Friday, June 25, 2010


DAMN, just now, once i woke up (around 3pm) i started shitting until NOW, non stop, wtf is wrong with my stomach sia, ARGHHH, the more i shitted, the more hungry i get.. DAMN.. stomach damn pain na, wtf.. and luckily i never went out lanning with them, if not that will not be a lanning LFD2 trip liao, would be, me KEEP shitting and going to toilet non stop trip.. arghhhh fuck man..
anyway i just found out that i'm flooding the FB main page *new feeds* post quite a number of thing in tumblr in one shot, *first time get to know how to use that, so that why, DON'T BLAME ME..*
but flooding people page is kinda FUN and also irritating na.. hahax..
So do VISIT my Tumblr

"And when the sun rises, there's one thing on my mind , I want sex for breakfast" - Sex For Breakfast = Christina Aguilera 

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