Tuesday, October 26, 2010


25th October is a very SPECIAL day for someOne which is our beloved kitty Queen KATY PERRY aka Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson.. * her birth name (REAL) *..  And Ciara..

Talk about our kitty queen : Katy Perry first.. JUST love her to max.. since that day after we meet her in REAL LIFE.. i'm SO SO SO in love and all over for her already.. just love her EVERYTHING, love her funny and cute and lovely and ALMOST EVERYTHING fun personality.. she's just so SEXY, HOT, GORGEOUS, FRIENDLY, FUN, LOVABLE and LOTS OF PERFECT THINGS to describe her can.. just XOXO to the birthday girl KATY PERRY.. XOXO.. she's turning 26 this year, but still look so freaking young can, like 20 only na.. but also more and more SEXY yeah.. hahax.. In twitter, i had RETWEET lots of tweet all and just for her. to make into the Trending topic.. but seem that until now, it's still not in the TT.. DAMN the twitter, come on make it onto the TT can.. *Just retweeted this "Beautiful ☑ Funny ☑ Adorable ☑ Cute ☑ Amazing Giggle ☑ Real ☑ Down-To-Earth ☑ Idol ☑ Fashion Icon ☑ @" YEAH.. XOXO to our kitty queen, kitty purry, MEOW.. LOVE you KATY PERRY.. WOOOO KATY KATY KATY KATY KATY HAPPY 26th BIRTHDAY..
And btw, previously heard that Rihanna is gonna plan a birthday party for katy perry.. So i'm hoping that they will take TON and TON of picture and upload it ASAP and we those katy cats can post it in FB, Twitter and for me i'll search for those pic in FB and IMMEDIATELY post it in TUMBLR.. WOOoo.. guess they are partying till damn high now, i guess.. hahax.. XOXO.. All of us, those katy Cats wish our Kitty Queen *Katy Perry* a VERY lovely and SWEET HAPPY BIRTHDAY..

HERE'S Some picture of wishing katy perry a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY

super sweet to super SEXY
honestly, she did changed alot in da looks, but STILL love both of it ALOT..

PARTY and PLAY till, there's no tml..
 Baby you're my firework, and you're my teenage dream too.. XOXO

Next it's Ciara, sorry to say that i don't really stalk her like i stalk katy perry.. but here still wishing her a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY..
So YEAH.. HAPPY 25th BIRTHDAY Ciara.. xoxo


And Btw 25th October is also the date when Taylor Swift release her new Album *SPEAK NOW*..
Had RETWEET ALOT twitter and have made #speaknow into the TT, than had also reblog alot in tumblr too.. WOOO..

SO HAPPY her new album is release.. LOVE ALL HER SONGS.. 

It's been like 2yrs and now FINALLY *Speak Now*


Anyway i just LOVE this picture of her.. SUPER DUPER IN LOVE WITH THIS PICTURE
The first time i saw it.. i immediately blog it on tumblr and said *She look SUPER HOT in this Picture.. OMG
like one of the ANTM cycle 9 model name CHANTEL JONES*
Seriously the first time i saw this picture, i was like staring at it for like dunno how long na.. she really look super alike to chantel jones, a model in antm cycle 9..

I dunno why can.. i just found that when taylor swift had that straight hair picture, she just look alike like chantel jones nor.. * Anyway Chantel Jones is one of my FAVOURITE ANTM too.. *

And i just found that, taylor swift look super seductive and sexy in Straight hair.. hahax..
She just look super lovely in EVERY of the hairSyle na..
but personally for me, i just love her in straight hair,
personally i think her straight her looks, look super sexy for me. *that just my thought yeah* HAHAX..
LOVE her in every looks too.. XOXO T-Swifty.. :)
OK shall end here.. Will update soon.. and YEAH Halloween is coming, duno what i shall dress up as and dunno my party CONFRIM not nor.. ARGHHHH..
anyway saw a post on tumblr saying * Halloween is the day every girls who will dress up till damn bitchy or slutty one* erm forgotten about the post already, but just something like that na.. Can't deny right, like in Halloween, most of those girls will dress up like super sexy nurse or bunny girl and much much more sexy or slutty costume right.. hahax.. Maybe i will too, or maybe not, cus i'm already very slutty or bitchy already, so dun need dress up to look and be one.. LMAO.. hahax, ok, if my party is confrim, but now i still haven think of what to dress as na.. Will keep you guys update soon.. i guess.. hahax.. WILL BE back soon.. :) Be patience and wait yeah.. :) XOXO, 
bye human, alien logging off and head to bed already.. nights readers..

