Saturday, June 12, 2010

WORK it..

YEAH, it's like finally i can enter this site.. as i've been trying to log in here na.. LOL..
anD ytd i finally found the movie link of "The Runaways" and it's awesome.. so HOT.. and i LOVE rock and roll.. :)

and one the scene is Dakota and Kristen kissing and making out, so OMG na, but it;s not really a big deal na..


 The video is BLUR na, if those who had watched the movie, should know.. for those who haven, just wait for the DVD (it's coming out in mid july) or just go search for it through net.. LOVES..

Anyway there is also one part where *joan* Kristen is teaching *sandy west* how to masturbates na.. LOL than some peep say that maybe she wanted to experience an orgasm so she masturbates but dunno how so *joan* teach her.. LOL at the part when  Joan says "you like Farrah fawcett don't you?" and Sandy's reply is " who doesn't." than she had an orgasms and falls over.LOL..

And i just love the way they are, the attitude also.. and alot of "FUCK" "fucking" words.. JUST love the way they are.. and Kristen is so hot / pretty sia,, love her nose and everything.. LOL.. stunning eye's too..
WATCH "The Runaways".. LOVES..

THUR : work till 4pm than leaving OFF already.. got something on.. going for some street shoot.. anyway but end up had not really taken alot nor.. most of them are like so weird na.. and i do feel shy and retard standing and posing na.. LOL.. ARGhh later got work.. from 12pm to 9pm na, and i scared i can't catch the soccer show.. LOL.. and i seriously really HATE that job na.. so PLEASE if any one got another better job, PLEASE intro to me ok.. xoxo..
got to sleep now.. later can;t wake up die liao, need 1 hour to reach far east na.. sianx.. NIGHT world & reader.. LOVES.. :)

"Hello world I'm your wild girl , I'm your ch ch ch ch ch CHERRY BOMB" -The Runaways - Cherry Bomb ..

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