Friday, July 02, 2010


hmmm today or i shall say ytd 1st of July, went shopping with tako and yt.. but before shopping we had our lunch first, and i do find it weird that tako and yt will complain that they are DAMN hungry de na.. LOL.. anyway before i went out of the hse, i SLOWLY took my time to prepare, make up and had some food at home too, lol.. one reason is due to the weather, as it's raining DAMN heavy na, *actually not really that heavy na* than second is before that yt did not reply me and tako msg marh, so we assume that she is still sleeping *over slept* na.. so i just took my time na, but end up i was like kinda the latest to get ready and leave hse na.. and once we meet tgt, both of them are complaining that they are super can, SERIOUSLY i do find it weird na, cus usually i was the one annoying them that i'm hungry marh, but ytd i NEVER.. hehex.. *i changed*.. LOLx....
so once we reach somerset, immediately went to food republic and tako had her bimbimba *FINE, i dunno how to spell that* that she is craving for, and yt had her indian food, than i got chicken rice, cus seriously i dunno what to eat na, and is like three of us are eating different races de food na, got Korea, Indian and Chinese na.. LOL.. and FINALLY got the chance to drink that delicious ice-lemon-tea again, YEAH.. but yt just find that normal only, but i just find that ice lemon tea is nicer and much more better than other place de lemon tea na..
so after lunch and chatting for QUITE LONG.. we head to HMV, as i wanted to see BIONIV album, see how much it cost na, and it's like one word EXPENSIVE na, i dun have that much money also na, and one more reason is like i already downloaded all her songs na, so is like kinda waste of money again na, but if i got the money just buy her album and SUPPORT her na.. LOVE Christina Aguilera's "Bionic".. YEAH.. than after HMV we head to forever 21 to see that if there have any clothes that we saw from the online Forever 21 na, see which cheaper, if not buy online, need to add those shipping fee and change to US to singapore dollar na.. but end up MOST of the thing i saw online, singapore Forever 21 don't have, ARGHHH.. and it's like i saw ALOT of clothes that i want to buy online na, and i guess that will be very ex if i buy them all and change it to $ too.. DAMN.. i WANT money na.. * who don't*
And know what today yt keep asking us that do we all wanna eat and buy food na, OMG na, she seem different and weird na, keep feel like eating non stop, HMM not that serious till non stop na, she just keep asking us want to buy food not na.. lol.. OMG, maybe my hungry diseases had pass to her liao, as now day i don't always say I'M HUNGRY liao ne, plus usually at home i skip my lunch as usually i woke up late, but if early is also like around 2pm plus na, but also skip lunch too, but at least got drink some milo too na..* if not seriously without food i WILL SUFFER and DIE na*.. so we brought tako to eat na, tako as in the food, not KL that tako.. lol.. than we actually plan to go Kbox for LALALA session one, but it's like from 5pm to 7pm only na, 2hours only, so yt dun wan na, so we headed to batman hse.. had dinner at westmall than head to Batman hse na, anyway when we are on the way to her hse, we walk pass a carpark than saw a "DAMN COOL" de car na. so i took yt camera and SNAP SNAP on it, hope she don;t delete that photo na, i find it's COOL na.. anyway i also took alot of weird and DAMN random  photo na, so i guess when she go home, she will saw alot of useless photo and DELETE them all na, LOL..when batman haven got back home *she got sch and had dinner or just ice-cream with nic at JP na* we waited at her hse below na, than wait till gonna rot, so we head to yt hse as she want to put her thing back home first also, and once we reach her hse, went to her room and just love her room sia, althought not that tidy but she had plenty of thing to look at too, damn interesting can, lol, and i also play with her brother de daughter na *that BB baby* the baby damn cute can, hahx, *every baby and kids is CUTE in my world na* anyway after that went to batman hse to watch horror flim na, but end up, me and yt was playing with her cousin *her "Daughter"* than batman and tako are inside the room as tako help batman to shape her eye brown.. than nic is like watching the show alone and i also saw his like DAMN sianx and laying on the floor na.. LOL, poor nic.. when i played with her cousin till sianx liao, than i bring yt camera to batman room and starting to SNAP here and SNAP there na, and camwhore alittle, LOL.. than continue to snap everyWHERE na, hahx.. her camera i flooded with LOTS of weird, RANDOM pic na, DELELE till her siao sia, i guess next time she wont let me touch her camera AGAIN ba.. lol.. i SNAP and click click till sianx liao, so went out to the living room and watched the show na, anyway the shjow called what 1408, quite interesting na, and there's one part when a burn scary head POP out suddenly na, SCARED the fear out of me na, WTF.. till now the scene was still popping out in my mind na, ARGHH, that why i don't dare and really love to watch horror flim na, DAMN..
it's like 10pm + liao LATE already, batman and nic still got school na, so we left and YT asked nic AGAIN, that he want to buy food not na, LOL.. but we walked the ba sa ma lam but nothing to buy na, so HEADING back to home sweet home, board 157 and know what when it was about to alight, the driver didn't stop at the buStop na *as infront still got bus marh* than he stop at some muddy grass that places na, than is like WTF, i'm wearing heels and i step into the mud is like WTF, FUCKING gross one can..
than once i reach home i immediately took my heels and RUSH to the toilet and WASH + CLEAN my heels na.. hehex.. HEELS are my LOVE man..
OK, it's time for bed, NOW OMG is 4.54am liao, ARGHHH, got to sleep liao.. later going swimming with zc, hope i can wake up and not late na, PLUS hope he is NOT late too. LOL.. night readers..* anyway today post kinda long and MESSY na.. due to not enough SLEEP for me na, now DAMN tired can, while blogging this my eye is like HALF close one, so i guess no one know what i'm trying to say ba.. LOL, FINE.. night  to my ALIEN World.. :) XOXO..

“They’re only good for fruit, I mean bananas / Them boys so nuts, they’re drivin’ me bananas.”I Hate Boys = Christina Aguilera

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