Friday, June 04, 2010

LOVES for Lucas till

JUST bath finish, not sleeping so soon yet, due to wet hair.. and meeting my girls for lunch later at Seoul garden.. YEAH, can have a FULL lunch meal.. it's like FINALLY.. as i usually woke up quite late, than didn't have lunch, just ate dinner only.. so YEAH for lunch..
anyway just now, i finally got the time to watch a movie (watched at home) and watched "Hannah Montana the movie" and after watching, i'm in love with Travis From The Hannah Montana movie. which is also Lucas Till who played the role "Travis".. Lucas Till is SO DAMN adorable , handSome, HOT and everything which make me go OMG.. and i guess now my love list had added one more person already, which is Lucas Till.. (damn i feel firlt, LOL) American celebrity are so DAMN freaking HOT and awesome na..
Lucas Till  played the role "travis" in hannah montana movie, he is like so OMG cute na, and i love the part when he is riding the horse and his cowboy outfit with his cowBoy hat on him too.. LOVES..

Just love when he appear in the show..

btw miley is also awesome in her movie too, love that part when miley and tyra are fighting over for a heels.. DAMN LOL one na.. "Do you know who I'M"    LOL..

And one part where miley sang the hoedown songs, and everyone dance along together na, so NICE na..

ending Lucas Till "Travis" also dance to that song too.. LOVES (cute)
 Anyway i know i was like kinda slow na, the movie was out last year april, but now than i got to watched it na, BUT at least i watched and found it was amzing.. with Lucas Till in it. LOL.. nice movie though, miley = hannah..
Love Taylor too, she awesome when she sang "crazier" love that song too..

In the movie, there's also alot of nice songs na.. (anyway i just download all the songs from that movie na) :)
miley had a nice voice too.. taylor nicer.. LOL BUT stil love them lots na.. (especially Lucas Till)

I LOVE Lucas Till smile and his dimple.. so damn nice na.. LOVES

isn't him so CUTE, handsome, HOT.. 
his smile will make my day man.. :)

 OK, seriously can tell that i'm all over him already na.. LOL.. i just love his sweet smile na..
Gonna stop my craziness now..

got to sleep already, it's like kinda too LATE na.. 5.01am.. got to wake up at around 10am na.. NOT gonna be late, if not seriously i will die if i late again na.. :) nitex

"You lift my feet off the ground, You spin me around, You make me crazier crazier" -Crazier (Taylor Swift)

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