this coming monday, my parents will call that dunno what thinngy and ask or ETC, as we already paid for the house phone bill, so should be can use own com internet already, but now still can't na, so hopefully when monday reach, and my parents called and ask, hope the internet will work by than.. and at that time when my com recover, shall return mak lap top, if not i guess he will go crazy SOON too.. LOL..
than now about my phone, cant CALL AND SMS.. ARGHHH.. mum told me that is my dunno what line been cut off by them, as my parents didn't pay my phone bill too, than is like didn't pay for several month already, so they cut off.. than i was like WTF, than now no phone to use.. HAIS.. .. only can receive call from others only.. SO NOW PEOPLE, if i didn't reply your text/sms PLEASE don't blame me ok.. and now i also unable to call people, but can receive and answer call from others only.. so anything just call me, text me also can, but just that i'm unable to reply only..  if one of my parents is around me, i'll try to use their phone to reply those text yeah.. :) SO hope you guys understand....
HAIS, now no own phone to reply text and no own com to go online.. WTH can.. EVERYTHING just sucks nowdays can.. HAIS.. but hope the internet connection, can be use by monday na.. than i can return mak lappy already.. HAIS..My life is just so WTH, and meaningless can.. BUT hope everything will be FINE soon.. JUST HOPE..
anyway had been looking for job, but how nice my phone can't call out na, than now how am i able to call and find job sia.. FML can.. ARGHHHH... but anyway people, if you guys got any job lobang / JOB INTRO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me ok.. best is that the job is at west area one na.. that will be great and better..  arghhh now just any job intro, just tell me can already.. FnB will be great too, cus in that case can save money , as they will provide food yeah... :)   PLEASE, any job intro, PLEASE tell and update me, here *in that chat box* or tell me through FACE BOOK, TWITTER or MSN ok.. :) Hope i will have great news SOON..

"Hit up prince charming, tell him give me a call " - Vanity = Christina Aguilera

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The 2010 Miss Universe * LOVE IT*

Wooo, The 2010 Miss Universe had just ended not long ago..

and YEAH, Miss Universe goes to Miss Mexico *Jimena Navarrete*..

she's the one i supported too.. YEAH.. love it.. and YEAH, YEs yes yes she WON #MissUniverse... LOVE it.. *happy happy happy*  AND now TWITTER trending Topic is ALL About #missuniverse ,  And #JimenaNavarrete. YEAH.. Love this year 2010 Miss Universe.. 
Anyway here are some of those top tweet.. 

("22-year-old Navarrete of #Mexico crowned Miss Universe after beating out 82 competitors at Las Vegas pageant")
("Congratulations Jimena Navarrete aka Miss Mexico for winning the 2010 #missuniverse competition! Viva La Mexico!!")
("Jimena Navarrete #1 en TT ;) Woooow!♥")
("#missuniverse Mexico is my fav RT if u agree")
("#MissUniverse 2010 is #MissMexico #JimenaNavarrete. See her crowning moment and learn more about the pageant winner." )

And here the Placements

Final results Contestant
Miss Universe 2010
  •  Mexico - Jimena Navarrete
1st Runner-up
  •  Jamaica - Yendi Phillipps
2nd Runner-up
  •  Australia - Jesinta Campbell
3rd Runner-up
  •  Ukraine - Anna Poslavska
4th Runner-up
  •  Philippines - Venus Raj
Top 10
  •  Albania - Angela Martini
  •  Guatemala - Jessica Scheel
  •  Ireland - Rozanna Purcell
  •  Puerto Rico - Mariana Vicente
  •  South Africa - Nicole Flint
Top 15
  •  Belgium - Cilou Annys
  •  Colombia - Natalia Navarro
  •  Czech Republic - Jitka Válková
  •  France - Malika Ménard
  •  Russia - Irina Antonenko

 AND the Final competition scores

Country Swimsuit Evening Gown
 Mexico 9.265 (2) 8.913 (1)
 Jamaica 9.426 (1) 8.884 (2)
 Australia 8.543 (5) 8.841 (3)
 Ukraine 8.333 (7) 8.743 (4)
 Philippines 8.957 (3) 8.714 (5)
 Albania 8.229 (T8) 8.693 (6)
 Ireland 8.784 (4) 8.500 (7)
 South Africa 8.229 (T8) 8.420 (8)
 Guatemala 8.071 (10) 8.286 (9)
 Puerto Rico 8.443 (6) 7.971 (10)
 Russia 7.843 (11)
 Colombia 7.643 (12)
 France 7.576 (13)
 Belgium 7.571 (14)
 Czech Republic 7.429 (15)

     First runner-up
     Second runner-up
     Third runner-up
     Fourth runner-up
     Top 10
     Top 15
(#)  Rank in each round of competition
(T#)  Denotes a tie
Do CHECK out Miss universe at wiki = 

 Jimena Navarrete is so Stunning, HOT, sexy nad everything can.. OMG she deserve miss universe yeah.. LOVES.. Congrats to Jimena Navarrete.. our new Miss Universe 2010 = Miss Mexico = Jimena Navarrete

Miss Mexico 
Jimena Navarrete is gorgeous & and, Stunning right.. 

Anyway the 1st and 2nd runner up goes to Yendi Phillipps *from Jamaica* AND Jesinta Campbell *from Australia*

Yendi Phillipps *from Jamaica*
She have a very nice body yeah.. :)

Jesinta Campbell *from Australia*
love her smile, it's just so adorable can.. :)

love it..

 Congrats to *Miss Mexico* Jimena Navarrete
 loves loves loves loves loves loves loves loves loves loves loves

Anyway i didn't sleep yeah.. just to stay awake and watch the 2010 miss universe.. cus it's show LIVE at channel 5 at 9AM marh.. it's like damn early for me can.. as for us it's morning, but at Las Vegas it's night.. :)
so staying up to watch #MISSUNIVERSE is all worth it ok.. LOVE IT ALOT.. :)   ok, i shall head to bed to catch some sleep now yeah.. OMGosh, my life now is just like the same as america timming.. LOL.. ok, got to catch some sleep now.. tired.. :)
anyway do check out the page of Miss Universe =
lastly LOVE out New 2010 Miss Universe.. and once again, congrats to Miss Mexico =
Jimena Navarrete, our new Miss Universe 2010.. LOVE her.. 
how stunning can she stilll be yeah.. omg, stop thinking NOW girl, later get turn on by her and got myself wet than OMG already.. LOL.. ok, so now NIGHTS world..

"you make me feel like i'm living a teenage dream" -Teenage Dream = Katy Perry