Saturday, April 24, 2010

happening JOB hunting

First of all, i freaking forgotten all those happening thing happen during my job HUNT with Ah Kang le na..erm just that we go to coffee club and drink my beloved Tiramisu Latte, but this time round i drink it in HOT, (try different one, cus that time i drink colded, so not HOT) and know what, HOT Tiramisu Latte is like can taste more wine na.. (AS Tiramisu Latte contain wine in it).. that y i LOVED it SO freaking MUCH. =)but hot Tiramisu Latte can taste more percentage of wine than cold Tiramisu Latte na..
♥ HOT Tiramisu Latte

Than Ah Kang as usual drink her beloved ICE MOCHA VANILLA,  NO change

af coffee time, went to look around for job again, than POOOF it started raining HEAVILY.. it's like thunder storm and everything na.. make me COLD as HELL man..
so we pass through all the underground and link to different shopping mall.. ONE, to avoid rain, SECOND look for job too..
and i found out that most of the shop who need people is sale of SHOE de na, i DUN WAN TO work at shoe shop na.. (for no reason) than KEEP LOOKING around and NOTHING found, wan is FULL time one, if nto dun have liao.. before that we are considering that should we work as part time or FULL time, cus heard that ITE july has an intake, so is like we also can't work full time na.. BUT know what, just now on MSN ah kang told me that HUA hua told her that july iTE has NO INTAKE na.. i was LIKE OMFG nor.. than i say maybe different campus ba, cus we are plannin to go clementi ITE marh, cus during july they are moving to the BIGGEST ITE at CCK, (wooOOOooo) so maybe hua hua de different campus that y her sch office person tell her july no intake, but hope that clementi ite has an intake during july na.. PLS GOD.. i NEED a SCH, i dun feel like working, but at the same time i NEED MONEY.. (UGHHhhhh)
Ok back to JOB HUNT, so on that day we did not successfully find a JOB nor.. HOW SAD..
than Ah kang told me that like we are coming out for job hunt but end up we are like having fun and SHOPPING na.. for me window SHOP, freaking BROKE currently.. =(  after that we go dinner, (scope our own ice cream too xD ) and Ah kang noodle is like DAM freaking BIG na..
 Ah kang one..


than took train back, when in train, we saw a freaking OMFG guy is like FUCKING GAY na, his way of dressing, his movement and his EVERYTHING is like EQUAL = GIRL or GAY.. can't fucking describle how GAY "he" or maybe i should call him "she" ba.. is like OMFG na seriously.. jus one word for "him"/ "her" GAY.. that what i freaking called GAY na.. plus when the train is like kinda empty at marina, he and his two girls friends is taking pic na, and the pose of him is like OMG na, just freaking OH MY FUCKING GOD GAY na.. EeeeWwww..  ok, na enough saying of "HIM" / "HER", pLUS PLUS plus he also did have nail polish on his hand na, OMG right..( enough of his gossip, later keep saying abt him, i'll vomit) SO, we took to JE and took bus tgt, took 98 and taken some pic too xD

OK, more PIC in my FACEBOOK ok.. xD

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