"Don’t wait or say a single vow, You need to hear me out and they said speak now" - Speak Now = Taylor Swift

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Wooo this week from 17th to 21st October, it's CELEBRITY birthday week..
17th October HAPPY BIRTHDAY Eminem
* sorry to say that, i'm not a really big fan of him, but his RAP totally ROX*.. :)

Than on 18th October, it Zac Efron Birthday.. Woooooo
last time i'm not really a big fan of him, but now I Heart Him.. his just SUPER HOT, SUPER SEXY and Super OMG handsome can, and his acting skill is also DAMN OMG can.. Although i'm still not a CRAZY fans for him, but still LOVE him lots.. watched his latest movie Charlie St. Cloud, and it was just AMAZING can.. it's touching too, cried a little.. but still LOVE it alot.. So do take some time and watch Charlie St. Cloud yeah.. worth it..
*AnyWay that lady Amanda Crew is also hot yeah.. hahahx.. :)
shall not say more about her, this about our ZAC..

18th October HAPPY BIRTHDAY Zac Efron
His Eyes totally melt my heart or in shall say melt my whole body.. his eyes is just so Gorgeous can.. Love blue eyes.. XOXO
his just so amazing that all, Sing well, act well and look super sexy too.. Wooo..
*today in Singapore is 19, but in American it's 18th October, so it's the exact date of Zac Efron birthday.. So a huge shout out to Zac Efron.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Zac Efron.. Best wishes and XOXO.. :)

And 19th October it's one of the ANTM model birthday, Courtney Davies..
So Happy Birthday Courtney.. she was one of my favorite in ANTM Cycle 13..
 19th October HAPPY BIRTHDAY Courtney Davies

 GO Courtney.. EVERY MODEL ROx to MAX.. :) XOXO

On 20st October it's Snoop Dogg Birthday..* again, not really a BIG fans of him* but still HAPPY BIRTHDAY.. * Might be a little too early, i guess*.. hahax
20th October HAPPY BIRTHDAY Snoop Dogg

Lastly On 21st October it's Kim Kardashian Birthday.. Wooo the sexy diva..
hmmm, don't really know alot about her.. but still HAppy Birthday,* might to be early again*
but one thing i know that, she's just super hot and sexy too.. hahax.. :) 
21st October HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kim Kardashian

SO After 21st till 25th i have no idea still got any other celebrity birthday not, but i know on the 25th October, it's out Kitty Queen KATY PERRY Birthday.. One more week to go.. so i'll not blog about it now, next week than BLOG more about kitty queen.. :) 
Yep so HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all the Celebrity.. they should be enjoying the birthday happily i guess, that for sure.. LOL.. XOXO to all of them too.. HEHEX..

Ooo ya, 25th october is also the date when Taylor Swift release her latest album * SPEAK NOW*.. omg can't wait.. hope i wont spent all my money away  form now till 25th .. than i can have the money to purchase her album already.. if not i'll download her album than.. CAN'T WAIT to heard all her new songs, LOVE her SO SO SO MUCH, such a beautiful talented young lady.. XOXO Taylor.. and heard that she've wrote most of the song on that album, and one of the song is about her R/S.. and Lots of people say it's about her EX Taylor Lautner.. actually i've no idea of any of that, but also kinda curious to know it too.. hahax.. can't blame me also marh.. Arghhh, Over All, just can't wait till 25th October for Taylor Swift Latest Album *SPEAK NOW* and Katy Perry Birthday.. :) WOOOO..

Anyway had not blog since like WEEK already right.. too lazy to blog can.. hahax.. Anyway this week working on fri and sat na, do come and visit me at Orchard central, level 7 SARANG and Dine in yeah.. hahax.. and can't wait till 23th october too.. SECRET.. hahahx.. those STARS STARS STARS.. it's the KPOP night....... blah blah blah.. maybe after that day, i'll than blog about it.. hahax.. :) So peep, wait and see yeah.. :) i'll BE BACK, and be back for some personal blogging time too..
One more thing, my Own com had RECOVER, hahax, YEAHNESS to max.. hahax.. WOOOO, cus previously was using weirdo lappy marh, had been using like freaking long na, like maybe weeks or one month le ba, than NOW FINALLY my PC had recover, DAD just got some extra cash and bring our PC down for some repair and it only cost 30 bucks can, it's seriously like CHEAP can.. So perviously using weirdo lappy than the screen not that big marh, Lappy what.. than now my com recover and i'm looking this kinda bigger screen, is like not that use to it na.. hahahx.. Bigger screen, EVERYTHING is so much clearer too.. hahacx.. YEAH.. Shall stop here and head to bed already.. going out with weirdo later, hope i able to wake up at 10.30am.. *that's FREAKING early can, SO NOT like ME* OK, nights Human..
The alien is logging OFF soon.. hopefully will be back soon for some personal blogging time.. HOPEFULLY na.. ByEee.. STAYED Tuned.. LOL.. :)

"When I see your face, There's not a thing that I would change, Cause you're amazing, Just the way you are" - Just The Way You Are = Bruno Mars