Thursday, July 29, 2010

IT's Christina Aguilera

IT'S Christina Aguilera Concert just now at channel.. it's her LIVE Concert in Australia.. and just one word to describe her concert.. AWESOME.. she's so damn sexy and cool can.. OMG, more HEARTS for her already.. DAMN, i might turn lesbian just for her man.. yeah JUST FOR HER only.. hehex.. :) but too bad she's married and already got a damn cute and lovely child and too bad i'm so straight yeah.. LOL.. so now just looking for some smoking HOT dudes.. :)  Christina Aguilera is just so amazing can.. OMG na, usually i can't stay still for more than 20 min in front of the television and always turn back to use my com one, but just now i was sitting still and watching her concert damn closely can.. she's just so damn awesome and amazing and everything that i can't describe, too GOOD already..obsessed with her yeah.. :)
it's her BACK TO BASIC concert .. LOVE her..
how i wish she can come over Singapore to have her tour concert, but i think it's impossible ba, anyway there is also not ALOT of American stars come over for concert or tour na.. 

LOVES for Christina Aguilera..

and one more thing, she is real damn sexy yeah.. :)  smooth sexy legs and great body too.. :) Wink wink.. 
LOL, omg here i goes again.. hahax.. but seriously she is like just so damn hot can.. OMGosh.. ;)
fine no more other thoughts, and must stop thinking about her already, cus it's time for bed now.. DAMN 5.59am already.. BED TIME, can't keep thinking of her, if not i will sleep and dream of her man, HMMM  that not a bad idea yeah, hahax, so shall continue thinking of her, than can dream of her already, hahax.. FINE, nights world and Christina Aguilera appear in my dream SOON yeah.. lol.. hope so than.. nights reader too.. :)

"'Cause it , Makes me that much stronger , Makes me work a little bit harder . Makes me that much wiser , So thanks for making me a fighter" - Fighter = Christina Aguilera

just about her

after blogging for that "INCEPTION" and now it's JAEL corner.. :)
hmmm actually this few days really not much thing happen na. OOOO ya, for the first time i'm legal to buy cigarettes already.. YEAH, so at first for no reason i was kinda excited to buy cigarettes na, but in the end it's like nothing na, LOL, but the person also never check my IC ne.. Awwww do i look that OLD.. DAMN.. lol.. :)  anyway than this few days i slept quite LATE like around 5 or 6am in the morning than go to bed na, than around 5pm PLUS than woke up, like ppl go to work than i sleep, when ppl are sleeping than i'm using com, OMG, that's so BACK to ME again na, LOL.. but seriously maybe next week i will seriosuly make in an effort to find a job na, not this week, maybe next tue or wed ba.. AND know what, my partner had gotten me a ticket to mediacrop to watch KATY PERRY.. OMG, so excited to meet her na, but just that i'm sitting at the audience sit and she's on stage, maybe damn far AWAY from me, i also dunno, cus seriously we also dunno where teh sitting plan and etc marh.. so that why, but hopefully nearer will be MUCH MUCH MORE BETTER and GREAT na.. :) but seriously can see her in real life is already DAMN great already na, does not matter it's far or near na, but ofCouse nearer is better too na.. hope can take photo at there, than i got to take ton of picture of her yeah.. :) HOPE, PLEASE let me take picture at there na.. i really scared can;t na.. hoep can ba.. :) PRAY hard yeah.. :)
LOVE KATY PERRY to max.. :) HEART her

ok, that's all for now, got to go bath and later on channel 5 got Christina aguliera concert, OMG right.. like ytd is Pink and the click 5, but today is my FAVORITE Christina aguliera concert ne.. OMG.. love her to max too.. :)
faster go bath than it's watching concert time, her show start at 3am na, than now 2.31am liao, DAMN, so late still haven bath, sure damn cool one, die liao, heater spoil that why so DAMN cold, HATE it.. :)

"You make me , Feel like , I'm living a Teenage Dream , The way you turn me on" - Teenage Dream = Katy Perry


BOOOOO :) back for some complaining and some interesting thing to share..
Mon 26th July = i've watched the show Inception, and know what, i LOVE it.. it's just so awesome, 4 out of 5 stars.. :) cus at the beginning it was like so confused , plus some of the part are confused to me too.. maybe i'm that stupid to really understand the show ba.. i guess so, but overall i still know what the story is telling and ETC na.. *EVERYTHING IS JUST A DREAM* how i wish this is true, if seriously everything is just a dream, than i wish i can die in that "dream" and wake up again for a fresh NEW START.. but hais, i'm just thinking too much.. back to that, INCEPTION is just so cool can..:)

Leonardo DiCaprio (Cobb) is just so cool, handsome and cute too.. hahax.. although he's old already, not that HOT as when he was younger, but still that hot and cool can.. LOL.. :) obsessed with him na..
And in that show Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Arthur) is kinda cute too yeah.. :)

Love the two of them yeah.. :)
  Leonardo DiCaprio AND Joseph Gordon-Levitt 

it's the dream inside a dream and ANOTHER..

