Thursday, July 22, 2010


OMG it's 22nd of JULY and Guess what.. it's my beloved BATMAN *em* and Selena Gomez birthday.. WOOO.. both of them are turning officially 18th years old TODAY.. WOooo CHEERS for them..
About Selena Gomez first.. 

she's same Age as us and she had everything and damn successful in everything too.. i LOVE her, she is just so CUTE can.. love the way she is and love her show Wizards of Waverly Place, i love her character "Alex Russo".. so damn funny and cute can.. and she change alot too, as in getting more and MORE mature and pretty.. and her songs getting more great too.. but just that her latest music video "round and round" the MV i dun really know what it's suppose to mean na.. LOL.. i guess there are also people like me dun get any idea of the video meaning na.. hahx.. BUT i just love her, the way she is and EVERYTHING.. and her clothing line *Dream Out Loud*.. 
*her look in Round and Round MV*

She;s gonna have a movie out SOON with this KID.. CUTE.. LOVELY.. :)

Anyway i love her in short hair na, cus i think is much more cutter and look younger too.. hahax.. :)
and wishing her a Sweet 18th BIRTHDAY.. :) HUGS


OK now, it's my BATMAN.. wishing her a VERY VERY SWEET AND CHEERFUL 18th birthday.. :)  HUGS and KISSES to her.. * BIG TIGHT HUGS*

each of us, GOT TO TAKE a picture with the birthday Girl.. LOVES.. :)

anyway just now we went to small celebrate with her and we had sakae sushi at Woodland for dinner.. it's BUFFET some More hahax, my type yeah..
and know what batman like never eat much na..

BUT i'm the ONE who eat and order alot yeah.. LOL

 and this is ALL those which really make me DAMN freaking FULL already..

* can tell that i'm freaking FULL already, and this is those few piece of sushi i got to FINISH na.. *

while i was 'happily" eating *CUS i damn freaking FULL already, but still got to finish them ALL* batman and tako was like gonna rot soon na, so SNAP SNAP for them..

mean while i can't stand it anymore, stomach gonna EXPLODE, so had dessert first.. after dessert continue Eating YEAH, HAHAX.. :)

than sx, tako, batman like waiting for me to finish the food before calling for bill na, so SNAP SNAP again.. and batan tweet this, and i freaking LOVE this PICX na, found it damn COOL can.. :)


after FINALLY i finish food, it's OFCOUSE toilet break time.. hahax.. NOT throwing up na.. LOL.. after food i KEEP complaining that i'm DAMN FUCKING FULL na.. like gonna give birth already na.. stomach seem bigger na, but they say NO DIFFERENT ne, DUNNO NA.. but just feel like tummy gonna explode and heavy.. LOL.. so batman and me leave the toilet first and we went to arcade to PLAY SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT Zombie, HEHEX.. LOVE it, than they came and we played some others game too.. and Batman wanna take neo prints but the others dun wann na.. too bad na, but seriously it;s like VERY VERY long we NEVER take neo prints tgt already na, it's like YEARS na.. hahax.. still mrb when we are secondary 1 or 2  we almost like EVERYDAY went to JE and take NEOPRINTS na.. hahax.. LOVE those days too man.. hahax..
so we board the train way back home too.. took quite a number of pic when we are in train too.. MORE in FACEBOOK or MYSPACE.. :) Do visit them yeah.. :)

no neoprints so we have single SHOOT nor.. :)

 and when she left, there a SHOOT.. hahac.. i'm the stalker YEAH.. LOL
 giving her a GOODBYE HUGS and wishing her a HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY.. :)

same goes to selena gomez..

it's GOOD to be 18th.. :)

"We're going round and round , We're never gonna stop" - Round And Round = Selena Gomez

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