Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The gift that we GAVE

26/04 MON
A brand new week BEGIN AGAIN, and once again, i have no sch to attend and NO job to work for too.. so AGAIN i slept till 4.50pm+... i know it sound unbelievable, but that JUST ME.. the person, or i shall say the ALIEN who can sleep for MORE than don't know how many MORE hours..That normal for me BTW.. xD
so Once after i woke up, Sis told me that we are bringing Didi to KBOX, the place where didi had nv went before.. so that the first time he went to KBOX, have fun, sing and GET crazy too ( as when ever i enter kBOX and SING, i will gone MAD and crazy) So we reach there at about 7.09pm++ than when ordering drinks that part, actually Didi wanted to order ICE LEMON TEA (as usual, his FAVORITE) , but i order something else for me, as i told him to try something else and something different that he had nv tried before na, so i help him order, YELLOW MANGO (rainbow series), than once the drink came, he tried than OUT of the blue, he did not touch the drink AGAIN anymore and know what he just sat down and Stared CRYING, than i was like WTH did he cry, when sis ask him, at first he didn't want to say, than we asked is it too boring for you or what, than he FINALLY speak up and say i DUN LIKE THE DRINK.. than is like my fault AGAIN na.. UGhhhh.. but after awhile, like after he sang some songs, than he say the drinks (yellow mango, rainbow series) is nice.. than end up he finish the drinks, SO -_-''' nor.. KIDS are always like tat.. LOL..
AND know what, once we reach the room, Didi immediately say " is there any JUSTIN BIEBER songs" (with a excited and happy look on his face) than i click on the J-BIEBER page for him to see, than sadly don't have the song he want, as there only have "ONE TIME" and "ONE LESS LONELY GIRL" the songs he wanted was "BABY", but sadly kbox is like KINDA SLOW huh..
so we sang a few songs, and i also did sang my FAVORITE artist SELENA GOMEZ, and DEMI LOVATO songs, "NATURALLY" and "REMEMBER DECEMBER" .. LOVE both of them, they are BFF too xD, MORE LOVES..
some pic uploaded too, but for me, it all in my FB, album name, <3 LOVE family.. xD

Than after LAla-ing, went to JP to take bus home, but before that i wanted to buy Durain pancake, but sadly it CLOSED, UGHhh.. so no choice we just went back to HOME sweet HOME..    when we reach our stop, we alight, and we SAW daddy and mummy, actually they was planning to come down without telling us, and have supper by themself one, but TOO BAD. * evil laughter* so we had some hor fun nor, and i wanted to buy "harm" to eat one, but daddy say no good, what germ or what na, so didn't get the chance to have the "harm" seafood nor.. =(
PLUS now, i'm freaking + SUPER hungry na... lazy to cook Maggie mee nor pancake, so didn't ate anything, but have some gummy's, but seriously once i started eating gummy's, i can't STOP, GUMMY'S do KILL..
SHOW load HAO le, yea, so NOW it;s SHOW TIME xD   *watching Wizards Of Waverly Place* LOVE Selena Gomez and David Henrie.. he's kinda CUTE and HOT + handsome too xD *wink*
Selena Gomez and David Henrie

Monday, April 26, 2010

celebrity AGAIN..

today or i shall say ytd 25/04, SUN, we celebrated DIDI birthday, as MON 26/4 ( mean today) is my brother JIAJUN birthday, WOoo clap clap for him, he is NOW officially 11 years old.. we celebrating while watching stars award, plus know what when it the part of  《红星大奖2010》 十大最受欢迎男艺人, when they announce 戴阳天 my didi was like YEAH and clapping in the middle when he is about to cut the cake na, than after that they announce the next following person marh, than just nice is 黄俊雄 ,  my didi FAVORITE again.. than sis told brother that,"you see even your two favorite stars come and celebrate your  birthday too" LOL ok, kinda lame le right..
we took some picx too xD
DIDI dam happy na, CUTE nor xD

some other pic, IN facebook ok xD.. and lastly i LOVE to EAT cake, muhahahx, and know what, i ate three slice of cake na, hehex, dun waste it what, so i FINISH all those left over de nor. hehex. UGhhh i feel like eating cake now.. my new food addiction = CAKE.. so now I'm the CAKE LOVER.. xD
and and and i forgot to post that on sat, when i reach home after nic birthday celebration, i had durain right after once i reach home, YEA.. i LOVE durian too..
the durian that i HAD.. i'm the DURIAN LOVER too xD
and on sun afternoon, i on sis lappy and let didi use marh, cus mummy using our com, than didi want to use com too, so he keep pls me to on for him na, so before he played his game, we taken some photo through webcam too.. xD
hehex, i LOVE this picx.. jus EYES.. but not smize-ing na.. LOL
i think i'm done blogging, LASTLY wishing brother DIDI HAPPY BIRTHDAY.. jie jie LOVE Uu ALWAYS.. kisses and hugged.. xD

