Monday, July 30, 2012

Uss belated anniversary celebration with love

Thursday, July 26, 2012

BELIEVE our love is STRONG

BELIEVE our love is STRONG, Happy monthniversay... i love you.. 

If a guy tells you he is different, he is just like all the others. If he really is different, he'll show you, not tell you. 

Trust gets you killed, love gets you hurt and being real gets you hated


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Funny how sometimes you’re missing somebody, but when that somebody shows up.. You do nothing.

Monday, July 23, 2012

A date just for you..

12th August 7.30 pm channel U, i got date just for you, catch it every sunday 7.30pm.. XOXO

你在囧什么3 和你有约

Ryan lost

Ryan lost two talented people... two smoking sexy hot people .... Nellie Veitenheimer and Cameron Mitchell


Forever and always team Nellie !!! ♥ i literately tears out when she's not on the called back list :( 
she's smoking hot can, my type, ME GUSTA !!!!

Just look at the way she smile and laugh, awwwww


My reaction when Nellie got eliminated

When she
i was like
and lots of emotional....

WHY WHY WHY Season one and season two glee project always does this  !!!!... RYAN LOST !!!!!

Keep holding on, cause you know you make it through .... <3 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

My journey of my 2 started :)

Oh well, it's been such long time since i was last here, how's everyone doing ? Well me still the same old emotional me, and two days ago i celebrated my 20th birthday, with beloved friends and my perhaps future husband, somehow propose to me on 15th july :) hehehehhhe, well shall keep that a small secret for now.. well, really enjoy my night, celebrate my 20 having dinner with *hubby*, Kang, YT, SX, EM, Nic, ZC, JH and one of his girl-friend. after dinner Sx and Em went back home and as usual that ASSS Nic and zc went back home too, so only left my lovely girls which is kang and yt, jh for the next event ahead , drinking :) (Ohh and well this will be the last year of madness drinking already) with them and meeting kar and kai at the venue too, 4 lovely girls and jh and my AIAI and all the others friends,hao, yang, karen, kenny and others.. :)    blast that night, well actually after TWO of this flaming lambo and lots of other mixer, i was dead, K.O, not really actually those flat dead on floor, my dead as usual keep pouring drinks and etc and as uusal i did cried on my 20th..

talk about before drinking first, thank for my lovely friends for the awesome dark chocolate cake.. ME GUSTA DARK CHOCOLATE :)

AND Ohhhhhhh thanks baby for this flower too.. So damn sweet

Well back to drinking, after that two flaming, then i continue drinking then that;s the end of my memory of the night , and i felt really really bad for neglected my girls, YT, KANG, KAR, KAI, i'm so damn sorry, hais :( so i made a promise next time celebration no more drinking that's it, this year LAST YEAR, THE END, NO MORE .. 

SO Thanks girls for really coming to the drinking session which i really neglect you girls, feel damn bad, fucked up to get drunk and never pei my girls, hais, FUCKED UP, thanks girls..

well i'll be back for more, 4.58am already, ME TIRED, shall just some photo will do..:) LOVES