 and need that "KICK" to wake them up

And  Ellen Page (Ariadne) is kinda pretty too can.. OMG na.. Most of the cast are like so COOL, HOT, handsome and pretty can.. :)

Anyway at first i don't know who is Ellen page and in that movie she look DAMN young na, than i thought she was like 19 or20 yrs old, but i go do some research of her and that found out that she was actually 23yrs old na, so OMG can, she really look damn young like teens like that na.. :)

And there one scene where Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Arthur) ask Ellen Page (Ariadne) to kiss him, and that's what they say..  "Arthur: Quick, give me a kiss! [She kisses him and then looks around] Ariadne: They're still looking at us. Arthur: Yeah, it's worth a shot."
  Cute na.. :) LOL..

and LOTS more interesting scene and ETC, so just catch the MOVIE soon for those who haven watch INCEPTION .. worth the money to watch it yeah.. :)

and i love their memorable quotes from inception that movie too.. ;)

Cobb: Never recreate from your memory. Always imagine new places.

Cobb: What's the most resilient parasite? An Idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules. Which is why I have to steal it.

Cobb: Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange. 

Eames: You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.

Cobb:I can access your mind through your dreams. 

Cobb: The seed that we planted in this man's mind may change everything.

Cobb:You're asking me for Inception. I hope you do understand the gravity of that request. 

Yusuf: Dreams within dreams is too unstable!

Eames: If we are gonna perform Inception then we need imagination. 

Cobb: I know how to find secrets from your Mind, I know all the tricks!

Arthur: With the slightest disturbance, the dream's going to collapse.

Cobb: You create the world of the dream. We bring the subject into that dream and fill it with their sub-conscious.
Ariadne: How could I acquire enough details to make them think that it is reality?
Cobb: See dreams, they feel real while we're in them right? Its only when we wake up then we realize that something was actually strange!

 And LOTS more, so just catch to movie "INCEPTION" soon, and you will know what i'm trying to say already.. :)

Monday, July 26, 2010

It's the LIKE

WOOO i just found out a new thing, i got the Facebook LIKE button on Every of my POSTS.. interesting yeah.. hahax.. so if you guys like the post that i posted, feel Free to LIKE it yeah.. hahax.. so cool na, LOL.. plus alos having a hard time to find that thing and put in blogger template one ne.. hahax, LOL.. anyway just now at 3.40am ++ *haven sleep yet* i was still eating potato chips na, so DAMN unhealthy can.. lol, but HUNGRY na.. no choice, although it didn't help much in making me full, but i just feel like eating something, PLUS it's just near my my area only.. so YEAH..

Anyway just on tumblr had also posted some not really that glam thing na, but it's also not really that unglam too.. LOL, just some so called "dirty" stuff or words.. but for those who are not dirty minded, it's just FINE.. but for those muwahahahx, should have some others thought yeah.. LOL..
do check it out yeah    
and here are some of those posts yeah..

do u know what fuck means? F-forever in love with u, U-unhappy when u r away, C-care 4 u, K-kiss u. That’s why i wanna fuck u

Are you a Nice girl or Good girl?: NICE girls blush when they watch porn, GOOD girls smile cause they know they can do better.

according to recent studies,blowjobs r the healthiest it cums wiv a sausage,2 nuts + a protein shot..Stay healthy girls… suck a dick!

Tell me, is it going in? yeah, is it hurting?..ooh yeah, ouch its hurtin ..ok i Will put it in slowly, still hurtin, oh ya ..тнє ℓєтѕ тяу αησтнєя ѕιzє ѕнσє

‘Cause you look so much better with ”Something In Your Mouth”

SO those are the posts in tumblr yeah.. hahax.. any different thought, for me, HMMMMmmmm.. LOL
ok, gonna watch show already, although it like 4.57am in that EARLY MORNING, but never watch show before sleeping, i just can;t sleep na, LOL.. i also dunno why.. so yeah, watching JONAS the Episode show yeah.. JOE, kelvin and Nick is so funny na, love them, especially NICK yeah, he's just so cute can.. lol..
after show than NIGHTS world.. sweet dream readers too.. LOL.. :)

"Live to party, Bust your move"  - Live To Party = Jonas Brothers 

Sunday, July 25, 2010

not sleeping but thinking of him

DAMN it's now like 6.38AM.. AM in that EARLY MORNING and i'm NOT freaking asleep yet.. OMG right.. cus i woke up at 6pm plus just now, or can say ytd.. than NOW i'm fully awake.. OMGOSH..
ok anyway just tumblr ALOT of  James Franco picture, and don't you think he is just so cute and lovely plus he's kinda HOT too.. hehehx.. Do check out my Tumblr yeah.. :) 

his wink is so CUTE, right? 

