Friday, June 18, 2010


don't feel like blogging nowDays.. and got alot of thing to STRESS on and ETC.. hais.. currently MOOD is freaking bad.. seriously i really need a job which can make me happy and NOT so stress and etc one na.. hais.. feel like ending my life SOON na.. hais..

Anyway later meeting PF for buying food for picnic later, celebration of my bear bear birthday na.. hope that later my camera flash is in a good mood, than can take alot of pic in the night time na.. :) dun forgot, i'm a CAMWHORE alien wor.. LOL..
And one more thing, my chalet is already settle just need to know how many person going nia, than can order those food already, but MOST of THEM never reply to the invert of the Fb event one na.. my chalet will be held only 17 and 18 july na, two day one night, hope they reply me SOON, latest notice will be on the first week of july na.. YEAH one more month, i'm turning 18 liao, can anyhow already.. LOL, kidding..

"Can't read my, Can't read my, No he can't read my poker face (she’s got to love nobody) " -Poker Face = Lady GaGa..

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