Friday, June 28, 2013

Things changes

Well it's been long, i guess everytime when i feel like blogging will be like months after or etc ba, Hmmmm.. oh well, alot of things happen recently, and hmmm my rs going awesome and awesome, hehehehs, love my fiance :) oh hmmm hubby, ehhh well..
For work, well now is NUS having their school holiday till august, so yep, from now on till august i'll be rotting at shop, daydreaming, finding things to clean at work and etc, cus know what, during NUS school holiday here only got those office people so yep, they also will eat out lunch till sian one marh, and ofcourse who the hell will drink bubble tea all the single day, no right ? yep, sales dropping each day, oh well it depends also, up and down anyway.. same goes to my mood recently, UP and DOWN ~~~~
Yeahbuddy, let's talk about me, hmmm , let me click back to my facebook to see those photo update, well those who know me, know that i'm a spammer for fb and ofcourse TWITTER ~~~ instagram sometime, so yep every single update will be in twitter, fb, instagram.. so yep.. Photo spam yeah here we come, slowly one by one let me tell u what had happen throughout those months with words and picture then PS: Picture mostly, Teeeehee :)

First of all i know CNY had pass way much long ago already, but finally i manage to get those picture already so yep, sorry for the delay in everything, lol..
the ladies

During march, went to USS with hubby and his work mate, awesome fun trip and well went to the place which mean alot for me, don't know for him too know
Proposal location, teeehee..

The make me LOL for days, look, we're just about to talk US with the castle as background but POOOOF we didnt even see the fairy god mother,and tada she just make me XIA YI TIAO you know.. heees

And this is hubby first neoprints, i mean like i was SHOCK when he told me he did't take any neoprint with his exes before, yeahhhh so happy to be the first and last, (well hopefully) FUN FUN FUN

As u can see, don't need me to say anything ba, HEEEES.. 

Celebrating nic 21st birthday Weee love them all.. (ok sound like pokemon *gonna catch them all*) lol

it;s like weird to type LOL here ne, well it's my blog so whatever :)

OH and this this this, Damnnn i love my hubby :) heees

Me and brother *act yi ge cool ah* and yep i got my *red* hair back, just love being a *fake* redhead
i feel weird having *gold/brown*hair sia, (yep i bleach my hair so when the red fade away my hair would turn to gold/brown hair, ok sample below) 
and yep this gold bu gold brown bu brown de hair, so yep keep dye-ing red* then :) 

Weeeee i finally got my gutair :) hehehe still learning in progress so yep, stay TUNE for music up next time *which i dunno when* heees.. but well good things come to those who wait and go earn for it isn't it, hhehehehe*Stay tune, coming to you real SOON ~~~

New baby, mine and hubby.. hehehhe snap snap snap..
CUTE right, hubby neighbor cat, named "tiger" seriously HOR, like a boss one can, bo chap people one, then sit lift like wah nth one, cus usually normally cat sit lift will be like giving that *O.O WHAT HAPPENING LOOK right* (normally la) but tiger just like *oh oh lift ok, i'm going back home*
ME GUSTA this cat alot, LIKE A BOSS..

Whenever hubby go fishing, he "love" to camouflage, hehehehes , 被我拍到喔 :) heees

Oh speaking of fishing, well heees, i'm learning it too le, my new hobby :)
tada here's my set up, reel and rod a gift from hubby
and got my first lure and lure box, another lure gift from hubby too, heees.. soon  soon soon, i'll really know how to fish already, already know those basic but well haven got fish yet, but wait wait SOON, just wait and read next time, hehehehe, got confident, POSITIVE POSITIVE :):)

OK, just a random pic , HEEEs

And weee FINALLY went to S.E.A Aquarium with hubby, and weeee all i can say is just WOW, damn WOW fishes damn BEAUTIFUL neh ~~~~ Saw alot alot alot of weird looking fish too, that i've never seen before in my life and tada now i've..
YEAHBUDDY, hubby got in PS3 INJUSTICE GAME and tada brought it a set with this figuring too, NICE RIGHT ~~~ Damn I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Figuring you know ~~ well now you know..

Went USS with jiong-er and hubby *da photographer for this*
AND yep, i've the WORSE hair ever, know why see the picture u already know
SEE SEE SEE , just look at the hair i've, the back seriously CANNOT MAKE IT right ~~~ Sad..

after USS, dinner time, this is the TWO BEST i've that day..figure it out yourself then :) 

It might look the same, BUT look CAREFULLY, it;s not.. :)

Randomness kick in again, well, I love my jawline :)

Say hi to my sexy man ;) heees, kk I love you hubby :)

Alright i forgotten what farm we went to already, but and yep it's my first time feeding a goat *from what i can remember* oh well, OLD already, STM getting more and more serious -_-
(STM = Short term memory)

Went to army museum :) i JUST WOW all the way and keep asking hubby everythinngy about army , like a curious newborn who don't know anything, just keep asking only, OH WELL seriously marh, i really know nothing much about army, all i know is VERY xin ku, but it seem like now de ah bing ge like a lepak lor, well i don't know anyway, and ya one more thing about army i know, STRESS..

my tour guide as always..

Dinner with my family :) LOL = LOTS OF LOVE :) Heees

Le sister Ziwei* <3 p="">


Still learning VERY VERY hard, i;m slow learner -_-

Went to audition for 囧4, well result not out yet, so ya lor..

After audition went to mediacorp to support of fellow jiong-er hanrey 

while waiting for the da ming xin to come out..

da ming xin, .. lol, heees

Been training up, don't 看我, skinny skinny ok, I GOT TRAIN ONE, dun mess with the wrong girl, lol
and well that's the tummy before my navel pierce and 
Got my navel pierce :) :) well not that pain as i expected, but still PAIN..

Well , here the most recent pic with hubby..

And yeahbuddy got this new shade :)
Alright that all for now, well had been scrolling and finding pic from noon at work till now , yep i bring my lappy to work for now, well boss doesn't allow, but well SHHHHH, hehehe, getting a ipad mini soon ba, ya SOON.... and yep i know this post if filled with PHOTO and ok that's all, well i really hope i wont be that lazy to blog and etc, will try to post frequently ba, heees.

ALRIGHT, last one kk.. heees
Well over this 21 years, i've change hmmm..
TIME really do FLy, So cherish those people around you when u have them, not when they are gone from you then regret, than everything will be too late already..
(ok i dunno what's with that and why i suddenly say that, but well it's true right)
anyway yep that's all for now, hmmmm and ya i know it flooded with more me and hubby pic, lol, i love you hubby :)
PEOPLE do CHANGE and well i have we CHANGE for the GOOD, not for the BAD

Just be true to who you are