OK, now it time for bed.. hehex.. hopefully i dun wake up THAT LATE AGAIN.. LOL.. nights world.. :)

"Licky, licky, yum yum" - WooHoo =  Christina Aguilera

Thursday, July 22, 2010


OMG it's 22nd of JULY and Guess what.. it's my beloved BATMAN *em* and Selena Gomez birthday.. WOOO.. both of them are turning officially 18th years old TODAY.. WOooo CHEERS for them..
About Selena Gomez first.. 

she's same Age as us and she had everything and damn successful in everything too.. i LOVE her, she is just so CUTE can.. love the way she is and love her show Wizards of Waverly Place, i love her character "Alex Russo".. so damn funny and cute can.. and she change alot too, as in getting more and MORE mature and pretty.. and her songs getting more great too.. but just that her latest music video "round and round" the MV i dun really know what it's suppose to mean na.. LOL.. i guess there are also people like me dun get any idea of the video meaning na.. hahx.. BUT i just love her, the way she is and EVERYTHING.. and her clothing line *Dream Out Loud*.. 
*her look in Round and Round MV*

She;s gonna have a movie out SOON with this KID.. CUTE.. LOVELY.. :)

Anyway i love her in short hair na, cus i think is much more cutter and look younger too.. hahax.. :)
and wishing her a Sweet 18th BIRTHDAY.. :) HUGS


OK now, it's my BATMAN.. wishing her a VERY VERY SWEET AND CHEERFUL 18th birthday.. :)  HUGS and KISSES to her.. * BIG TIGHT HUGS*

each of us, GOT TO TAKE a picture with the birthday Girl.. LOVES.. :)

anyway just now we went to small celebrate with her and we had sakae sushi at Woodland for dinner.. it's BUFFET some More hahax, my type yeah..
and know what batman like never eat much na..

BUT i'm the ONE who eat and order alot yeah.. LOL

 and this is ALL those which really make me DAMN freaking FULL already..

* can tell that i'm freaking FULL already, and this is those few piece of sushi i got to FINISH na.. *

while i was 'happily" eating *CUS i damn freaking FULL already, but still got to finish them ALL* batman and tako was like gonna rot soon na, so SNAP SNAP for them..

mean while i can't stand it anymore, stomach gonna EXPLODE, so had dessert first.. after dessert continue Eating YEAH, HAHAX.. :)

than sx, tako, batman like waiting for me to finish the food before calling for bill na, so SNAP SNAP again.. and batan tweet this, and i freaking LOVE this PICX na, found it damn COOL can.. :)


after FINALLY i finish food, it's OFCOUSE toilet break time.. hahax.. NOT throwing up na.. LOL.. after food i KEEP complaining that i'm DAMN FUCKING FULL na.. like gonna give birth already na.. stomach seem bigger na, but they say NO DIFFERENT ne, DUNNO NA.. but just feel like tummy gonna explode and heavy.. LOL.. so batman and me leave the toilet first and we went to arcade to PLAY SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT Zombie, HEHEX.. LOVE it, than they came and we played some others game too.. and Batman wanna take neo prints but the others dun wann na.. too bad na, but seriously it;s like VERY VERY long we NEVER take neo prints tgt already na, it's like YEARS na.. hahax.. still mrb when we are secondary 1 or 2  we almost like EVERYDAY went to JE and take NEOPRINTS na.. hahax.. LOVE those days too man.. hahax..
so we board the train way back home too.. took quite a number of pic when we are in train too.. MORE in FACEBOOK or MYSPACE.. :) Do visit them yeah.. :)

no neoprints so we have single SHOOT nor.. :)

 and when she left, there a SHOOT.. hahac.. i'm the stalker YEAH.. LOL
 giving her a GOODBYE HUGS and wishing her a HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY.. :)

same goes to selena gomez..

it's GOOD to be 18th.. :)

"We're going round and round , We're never gonna stop" - Round And Round = Selena Gomez

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Click here Snap there

Just reach home around 8 to 9pm plus.. went to see doc at AMK.. that thinggy na, as usual, but now is like 3 month go see doc already, which also mean that i'm much more better and recovering too.. hehex.. but i'm still as CRAZY as YOU will NOT KNOW.. muwahahahx, so BEWARE.. so my appointment is at 3pm so we reach around 2.50pm++ than is like waited for the doc for like an hours PLUS or ever more longer na, so during the waiting time, i was DAMN boring, so i just SNAP SNAP some picture of the surrounding and cam Whore aWhile too.. hahax..

 with beloved MUMMY
i was so Bored, than ask mummy to entertain me, but she keep ignore me na, saw EVERY picture she's looking down, cus she is Playing my phone game na.. bad right, nv entertain me, keep playing game, LOL..
so i just entertain myself nor, cam whore, snap her and there, anyway MORE pic on

yeah.. lol.. AND SERIOUSLY i HATE my hair na, as messy as ALWAYS.. i want go do treatment or rebonding also not a bad idea, BUT NEED MONEY NA, ARGHHHHH.. hmmm slack for a few more days than got to go look for job already.. :)

later 22nd of JULY is my beloved Batman *Em* birthday and it's also Selena Gomez Birthday too.. and teng yin and LOTS of people birthday na.. but two LOVES birthday at the same day ne, WOOOO.. 
happy birthday in advanced to my beloved BATMAN *EM* and SELENA GOMEZ.. LOVE, HUGS AND KISSES..

"You are the thunder and I am the lightning, And I love the way you know" - Naturally = Selena Gomez