Sunday, April 25, 2010

nic b'DAY trip at vivo

just now we went to vivo to celebrate nic birthday.. WOOoo HAPPY BIRTHDAY To nic WONG 24/04
and NOW he is 18, wooo ( jealous, UGHhh.. i want to turn 18 SOON na)
so just now, me and gf meet first and took bus tgt to vivo, and know what, we was actually meeting kenn they all at vivo like around 3+ na,  as he was actually meeting other pp at JE at 2.30 marh, same as our meeting time na.. and end up we reach vivo liao and he is fucking still at home or dunno what waiting for his fucking girl , NOT GF.. and what wait for her tuition to end and pass her present, more worse is, he even ask the birthdad boy nic to help me wrap the gift that he want to give to the girl, and kenn say that is VERY IMPORTANT..  he is always BULL SHIT nor.. ughhh, than he is like FUCKING LATE when he reach na, and NIC is like so ke lian na, kenn told him to come vivo alone first to find us, DAM kelian nor, someMore he is the birthday boy na.. WTF right.. the worst birthday na, DAM SAD de.. =( cry for him.. =(
than before kenn and nic reached we go Starbucks and have some coffee TAKE AWAY, cus there is like fucking LOTS of Ppl na, + KL told me that when i was ordering my DARK MOCHA, there is like three LITTLE girl, looking and gossip abt me na, WTF, they still young na, NV see before ANYTHING, FUCK them man.. UGhhh, what ever na.. so the KENNY reach around like 5++ or what na, so we walk around for awhile than have dinner, than is like we waited for VERY long na..  and blah blah blah na.. ah YA did not have anything, than know what amanda is like freaking LOST na, cus heard that her phone NO BATT, than actually he is coming up to find us and dinner tgt one, but end up, all or us can't contact her (her phone NO BATT) so we freaking dunno where the hell she is na, than end up she waited for us at MRT and so nic and kenn went and fetch her, while we go and look for nic cake.. so we wen to GIANT, and brought a freaking SMALL cake for nic, while choosing, suddenly a person tap me, than at first i was like WTH it is, than is like a freaking HOT and handsome american tell me that " hey, nice dress", than dunno what  lastly he said "have a great night" or "have a great day" can't RMB na, that moment when he say that i was like HUH, i was STONED na.. than like after a few SECOND,  i was like OMG, did just now that American say nice day and have a nice day to me, OMG OMG OMG na, i was like freaking OMG, super high na.. LOL, *fainting SOON* plus he is like so cute or maybe just handsome nia na.. OMG, i should react faster and ask for his number na, LOL, (OMG i'm thinking too much liao na) and tell him he is handsome and have a nice body too.. UGhhhh Y am i always SO slow.. UGhhh, i miss a great chance na, LOL,  ( dreaming again, as USUAL) UGHhhh I FREAKING LOVE American.. especially their EYE, sharp nose and some HOT body.. =) *wink* Woooo
so after we brought the cake, we went to the "roof" and look for the others, while on the way back, me and sze ya was like saying abt the OMG american na, SO HANDSOME na, than batman say she's jealous, LOL, haha.. than should i show off, OR what, LOL, KIDDING na.. thanme ans Ah ya is like keep talking abt him na, OMG, is like all so crazy over him nor.. LOl
than went er reach "Roof top" nic, kenn and "found amanda" and our poor amanda is like crying na, OMG nor, sh told us that she waited at the MRT for like freaking 1 hour and 30 min ++++ na.. OMG na.. that freaking long na, plus that time she don't even have her phone na ( NO BATT), omg na, scary nor, alone waiting and waited for so FUCKING LonG na.. so our beloved poor amanda cried.. OMG HUGGES for her..  so after everything is settle, and it CELEBRATING nic birthday, before that we are planning to throw or just push him into the water de, but i told them is like So bad na, so end up, he didn't get wet na.. xD
but her did get cream on his shirt and pants, BUT not that lot na, see WE are SO freaking KIND,, i did not do anything na, just keep taking photo nor, LOL.. xD
than know what during the celebration a person come and approach to nic and ask him to DONATE na,, is like o.O WTH.. + the person also did sing birthday song to him xD, than we had some photo taking session xD
after taking is like quite late liao, so we went down and to the way to candy empire, know what at there, YT also told me that, two american pass by me and suddenly stop and keep looking at me na, WTF na, what ever, than when i'm inside the shop, a freaking GROSS 30+ man came me to and ask ' can i make friends with you" than i was like FAKE smiling, NO NO , than wave.. than smile xD ( so kind xD ) than he asked again "than can i have your number" i was like no no keep waving, than faster walk away with kang liao.. WTF na, he is like SO WTF nia.. Ewwwww.. *vomit*
than is like 24/4 is like so HAPPENING na.. omg, first one american is like WOOOOo, *smile* *wink* second one, 30+ man is like WTF, FHL, *gross* *vomit* OMG na..
than after everything again we walk to mrt there and STOP ONCE AGAIN, ( OMG we love to stop at  place EVERYTIME de na, like so.........)than give NIC his birthday BASh, hhax, we are SUPER kind liao, each person JUST 2 hit, cus all tgt is like jus nice 18 hits for him le na, so i stared hitting him first,  than when is kang turn , OMG she freaking FREAK na, hit until OMG, the sound of her HIT is like OMG dam LOUD, i bet that nic is freaking PAINful nor, as what i can tell from his face too.. LOL, OMG that the kang i know, she will nv change, that y we LOVE her,, Awwww Past doc kang ILY xD
so "bashing" we was planning to watch movie or play lan one, but end up everyone say is too late liao, so ALL of us went home nor , ( UGHHh, sianx) than kang also told me to faster go home, if not later alot of PEOPLE want to be friend with me na, LOL, if American i DON'T freaking MIND, but asian, is a BIG NO to me, i HATE asian, but if the asian is like handsome or what aldo dun mind na, LOL, (seriously i think i'm like insane na, LOL)
but went home early also not that bad na, cus my freaking leg HURTS too.. lol, plus i also able to catch my FAVORITE ghost whisper, omg i freaking love the show na..  xD
(OMG, seriously i dunno what i'm blogging btw, cus now is like SO freaking tired liao, got to sleep liao, OMG, dark circle coming out liao.. GOT TO go into my alien world ( as what yenn call me = alien) and have some sleep liao.. nitex blog..  LOVES AMERICAN xD..madly in love with them.. night american too, or maybe i should say it like 7pm+  for them now.. AWW i just love them..

