Wednesday, May 05, 2010

?? SLEEP ??

it's WED morning, WOooo and know what i'm freaking awake NOW plus i haven slept yet, and plan that NOT to have any sleep today.. because later meeting my bear bear and tako, for some SHOPPING (actually they shop, i watched them SHOP na, cus i had NOT that much of money to shop already na, SAD case) so today NOT sleeping, if not later, once i sleep, i cant wake up, than later DEAD already.. not like that time, when i'm suppose to meet tako at 12pm, and than end up i woke up at 12++ than let tako waited for like 2 HOUR.. FREAKING LONG i know.. LOL xD so not sleeping today, to avoid the case to HAPPEN again.. =)      so hmmmm now still early 7.52am, meeting them at 1.30pm, so NOW planning what to do next after blogging, Hmmm, had some milo, than watch GLEE, than take a bath, USE com again, than lastly PREPARE and WENT off.... OOook, set, later my timetable will be like tat, lOL.. SO BORED now, ARGHHh..
and one more thing,  YTD (TUE) i slept on 7am++ so again woke up at 6pm++ too (same day TUE) and before i went to bed, is like didi is about time to wake up for sch marh, than so i keep FAN him and took some REAL NEAR photo of him too xD

he notice that i'm taking PIC liao..

SO once i woke up (at 6pm++) ON com for aWhile than mak called ut for dinner than went MAC near my hse there for DINNER with mak, and know what i had tried the Quarter Pounder With Cheese, woooo, SO BEEF..
than the fires is LIKE alot na, plus their fries is like FREAKING not nice de na, like kinda cold cold PLUS kinda hard too,, BIG NO NO..

So after dinner, went to KBOX and SING OUT LOUD, WOOOo..and SANG ALOT of jay chou songs xD

AND drinks for today was mojito (ribena) SWEET to max and taste like gum gum as usual and order another drink too, and it FUCKING awesome, LOVE the drink SHANDY, nice nice xD


 after LALALA, we walked back home and he told me quite alot of thing than, than went to have SUPPER too xD, LOVE food, and again drank alcohol TOO.. LOVES
LoVE Heineken ALOT
 and i know i'm like kinda stupid na,take out the heineken "sticker" and stick it on my hand, LOL
after that WENT back home NOR, and fucking thing is, the FUCKING stupid lift SPOIL, so i climb UP all the way to 5th floor and phew, luckily 5th floor lift is working, so took the lift and luckily don;t need to climb ALL the way UP to 9th floor na.. xD HAPPY..

AND YA, at Kbox , i sang quite a number of english SONG too, but they FUCKING dont have Christina Aguilera SONGS, a single song from her also dun have, her list is EMPTY na, ARGHh WTF, fuck KBOX na, i want Christina Aguilera SONGS, especially the latest one, " NOT MYSELF TONIGHT" from her new ablum "BIONIC".. OMG i just freaking in LOVE with that VIDEO na.. OMG, (LOTS of hearts/LOVES) she is fucking HOT in that video na.. OMG faint..LOL ( sound LESBO) LOL, but she is HOT na, although now she is 29yrs old na,  turning 30 this December 18, born in 1980 de na.. xD, (OMG now i'm like checking her everything out na, downloading all her nice song and ETC na, LOL.. LOVE her new album BIONIC... HOT stuff..

AWAKE.... and HUNGRY..

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