Sunday, May 02, 2010

The alien paparazzi

Hmmm, this is the first time in this new blog that i had not posted new entry in like about 5 freaking days.. LOL, reason = LAZY na.. ARGHhhh is like freaking 5.34am in the MORNING now.. and that freaking alien is still fucking awake.. and currently now, listening to 987FM, song played now = "push push" by kat deluna.. NICE song ;)    singing along with the MUSIC now..
Kat Deluna : Push Push -
"Sweet boy, I just wanna be your fantasy boy
If you want it boy you gotta
Push, push, push baby
Don't stop for a minute
Oh-oh, oh-oh, ooh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh!
I said push, push baby
Take it to the limit
Oh-oh, oh-oh, ooh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh!"

And just viewed tako TWEET to bear (@KanekoYuki Heh. Push to ahtan! ;D (I bet she'll probably strangle me if she sees this.)    bear replied ( @Adriennecat i bet she will kill both of us if she see this=.=!!!)       Tako replied   ( @KanekoYuki Haha! Yeahh! Totally agrees! I think we better list down a list of activities before she comes to us and put both of us in a pot) that all, the other is like their LOL story na hor, what clean orchard and ETC na.. 
OOOO ya, as what i mention just now about the song (btw NICE song 'LOL') and i notice that lyrics had quite a number of  "Oh-oh, oh-oh, ooh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh" and linked to this is, TAKO tweeted that she hear a song titled as "Orgasm" by Ashanti's  and only heard "Ooo~ Uhhh~" repeatedly in the song na. than she said "I think it's not a song at all! It more like sex audio! Sicko" Tako sounded MAD in that tweet na.. LOL.. than she also tweeted   ["Now i know people don't sing in songs, they just have to "Ooo~ Uhhh~" and they gets money and fame. What a brilliant idea. -.-"] totally agree with her na.. LOL, and i think when time passes, you will not heard song full of word, and will only heard song full of Oooooo, UGhhhhh, YEAaaa" and ETC.. thing that sound sexual will slowly appear in MORE and MORE music and video.. 
OOOo ya, now 987FM playing "Not Myself Tonight" by Christina Aguilera.. YEA, that song ROX too, LOL, and i JUST view that video one minute ago, and know what the music video is like WTF, two word to describle that Video " SMOKING HOT"..  Christina Aguilera is like OMG na.. i was so shocked to see her in that WAY.. saw it on youtube and people had comment that it look more like a porn na.. LMAO.. a person comment that =  Wooo... Its like a porn clip...0:10 Rihanna face paint in Rated R, 0:18 and 0:25 lady gaga sunglasses in bad romance, 0:23 Britney signature move, 0:51 is so so Madonna , 1:15 lady gaga high heels type , 1:25 and 1:56 costume designs for Britney in her circus tour." And there is also much more people comment that what lady GAGA de na, what similar and ETC na.. HERE's the Video -  

Christina Aguilera Not Myself Tonight 

Ok, saying about GAGA, recently i just heard a news about her, said that she amputated one of her legs below the knee purely for fashion purposes.This news is like WTF, fucking crazy and insane alright.. OMG na, hope that this is NOT true nor.. if not she wont not be able to wear those crazy HIGH HEELS again.. 
Link's about GAGA amputated LEGS
 BTW same INFO..
OK, this post is full of celebrity news and ETC na, no personal update. as my life is NOT that happening too, just SLEEP, wake up, internet, facebook, video, than SLEEP again.. bored la RIGHT.. OOo btw actually on sat labor 1/5 , i was actually planning to go out with our beloved may and Tako one, and know what MAMA, DUN let me OUT, ARGHhh, so MAD, after quarreling with her, and keep asking y i can;t freaking go OUT and everything na. than can't do anything liao,so msg Tako and told her that i can't tag along with them, ARGhhh i wan to join along to see our beloved may, as it like been years that i didn't saw her already.. and many fucking thing had happened to her too, so i just want to give her a BIG tight hug na, ( if i had the chance to meet her again, as they are schooling and dun have that much time like us) and know what, NOW i MISS my freaking beloved friendS VERY MUCH.. and now i just feel like hugging someONE now.. LOL.. AFTER texting Tako, i went back to sleep again, and woke up at around 5++PM, and once i woke up, heard that we are going to IMM to meet sis, as she is getting her new phone, and she got her BLACKBERRY CURVE.. (jealous), "i want a new phone again (although NOT that recently i just got W995) , but NOW i want a touch screen phone na, an Iphone will be NOT that BAD too.. or maybe some others touch screen phone and i also dun mind getting an blackberry too" LOL.. so went out the hse at around 7+ and quarrel with mummy again, as my freaking EZ-link had NO money already, and i asked her to top-up only, than she began to shout at me liao, WTF na, AGAIN say no money and ETC na, ARGHhhhh so PISSED.. "i NEED MONEY NOW too" so she just gave me ONE buck for the BUS to IMM, and daddy gave me his card to USE first, as now that card had only left 6++ nia na, WTF nor, ARGHhhh " i miss the STUDENTS fair i use to had last time" and NOW schooless, so NO MORE student fair for me liao, till NEXT YEAR.. =( SAD NA, adult fair is like fucking EX na, ARGhhhh.. 
SO tired liao, and NOW time check, it;s freaking 6.28am NOW, it seriously TIME for BED liao.. if not the alien would die na RIGHT.. SO night WORLD and PS : I'm SO HUNGRY NOW..

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