signing OFF.. sleeping in 5 mins xD..

Saturday, April 24, 2010

MOVIE that make me confused

So today or i should say on 23/4 FRI, had a simple dinner and MOVIE with GF's =) watched SHUTTER ISLAND.. 
 and know what, i dun even quite understand that movie na , i just know that Marshal Edward "Teddy" Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) is like insane or what ever na.. the story is like twist or what nor.. but Leonardo DiCaprio is like so cute na, although he is old NOW, not like he is young when he acted titanic.. OMG that time is like SO OMG handsome na. i LOVE his EYES xD, but now old liao, but still look CUTE and handsome na, still got that SMOKING HOT lovely eyes xD  
 his LOOKS now xD

DUN Uu think he has a lovely EYE.. so freaking cute.. and i notice that he turn ROUND.. but still LOVES
the time when is he younger and MORE HOT
 and this can show he's GROWN.. sharp to round.. LOL
still HOT, handsome, cute, and LOVELY..

ERM, i was suppose to blog about the trip one, NOT HIM, OMG, i think my target change, (Leonardo DiCaprio) my NEXT target.. LOL, maybe not.. LOL..
OK back to the mAIn purpose of blogging this, yep the movie shutter island, erm i'll post half of the story of shutter island at nearly the end of the post..
so after movie, went to th PLACE i hate the most previous time THAI express (but now not really that hate le na, cus before that i dun like to go there, cus MOSTLY all their food is like SPICY one, so it a BIG no no to ME, but now not that bad le na, and the tom yam is like so WOoo GOOD, but at the same time DAM SPICY too)  [UGHhh forgotten to take pic, NVM]
than after dinner, we walked around at JP, (+ JP like change alot na, more new shop, maybe we did not go there FOR quite SOME time le ba) so went popular, and SAW wei jing and friends, than saw Adrian DIDI too =) than after that we WENT To play lan, only me, ah kang, yenn go play lan only, my batman cant reach home too late, her parents..=( "HELLO WE ARE 18, STOP TREATING US LIKE A CHILD.."
than went boon lay and LANNING, LFD2, muwahhahax, ZOMBIEs = LOVE killing them ALL.. *evil laughter* than kenn suddenly pop out at lan there, so we played tgt.. and know what we completed the whole thing by JUST freaking ONE hour, FAST RIGHT.. LOL, AWWWW i LOVE LFD2 and i freaking LOVE Ellis in L4D2 na, so HOT..
 LOL, i think i'm going to crazy and insane SOON..

