Tuesday, June 22, 2010


later meeting my GF for shopping.. cus now is GSS, everything is ON SALE.. YEAH.. hope later i can manage to find something not that ex and some things that i LOVE.. LOVe the feeling of shopping, BUT had to control mySelf not to spent TOO MUCH, hopefully nope.. and got to SAVE up too, cus currently NOW, i'm JOBLESS again.. yeah and i did mean AGAIN.. hais, a good / fun job is DAMN freaking hard to find na.. so i think i cant be too picky already.. but for now, not in that mood of looking job na, let me slack for two more days first, than after that, seriously got to get SERIOUS and look for a stable job already.. NEED more money for everything na..       got to sleep soon, if not later can't wake up than i'll be in trouble already.. so night reader, and *RANDOM* i feel like having a TIGHT hug now, ARGHHH need HUGS..
NIGHT world..

"Fashion put it all on me , Don't you want to see these clothes on me" - FASHION = Lady GaGa

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