AND her LFD2 de people in REAL LIFE..

Meet Nick, or Taymour Ghazi:

It was hard to find a decent sized picture of him, and if you do decide to look him up on that source site from that picture, I must warn you that clicking the wrong link can lead you to some man-flesh. If you want a safer site, check out his IMDb page here.

Here's Ellis, or Jesy McKinney:

Aspiring model from what I could gather (and so far quite successful), and you can view more pictures of him here.

Rochelle, or Shanola Hampton:

She's been in a few movies herself, and you can look up her filmography here, or visit her site for more pictures/information.

And finally, Coach, or Darnell Rice.

He was much harder to find a picture of, and the only one I did find (as you can see) is kind of crappy. I think you can pretty much see the resemblance though. 
 And here is LFD and LFD2 de REAL life people..

 INTERESTING huh.. xD muwahahhax, ZOMBIE, tank, smoker, hunter, charger, jockey COMING, INCOMING ATTACK.. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH.... KILLllllllll
OMG i INSANE not for too LONG
UGHhh i GOT To stop rubbish le na, LOL..
OK after LFD lanning, went home, LOL, lame.. OFCOUSE na, (never go home than go WHERE)
and today 24/4 is AH NICK WONG birthday, so today, going to celebrate with him TGT xD
plus is like the outing got alot of ppl going too, GOT to take ton of pic later, MUWAHAHHA, *evil smile*, BEWARE guys xD anywhere Uu go, i'll be shooting.. who know what kind of pic will be OUT and capture by ME xD
Ok gtg liao, it like 4.40am NOW, OMG, i need to sleep liao.. nitex blogger xD
some PIC of just NOW
Half of the story of SHUTTER island..
In 1954, U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) and his partner, Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo), go to the Ashecliff Hospital for the criminally insane on Shutter Island. They are investigating the disappearance of Rachel Solando (Emily Mortimer), a patient who vanished from a locked room. Dr. John Cawley (Ben Kingsley), the head psychiatrist, explains that Rachel was institutionalized after drowning her three children. She believes, however, that she is still home and that her children are still alive.
The cliffs surrounding the perimeter make it impossible for Rachel to have reached the nearby caves. Teddy sees a lighthouse but is told it has already been searched. The Marshals question the staff and learn that Rachel’s psychiatrist, Dr. Sheehan, left for vacation that morning. Teddy asks to see the hospital’s personnel files but Cawley refuses. That night, Teddy has strange dreams about his wife, Dolores (Michelle Williams), who died in a fire two years before. She tells him Rachel is still on the island, as is Andrew Laeddis, the man who started the fire.
In the morning, they interview patients from Rachel’s group therapy sessions, one of whom passes Teddy a warning to run. Teddy explains to Chuck the real reason he took the case: after being transferred to Ashecliff, Andrew Laeddis disappeared. When Teddy investigated, he met a former patient who claimed that the facility was performing human experiments. Rachel is finally found near the lighthouse but when returned to her cell she is unresponsive to Teddy’s questioning. He eventually finds George Noyce (Jackie Earle Haley), the man who told him about the experiments. George says that the whole situation is a game for Teddy’s benefit and that he is afraid of being taken to the lighthouse.
Teddy tries to reach the lighthouse and discovers a cave where the real Rachel Solando (Patricia Clarkson) is hiding. She was a doctor at Ashecliff until she found out about the experiments and was committed as a patient. She explains that the hospital is using psychotropic medication in an attempt to master mind control, with the goal of creating sleeper agents for use in the Cold War. She says that Teddy has been similarly drugged since he arrived on the island.
Teddy finally makes it to the lighthouse and finds Cawley waiting at the top. The doctor reveals that Teddy is actually Andrew Laeddis. He murdered his manic depressive wife after she drowned their three children, and then created a fantasy where he was a hero to cope with the pain. He invented Rachel Solando as part of his delusion. He has been under the care of Dr. Sheehan, the man he thought was Chuck, for two years. Sheehan and Cawley decided to try a roleplay experiment, allowing Andrew to live out his delusions in an attempt to bring him back to reality.
Andrew’s memory comes back and he makes peace with his past, but later, while talking to Dr. Sheehan, he once again refers to him as "Chuck", indicating to Dr. Sheehan that the experimental therapy was unsuccessful. Dr. Sheehan silently indicates to Dr. Cawley this failure. Andrew asks Dr. Sheehan if it is better to live as a monster or die as a good man. As Andrew calmly walks away with the orderlies to prepare for a lobotomy, Dr. Sheehan calls out to him as "Teddy", but receives no response.